Spark wrote:
V1king wrote:
Interesting topic and some fantstic replies!
I'm just waiting for a major catastrophe to take place. I hear yellowstone's super volcanoe is due for eruption anytime soon which should wipe out a 300km radius within minutes (these ones will be burnt to a crisp), the rest of the US in days and lucky last me here in Oz in about 21 days (We will suffocate from a sulpluric atmosphere and vocanic dust choking our lungs). Should be fun and I might even throw a party to celebrate the rebirth of a new species. The dinosaurs couldn't be that dumb as they lasted well over a million years to our miniscure presence. THe ice age killed them as we know.
Yes, I do care about the enviroment but 6 billion on this planet just can't be justified anymore, especially with the modern era of fossil fuels being our most sort after comodity to live the style of life we do.
Solution? Stop screwing around and having babies cos your offspring account to the ever growing over population of this planet.
And hence this causes economic collapse across the world as a stressed, shrinking working class has to take care of a huge, ever-growing aging population.
Yes it would but I'd rather have my life without economics than no decent life with it. Too much emphasis on money! Here's a scaled down version of it. Imagine being in a 4 bedroom house (say 25 squares of living area) 1 square=9 square mtr's for reference. Now populate it with 50 people and tell me now if you could live in it comfortably. If you say yes then maybe live in India or China were living standards are just that. Cramped, busy, unwelcoming living standards, etc... I've been there and seen it first hand and believe me, it ain't pretty.
More people means more resources are being used more housing, more rainforests cut down, more mining, more time at the car park looking for a parking spot and less quality of life. In the end, money won't mean jack if we can't even grow a crop due to salinity or worse still, no room for a crop cos housing now exists there. There has to be a limit at some point and now is the perfect time to act on it.
My super volcano quote was just chucked in for good measures btw as it would be a natural disaster like this that would recify many problems. I wasn't referring it to being a heavy polluter. For the record, the magna pit that lies only one 1 km below the surface is 11 times the size of New York and 8 km's deep. The crater perimeter is 150km's across at ground level so it would be one hell of a kaboom....
It's a good thing that "Old Faithful" lets off steam frequently as this is the only thing stopping it from blowing its stack atm.