One of the best videos of tanking I've ever seen. The helo shots remind me of a short clip 20ID had from a match on Dragon Valley and the rest of it rings true to "20ID does BF2" in their hayday.
I liked the pigeon shooting part, good way to practice judgement + the pic of xGx winning the 2007 TG cup sneakly placed at about 5.08 mins
Great quality and SERIOUSLY worth the download.
My only complaint was it wasn't longer, cos less that half of it was actual game footage, the rest was just mucking about and bloopers.
Still overall 9/10 mark for the amazing footage and extreemely good editing.
If anyone says this isn't impressive tanking then they are either dumb or dumber.....
I liked the pigeon shooting part, good way to practice judgement + the pic of xGx winning the 2007 TG cup sneakly placed at about 5.08 mins
Great quality and SERIOUSLY worth the download.
My only complaint was it wasn't longer, cos less that half of it was actual game footage, the rest was just mucking about and bloopers.
Still overall 9/10 mark for the amazing footage and extreemely good editing.
If anyone says this isn't impressive tanking then they are either dumb or dumber.....