has joined the GOP

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
dude. you're so completely wrong and off its not even funny. you post 40-year old mid life crisisers will NEVER get drafted. that is, of course, assuming WWIII doesn't start.

its people like me, fresh out of highschool, early in college that get drafted. did you learn noting about vietnam? about the fact  that the main reason so many people hated it was becasue all the under 20s were being drafted and sent to death? at all?

and uh....your life is worth something. or it was. saying you hope that there is a draft and thousands die so you can have a pitty party totally crushed what worth you had furthering human comfort.

Last edited by Ender2309 (2007-06-24 00:16:42)

I like Chinese
+12|6423|Pittsburgh, PA
Just act like Klinger
+488|6610|Portland, OR, USA

Ender2309 wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
dude. you're so completely wrong and off its not even funny. you post 40-year old mid life crisisers will NEVER get drafted. that is, of course, assuming WWIII doesn't start.

its people like me, fresh out of highschool, early in college that get drafted. did you learn noting about vietnam? about the fact  that the main reason so many people hated it was becasue all the under 20s were being drafted and sent to death? at all?

and uh....your life is worth something. or it was. saying you hope that there is a draft and thousands die so you can have a pitty party totally crushed what worth you had furthering human comfort.
*wipes tear away* beautiful +1
The Lizzard

Janysc wrote:

From what I know, they get trained for a year and get into the day-and-night drills of the military. I think it's there to either be a hole in the national budget, or to "lure" people into the military after a pleasant service.
Actually, it to make sure that if Russia (or someone else) is dumb enough to launch an attack on Europe you have a well trained and readily available force.  Smart move, particularly for such a small country.
Kinda same situation here, 2 weeks to go and my military service starts at well, all though i don't have that heck of a trip to my base (20km or so) but its really the same here, Well what my friends say its really quite fun unless you got babe home or school not finished. And here in Finland its quite Honor to get drafted for most of the people as most grandfathers served in war against Russia (and still some live and really glad that we still have mandatory military service if any need for defending country rises). half year service unless you wanto be longer and go into AUK or RUK (schools for sergeants and such lower ranked officers) in that case it would be 1 year service...

best luck to you dude. and what they say, Open and positive mind and it will be quite easy and fun.

Ender2309 wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
dude. you're so completely wrong and off its not even funny. you post 40-year old mid life crisisers will NEVER get drafted. that is, of course, assuming WWIII doesn't start.

its people like me, fresh out of highschool, early in college that get drafted. did you learn noting about vietnam? about the fact  that the main reason so many people hated it was becasue all the under 20s were being drafted and sent to death? at all?

and uh....your life is worth something. or it was. saying you hope that there is a draft and thousands die so you can have a pitty party totally crushed what worth you had furthering human comfort.
Well said. I always thought Harmor was a little odd.

When I got called for service in Bosnia (about 5 years ago) I payed the doctor that was doing my physical 100€ and he declared me unfit to serve (or something like that)   Heart problems and stuff like that.
You got to love poor countries...
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6439|6 feet under

zeidmaan wrote:

When I got called for service in Bosnia (about 5 years ago) I payed the doctor that was doing my physical 100€ and he declared me unfit to serve (or something like that)   Heart problems and stuff like that.
You got to love poor countries...
GunSlinger OIF II
I got a friend who is a draft dodger from the IDF, but he ended up joining the US Army and hes been in for nearly 10 years.
'Light 'em up!'

hate&discontent wrote:

just remember, if you made something go BOOM!!!!  it was a good day
Unless it was the porta-potty.
GunSlinger OIF II

M.O.A.B wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

just remember, if you made something go BOOM!!!!  it was a good day
Unless it was the porta-potty.
or if it was meant to go shhhhhhhhhhh

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-06-24 13:32:43)

+127|6385|Twyford, UK

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
Dude, hoping for a draft is a rather stupid way to spend a mid-life crisis. Screw your secretary, buy a motorbike, divorce your wife, and move somewhere hot and sunny like everyone else.
If you're lucky, you won't go 200MPH into a bridge support and become an organ donor.

Bubbalo wrote:

Janysc wrote:

From what I know, they get trained for a year and get into the day-and-night drills of the military. I think it's there to either be a hole in the national budget, or to "lure" people into the military after a pleasant service.
Actually, it to make sure that if Russia (or someone else) is dumb enough to launch an attack on Europe you have a well trained and readily available force.  Smart move, particularly for such a small country.
Well-trained, sure. Readily available, sure. But from what I know, the main purpose of the military is to act like a roadblock near the border, and then just be a pain in the ass until NATO comes with reinforcements. The largest portion of the military is the Home Guard, who are basically regular people with army training, and guns and equipment at home. We're not big shots. We could dance with the Bear, not strike it down. We need the NATO-sledge.

DeltaGrey wrote:

Kinda same situation here, 2 weeks to go and my military service starts at well, all though i don't have that heck of a trip to my base (20km or so) but its really the same here, Well what my friends say its really quite fun unless you got babe home or school not finished. And here in Finland its quite Honor to get drafted for most of the people as most grandfathers served in war against Russia (and still some live and really glad that we still have mandatory military service if any need for defending country rises). half year service unless you wanto be longer and go into AUK or RUK (schools for sergeants and such lower ranked officers) in that case it would be 1 year service...

best luck to you dude. and what they say, Open and positive mind and it will be quite easy and fun.
Well, I don't got a babe anymore (waaaah!), and I'm going to get the university to hang on to my space until after I'm done. So, I'm ready to get out of the shithole where I live, and get away. And keep up my physics and maths, I don't want to forget how I got top grades in three of four final exams...
+127|6385|Twyford, UK
Looking at your map there, it's very far north. Cold as hell, but at least you won't be at risk from yetis. They don't like polar conditions, merely high mountains.
pics or it didn't happen

CameronPoe wrote:

One of my housemates is actually a draft dodger from Austria.
why am i not surprised?

CameronPoe wrote:

If he returns to Austria and attempts to take up employment or avail of the social services there before the age of 35 he has to do a years service - so he's basically an exile from his own country!!!!
if he isn't willing to put anything into his country why should he be able to get anything out of it?  sounds like a poser.
+108|6783|In the hills

Ender2309 wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
dude. you're so completely wrong and off its not even funny. you post 40-year old mid life crisisers will NEVER get drafted. that is, of course, assuming WWIII doesn't start.

its people like me, fresh out of highschool, early in college that get drafted. did you learn noting about vietnam? about the fact  that the main reason so many people hated it was becasue all the under 20s were being drafted and sent to death? at all?

and uh....your life is worth something. or it was. saying you hope that there is a draft and thousands die so you can have a pitty party totally crushed what worth you had furthering human comfort.
I will be out of highschool in the next year, and I want to join the military, but I know that my parents will force me to go to a University.  So I kinda want the draft, so I can serve my country, and I don;t want the draft, because many people who DON't want to be in the military will be forced to go.  It is a hard decision, even though I know there won't be a draft.
Pope Picard II

Harmor wrote:

Right now our entire military is volunteer - some say you have a better army when everyone is a volunteer instead of being volunteered to fight.

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.


P.S.  Stay away from blasts.
This is the sum output of your education as an engineer? You're not doing enough so that you want you and your brethren to be drafted into a war with Iran where you can presumably murder each other and taste each others smoky entrails and shit?

What the fuck man honestly.
16 more years
+877|6565|South Florida

Janysc wrote:

Got the letter from Norway's military today, saying that on the 14th of August this year I'm to report for service...

I'll get sent to Skjold, second battalion. It's a long way from where I live, and it's called (but they have midnight sun!). From what I've heard, the second battalion is all about rock'n'roll, in a manner of speaking. At least that's what the officer told me that one time... Here's a nice map:
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y55/Sp … dogmeg.png
That's about 1500 kilometres.

So, any other Norwegians who've been drafted this year or before who'd like to share some stories or tips on this location, or the national service in general? Any way I can find time enough to keep practiced in maths and physics (since I'm going to NTNU afterwards) while I'm up there? Just an hour every week, or so.
Anyone else who've been in the military elsewhere; feel free to shed some words.

PS: To anyone not with knowledge of the Norwegian national service, NO, I won't get sent into a war zone. Unless the men in black come for me.
This is why USA>OtherCountries
Nuff said
15 more years! 15 more years!
+131|6496|the guy in the hind on gator

WilhelmSissener wrote:

Lucky you, try to get yourself into a helicopter.

(Da du var på sesjon kunne du puttet skip på alle tre muligheter, da hadde du garantert kommet på skip...)
meh banned again
paintball > bf2
+48|6555|montreal, quebec

in Canada, every recruts have to go for a couple of month at a northern military base named Resolute. Its located about 300km away from north pole, it sux to go there.

if you need a reason to go there and enjoy it, try to become a FSK soldier. I heard they're pretty good on the battlefield.
I hunt criminals down for a living

Harmor wrote:

I want to be drafted.  My father was a Marine for 30 years.  He didn't specificly forbade me from joining the military, but I knew that he wanted the best for me and that ment going to college and being an Engineer.
Did you ever wonder why your father 'by wanting the best for you' did not want you to join the army as he did? Maybe he knows more about it, ask him. Did he see an action? There's a difference between a movie with John Wayne and real life.

Harmor wrote:

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.
Join the peacecorps. Or even http://www.greenpeace.org/international/

Harmor wrote:

However, I feel like my life is pretty boring.  Yeah I'm doing well fiscally, but I feel like I'm not making a difference - doing something greater than myself.

I'm too old to join the military now so I very much hope that Iran starts something so we have to have the draft - if we only bomb their nuclear bases and destroy their military conventionally we won't have a draft.  If we go in with 1 million troops, then there will be a draft.

Have a cookie.
+1,153|6670|Washington, DC

Harmor, how old are you? I've heard of people in their 30s being able to join the Army...

edit: And generally, when there's a draft, it's not because the fight's a success...

Last edited by Hurricane (2007-06-25 10:24:23)

Leaving today, year to go..... , later bf2s ppl

Last edited by DeltaGrey (2007-07-09 00:24:04)

+947|6552|Gold Coast

When I was in Berlin I was staying at a hostel, and there was some Israeli dude who got to choose military or hospital  service. He did military, and was an explosives engineer. All he got to do was blow stuff up. Thats pretty cool. (I found it out when asking him if he wanted to watch fireworks that I got in Warsaw , said he'd seen plenty of explosions.)

I'd try to go to Armoured if Australia brought service back in, ASLAVs and Abrams FTW. But I might join the reserves anyway...

Good luck anyway.
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6422|Oslo, Norway
I had my service at Setermoen. That's in the same district, but with armored vehicles instead of pure infantery troops.

If you like snow (lot's of it), extreme cold (-20 -30 celsius at the worst), stupid people (those who actually live there) you'll be just fine.

For me, I was set back a year financially(...) and didn't have the coolest bataljon either. Was in "Armored Mortar Squad". Rebuilt 113 tanks became 125 tanks.

Good luck up there! I'm glad I'm finished.   

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