The most important thing for me "disable the different sounds like : need a medic, need ammo, enemy car spotted etc..." ppl love spamming all the time, that's really annoying.. by the way i just need a command to do that in the sound tab, with gun sound ON / OFF, vehicle sound ON / OFF etc... like that, you can disable or not every sound.
Another thing, they should do something about the stats padding, I mean if somebody got too many points during a certain time (like 1 kill each 2 seconds during 30 seconds for example, no one can do that except cheating), you should get auto kicked, of if someone get killed like 20 times in 30 seconds, auto ban. I dunno actually what they could do about that, i don't work for EA, but they should think about that, when I'm commander, I see sometimes hidden ppl making anything. So right now, without stats, it's useless ^^
If one of you get killed, revived, killed, don't cry, just leave the server and come back, like that you won't give any points.