As long as theres someone who can pilot the thing properly then your team should by all rights win the map easily and you should get loads of kill asssists.

The people in 1st and 2nd place were the gunners.
I got 3rd cause i could only assist

Also, teams were fair up until the end when all the smacktards jumped teasm to get their win-loss ratio up
I think autobalance shouldnt be an option, teams should always be fair , plus it would stop against all these people teamswapping

Last edited by SeantheMan (2006-01-19 10:22:01)

Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
On a small server like that you should at least hit 150!!!!
I blame the gunners then :p

A good blackhawk crew will never to have spawn back at the helipad, because the pilot will move away from getting shot at while the engineer(s) crank the wrench(s).  10 repair pts for an engineer in a blackhawk is easy this way.  Like the guy said, if your going to pt whore, you might as well do it right.
+6|6883|In a van down by the river
There's nothing I love more than seeing a fully loaded BH while I'm in a tank on Mashtuur.  Can you say, boom bitches?
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6871|Toronto, ON, CAN
All I can say, is enjoy it before 1.2 comes out... reduced strength on the BH, and increased damage caused by AA missles... there will be alot of Blackhawks down the first couple of weeks...
sigh... I miss those days before 1.03, when 2 Eng, 1 support pilot, 2 gunners, and a spec ops to booby trap the flags. Those were great days!
+0|6963|British Columbia
No they weren't.
No place like
+76|6844|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
does anyone know any us ranked mashtuur only servers, im in aus so i still get a 200-250 ping

Br on mashtuur in bh - 144 becuase i havent been gunner yet, just support

Last edited by .ACB|_Cutthroat1 (2006-01-23 00:32:20)

No place like
+76|6844|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
bump, anyone know any

Tarthkin wrote:

The role that you are playing when you get into the BH is Support Only.  All you are doing is providing cover for the ground units.  Before the latest patch, BH were capping machines.  But now they cap flags at the same rate as one person.  This means that while you hover over a flag like an idiot, the rest of the MEC has target practice with your a$$.  Even the worst shot with a rocket will hit a stationary target.  What you should do instead is circle a flag slowly mowing down enemy infantry while your buddies on the ground take the flag.  This is the best way to ensure a win if you have a compitant ground force.
Shhh, don't tell people that.

Funny story. I was playing MEC on Mashtuur. Well, I decided that I was going to defend the MEC flag where the chopper spawns. I place six C4s near the flag and wait. Sure enough, a full BH comes in. Initially, it didn't fly low enough, but after a few of my teammates spawn to try to defend the flag (and get mowed down by the BH's miniguns), the BH flies low enough for me to go BOOM! A full BH -- six kills and a flag defend. I was ROFL.
You have to fly fast enough to make it hard for people to hit the blackhawk, and slow enough so your gunners have to time to recognize friendly troops from enemy troops and kill the enemy troops.  A really good squad can stay up all round long.  You just have to have a compotent team to keep a couple of ground bases so you can win the round.
All this discussion has been on the blackhawk.  Could this to some extent be applied to the mec transport chopper even with it's crappy guns?  I haven't played on mec side there in so long that I've never thought about it before today.  You would have to have a good squad to do make it work as well as the blackhawk, but I think it could be done with the right people. 

Yesterday, I was in the blackhawk and no one was an engineer.  When I got killed by someone, I switched kits and respawned as an engineer in the blackhawk.  That kept us aloft a lot longer.  Just an example of good teamwork.

comfort wrote:

While I agree (mostly) with your BH strategy, I'll disagree with the premise of a good pilot making it unstoppable.  For the last month I've almost exclusively played Mashtuur, with the express interest of taking down BH squads...and I've risen to the top 40 in global transport kills in doing so.

With minimal teamwork, taking down the BH is actually one of the easiest things to do in Mashtuur.  With 1 partner, we routinely take it down in no more than 5 seconds.  With 2 partners, about 3 seconds.
THe reason this asshat has risen to the Top 40 in global transport kills is because he jumps in the MEC chopper and tosses c4 out all game.  Yes, FMG 24/7 Mashtuur server.  He blows at everything else.  We ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know how much skill it takes to toss c4 out onto the US helipad when there are 50 ppl down there in the chopper. *rollseyes*

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

comfort wrote:

While I agree (mostly) with your BH strategy, I'll disagree with the premise of a good pilot making it unstoppable.  For the last month I've almost exclusively played Mashtuur, with the express interest of taking down BH squads...and I've risen to the top 40 in global transport kills in doing so.

With minimal teamwork, taking down the BH is actually one of the easiest things to do in Mashtuur.  With 1 partner, we routinely take it down in no more than 5 seconds.  With 2 partners, about 3 seconds.
THe reason this asshat has risen to the Top 40 in global transport kills is because he jumps in the MEC chopper and tosses c4 out all game.  Yes, FMG 24/7 Mashtuur server.  He blows at everything else.  We ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know how much skill it takes to toss c4 out onto the US helipad when there are 50 ppl down there in the chopper. *rollseyes*
Care to explain how tossing C4 equates to transport kills, genius?  No, because you can't.  A C4 kill is a C4 kill from wherever you detonate, whether you're on the ground or otherwise.  Transport kills come strictly from Vodniks, Humvees, etc.; and I have over 7000 kills with 'em...probably about 90% of them coming from chopper kills.

Not that I would know you from Adam or value your opinion over any random "asshat," but only recently have I bothered doing any C4 bombing.  I guess you must've been one of the mindless blackhawk lemmings dutifully waiting for your chopper on the helipad, and we ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know how much skill it takes to rack up points in the blackhawk.   *rollseyes*

comfort wrote:

we ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know how much skill it takes to rack up points in the blackhawk.   *rollseyes*
Actually it does take some decent skills by the pilot, gunners and an engineer to rack up some seriously good points in a blackhawk.  The enemy is no dummy.  They want to bring it down as fast as they can.  It is almost better than an arty strike in some respects.  A good pilot with good gunners can clean out an area for the ground troops without the teamkills from an arty strike.

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