I think you are forgetting who started this bullshit, but wait who is lavadisk? Game/Set/Match . Anyways, back to the point at hand. I am not the one trolling a bf2s owner boner forum actually posting seriously. I come onto this thread to laugh at what people are saying, but clearly my objective has been shifted to owning you harder than before...First off I'm squad leader, I'm sorry that if you, being on the opposite team...would like me to take off running kamikaze style into the open. But me, knowing what I'm doing stay behind cover, but yes I do enjoy fucking doming you from far away. | i cant wait for some bored computer science major to code something that will detect that shit | wait....was that a hackusation? Ha thanks. See what makes everyone think that I hack now is I was using a shitty wireless internet connection before....meaning my ping ranged anywhere from 40 to....1023 making my reg blow. But I decided to get my "fatty" ass up and go get an ethernet cord which makes my ping range anywhere from 40... to 43 in our server. Thanks for the fun marine, how old are u like 19 in college? You sound like a little girl....That is allMarinejuana wrote:
Nobody ANYWHERE respects you, certainly not in a legit forum such as this. You aren't even good with your current purchase. i always see you in scrims just hiding behind cover trying to have a good KD ratio. I will always have more skill than you because you are a fatty with no coordination and that was clear from the start. i cant wait for some bored computer science major to code something that will detect that shit, its going to be hilarious to hear about all your skull bashing then. Now i still think eags is a nice guy on xfire and stuff, same with roman, but jewfro is a joke, i bet his clanmates secretly agree, lol.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
agreedChaos|Jewfro wrote:
I second that own
Terror....like how immortal beat nL? Oh wait no no nevermind, it was shoutcasted I remember watching that, nL actually pulled out sraws and didn't spawn in the 2nd round to keep it close before curb stomping them. Yeah, you can definitely compete with the best in the US. They took that as a joke.=NHB=Shadow wrote:
/cry']['error wrote:
You should STFU right know, you are such an redneck, thinking US is better then everything else. Guess what: Euro's can also win ladders/be good in games and most important: kick your fat burgerking redneck ass. /flameEz wrote:
I care nothing for you fagish Euro LANs, I would like to see you do anything in one of our LANs.
P.S I won CAL-O last season
I'll let you know that most of us aren't fat rednecks... with a few exceptions.
Whoa whoa whoa Marine. Take it easy now. Detect what? His reflexes? I didn't wanna get hostile with you because you've always been cool and it's fun playing with you, but I'm not gonna let the worst player on 2.0 trash talk my guys. He's always hiding? It's called squad leading man, no wonder you bounce from team to team every week or two. Influxx, Ninja, now 2.0. All the same idea, get the guys with great shots on one team with little to no understanding of a strat, get frustrated when bad teams get good rounds against you, and break up.Marinejuana wrote:
Nobody ANYWHERE respects you, certainly not in a legit forum such as this. You aren't even good with your current purchase. i always see you in scrims just hiding behind cover trying to have a good KD ratio. I will always have more skill than you because you are a fatty with no coordination and that was clear from the start. i cant wait for some bored computer science major to code something that will detect that shit, its going to be hilarious to hear about all your skull bashing then. Now i still think eags is a nice guy on xfire and stuff, same with roman, but jewfro is a joke, i bet his clanmates secretly agree, lol.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
agreedChaos|Jewfro wrote:
I second that own
Sorry it had to be done but just because you don't get hackused as much as you used to doesn't mean you can make a claim like nobody ANYWHERE respects Jewfro. And kaju's better than anyone on my team? The TWL S5 finals sure didn't tell the same story.
Your all bad. <3
Why say Imm0rtal as if Terror cares about them?Not wrote:
Terror....like how immortal beat nL? Oh wait no no nevermind, it was shoutcasted I remember watching that, nL actually pulled out sraws and didn't spawn in the 2nd round to keep it close before curb stomping them. Yeah, you can definitely compete with the best in the US. They took that as a joke.=NHB=Shadow wrote:
/cry']['error wrote:
You should STFU right know, you are such an redneck, thinking US is better then everything else. Guess what: Euro's can also win ladders/be good in games and most important: kick your fat burgerking redneck ass. /flame
I'll let you know that most of us aren't fat rednecks... with a few exceptions.
And when did Imm0rtal become the best euro team?
<3SilentscoutIX wrote:
Your all bad. <3
SilentscoutIX wrote:
Your all bad. <3
TWL 5v5 New Years Annihilation Tournament. The #1 team from the US faced off against the #1 from the Euro side.Doggehspike wrote:
Why say Imm0rtal as if Terror cares about them?Not wrote:
Terror....like how immortal beat nL? Oh wait no no nevermind, it was shoutcasted I remember watching that, nL actually pulled out sraws and didn't spawn in the 2nd round to keep it close before curb stomping them. Yeah, you can definitely compete with the best in the US. They took that as a joke.=NHB=Shadow wrote:
I'll let you know that most of us aren't fat rednecks... with a few exceptions.
And when did Imm0rtal become the best euro team?
And nL showed them how to play bf2.
Blarg. Sorry for agreeing with somebody who looked more right jewfro. That's really all it was. I saw a quote of somebody boasting and somebody ranting so I agreed with it.
t'was just this that made me decide that.
t'was just this that made me decide that.
Nothing personal. And don't hold a grudge because Its really not/was not that big of a deal for me.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
agreedChaos|Jewfro wrote:
I second that own
I love how I ended the arguing right there.
I'm too awesome.
<3 all round.
I'm too awesome.
<3 all round.
lmao, who were the EU side? twl is a joke over here. So who was this #1 EU team exactly?Not wrote:
TWL 5v5 New Years Annihilation Tournament. The #1 team from the US faced off against the #1 from the Euro side.
And nL showed them how to play bf2.

Lol was just about to point that outSargeV1.4 wrote:
lmao, who were the EU side? twl is a joke over here. So who was this #1 EU team exactly?Not wrote:
TWL 5v5 New Years Annihilation Tournament. The #1 team from the US faced off against the #1 from the Euro side.
And nL showed them how to play bf2.
Why do I get the feeling you were masturbating while you typed that?Not wrote:
TWL 5v5 New Years Annihilation Tournament. The #1 team from the US faced off against the #1 from the Euro side.Doggehspike wrote:
Why say Imm0rtal as if Terror cares about them?Not wrote:
Terror....like how immortal beat nL? Oh wait no no nevermind, it was shoutcasted I remember watching that, nL actually pulled out sraws and didn't spawn in the 2nd round to keep it close before curb stomping them. Yeah, you can definitely compete with the best in the US. They took that as a joke.
And when did Imm0rtal become the best euro team?
And nL showed them how to play bf2.
Probably because you're from scotland and a chronic masturbator, that's my best guess. Who are you?
Anyway. The team, as I said in a post JUST above that, was Imm0rtal. And it was an open invite tournament so any euro team from any league could join. Trust me TWL is a joke here too.
Anyway. The team, as I said in a post JUST above that, was Imm0rtal. And it was an open invite tournament so any euro team from any league could join. Trust me TWL is a joke here too.
immortal vs. nL.

You all fail. Bow to the great BeerGogglz.
oh ok guys he got an ethernet cable. this same jewfro fag whined about me hacking straight up until he bought "the ethernet cable" and now hes also low enough to come on this forum and flame me (probably about some scrim i played while completely intoxicated, because i know i havent lost to his team in a single round in recent memory). u must be depressed as hell, jewfro. and i just watched your video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y3v8dmQX1UY anybody that sees that can agree that its BAD PLAYING. lucky thing your purchase treats you so well while "squad leading." but its ok jewfro, everyone does it, lol, keep telling yourself.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
See what makes everyone think that I hack now is I was using a shitty wireless internet connection before....meaning my ping ranged anywhere from 40 to....1023 making my reg blow. But I decided to get my "fatty" ass up and go get an ethernet cord which makes my ping range anywhere from 40... to 43 in our server.Marinejuana wrote:
Nobody ANYWHERE respects you, certainly not in a legit forum such as this. You aren't even good with your current purchase. i always see you in scrims just hiding behind cover trying to have a good KD ratio. I will always have more skill than you because you are a fatty with no coordination and that was clear from the start. i cant wait for some bored computer science major to code something that will detect that shit, its going to be hilarious to hear about all your skull bashing then. Now i still think eags is a nice guy on xfire and stuff, same with roman, but jewfro is a joke, i bet his clanmates secretly agree, lol.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
Not, wtf are u talking about? everybody else in 2.0 fucking owns the shit out of your team and i have been playing with them intermittently for quite a while. sorry if my real life work has to cut into the time that you see me in bf2, and sorry if they changed their team name? Like every other fucking BF2 team ever? i am happy to say most all of 2.0 is better than me, they are practically unstoppable right now, ive seen them beat every single "good" US bf2 team in scrims lately.
Not, there is no point defending jewfro, did u see his post here before it got deleted? he is a child. And Not, shouldnt I now lash out at you to judge your playing on some open forum? I'll leave it alone, I only posted to flame swimsimba. And you know he deserved it. If jewfro decided to come on and make a 5 post long retarded flame, then there is no need to step in when i call him a retard. I'm sure you agree on some level but since youre stuck with jewfro on your team youll stay loyal. I can respect that.
Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-06-22 15:55:10)
Hush now.
This was with nL cheating...they had a mix of EU and US players so they always pinged well on the 50/50 servers...and they still lost.
Hush now.
This was with nL cheating...they had a mix of EU and US players so they always pinged well on the 50/50 servers...and they still lost.
mmm flames.
If you got the 5 starters of nL and the 5 of xGx to play a LAN, nL would win.
Well good luck to them because in that cup the nL guys couldn't win on their own server against Euros pinging at over 100. The overall score doesn't reflect the finer details of the game.
The fact is, when it comes to vanilla BF2 they just couldn't cut it because they play too much pro/or because they're just less skilled. They admitted themselves they couldn't stand the nade spam and lack of commander in that cup
The fact is, when it comes to vanilla BF2 they just couldn't cut it because they play too much pro/or because they're just less skilled. They admitted themselves they couldn't stand the nade spam and lack of commander in that cup
nL cheating? Nope. Maybe no one agrees with me, i don't think krav3n hacks, or did, and they probably lost because they are used to bfpro where a lot of the noobier tactics like grenade spam aren't as prevalent. IMO nL is the best bf2 team in the world, and no one can deny it.Aries_37 wrote:
Hush now.
This was with nL cheating...they had a mix of EU and US players so they always pinged well on the 50/50 servers...and they still lost.
Yes that is my point. Being good at bf2 vanilla doesn't make you bad at pro, in fact a lot of people find it easier as the guns are more accurate. But being good at pro does make you bad at vanilla, the increased nade count just doesn't compensate for 4-5 clips of inaccurate assault rifle fire.Blehm98 wrote:
they probably lost because they are used to bfpro where a lot of the noobier tactics like grenade spam aren't as prevalent.
If it wasn't for them being used to pro I would agree that nL are the best inf team in bf2.
Now most of the good Euro clans have quit the game and are getting lives and/or waiting for quake wars
haha no reason to flame me. you always come on these forums defending people. kaju is a good player and he knows i was just messin with him. that being said; client got wrecked in s5 finals. by what team? progression. aka team chaos. you have no place here....Marinejuana wrote:
I'll leave it alone, I only posted to flame swimsimba. And you know he deserved it.
i await your flame
I still respect you for having an opinion, even if you do flame team members, but in all honesty Jewfro does not hack and never has. I dont know if you've ever played on shitty internet, along with being wireless, but it really can kill you. I run wireless, but luckily it is usually decent. But on days where my dsl is shit and it fluctuates with a ton of packet loss like wireless usually does, Bf2 shits and I skip all over the place, ping, and generally do horrible. If you come from dirt internet to wired ethernet, it really will enhance your rapesauce meter to the point where people probably do think you hack, and I understand why you think he may cheat, but he doesn't. And honestly, good squad leading basically does require you to be a pussy, sit behind shit, and shoot from long range. I've sort of been a second string squad leader sometimes, and when I do it, I've noticed that I have to sit back at a flag to defend it by giving my team a spawn if it gets nutralized, or sit back at a flag that were attacking, which does give good kdr's. And lastly, for whichever teams you played with/ have rang with, you have lost to us sometimes, as well as us losing to you.Marinejuana wrote:
oh ok guys he got an ethernet cable. this same jewfro fag whined about me hacking straight up until he bought "the ethernet cable" and now hes also low enough to come on this forum and flame me (probably about some scrim i played while completely intoxicated, because i know i havent lost to his team in a single round in recent memory). u must be depressed as hell, jewfro. and i just watched your video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y3v8dmQX1UY anybody that sees that can agree that its BAD PLAYING. lucky thing your purchase treats you so well while "squad leading." but its ok jewfro, everyone does it, lol, keep telling yourself.Chaos|Jewfro wrote:
See what makes everyone think that I hack now is I was using a shitty wireless internet connection before....meaning my ping ranged anywhere from 40 to....1023 making my reg blow. But I decided to get my "fatty" ass up and go get an ethernet cord which makes my ping range anywhere from 40... to 43 in our server.Marinejuana wrote:
Nobody ANYWHERE respects you, certainly not in a legit forum such as this. You aren't even good with your current purchase. i always see you in scrims just hiding behind cover trying to have a good KD ratio. I will always have more skill than you because you are a fatty with no coordination and that was clear from the start. i cant wait for some bored computer science major to code something that will detect that shit, its going to be hilarious to hear about all your skull bashing then. Now i still think eags is a nice guy on xfire and stuff, same with roman, but jewfro is a joke, i bet his clanmates secretly agree, lol.
Not, wtf are u talking about? everybody else in 2.0 fucking owns the shit out of your team and i have been playing with them intermittently for quite a while. sorry if my real life work has to cut into the time that you see me in bf2, and sorry if they changed their team name? Like every other fucking BF2 team ever? i am happy to say most all of 2.0 is better than me, they are practically unstoppable right now, ive seen them beat every single "good" US bf2 team in scrims lately.
Not, there is no point defending jewfro, did u see his post here before it got deleted? he is a child. And Not, shouldnt I now lash out at you to judge your playing on some open forum? I'll leave it alone, I only posted to flame swimsimba. And you know he deserved it. If jewfro decided to come on and make a 5 post long retarded flame, then there is no need to step in when i call him a retard. I'm sure you agree on some level but since youre stuck with jewfro on your team youll stay loyal. I can respect that.