Have a nice day!

ilyandor wrote:

TheMajorBummer wrote:

TehSeraphim wrote:

Nothing wrong with slightly pornographic images.  I would encourage full on pornos, but that's against site rules, and I don't think the kiddies should be seein' the ladies' goodies before they can do it in rea life.
thats not

thats a slim fast loose weight commercial pick..

look at that shiney fat hanging there...aaaarch  get it out.
go fuck some anorexic crackwhores who look like 12 year old boys and weigh less than my bf2 box.
p.s. and why dont YOU go throw up, ey? get rid of that breakfast, quick, before you gain any weight...cos you wanna be right up there, on the catwalk, pale as a mutherfucker, fucking skeleton-gayman. 
talk talk talk....
You forgot:

- Have a gigantic .sig file because you honestly think that anyone gives a rat's ass about your stats, what clan you belong to, what snappy quote you consider to be your macho philosphy on life, or who your current masturbatory fantasy is.
+86|6925|New Zealand

TehSeraphim wrote:

-First and foremost, start out by posting.  A lot.  It's also helpful to never use the search function.  If you want to go for the gold, be sure to read a post, then instead of writing a reply, create a post directly above it asking a slightly reworded version of the question already asked.  Also, make sure that all your posts are in the wrong section - if you have a complaint, make sure you post it in the tech section, etc - you get the idea.

-Never read what everyone has to say.  Reiterating what's already been stated many many times is what your true aim is.

-Flame people for asking honest questions.  Flame people for asking stupid questions.  Generally, flame anyone for any reason.  Also, don't make your flames intelligent - the best flames are completely unbased such as "omfg you homo".  To REALLY excel at flaming, every flame you have MUST be a personal attack on someone, even though they're probably thousands of miles from you and you never have and never will meet them - i.e. "you're fat/ugly/pimply/socially challenged".

-Create posts that are unintelligent that you know will rile people up, such as posts like "if you're over 19 and playing video games you have no life" (I'm sure we all remember this post).

-Accuse players of hacking - constantly.  If you die in an FPS, it's most certainly not your fault - the other player is using a 3rd party product to gain the edge on your elite lance corporal skills.

-In conjunction with the prior, accuse people who you've played with who get good scores as stat padders.  Since your best round score is 56, it's completely unfeasible that anyone could beat your awesome Best Round Score.  It helps if you take a screenshot of the scoreboard and not of anything that could prove cheating happened, and then post it on the forums as "stone cold proof" that someones a padder.

-Did I mention personally accuse people of hacking?

- Be shur to completly avoyd propur gramr and punktuashun uv any sort?

-Type in 1337 - only the coolest kids do that.

That's about it.  If you do these things, you probably should refrain from posting on the forums, since you ruin the experience for us all.
never ever resize a quote.
Jet Rammer
+4|6878|Debris From Space
1 PHouNd 4 bE+t3R lE3T $P3@k 93N3R4+0R +0 HElp J00 BE A +O0L.

I found a better leet speak generator to help you be a tool. … 18808506/1
I crap bigger than you
+0|6863|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!

ilyandor wrote:

TheMajorBummer wrote:

TehSeraphim wrote:

Nothing wrong with slightly pornographic images.  I would encourage full on pornos, but that's against site rules, and I don't think the kiddies should be seein' the ladies' goodies before they can do it in rea life.
thats not

thats a slim fast loose weight commercial pick..

look at that shiney fat hanging there...aaaarch  get it out.
go fuck some anorexic crackwhores who look like 12 year old boys and weigh less than my bf2 box.
p.s. and why dont YOU go throw up, ey? get rid of that breakfast, quick, before you gain any weight...cos you wanna be right up there, on the catwalk, pale as a mutherfucker, fucking skeleton-gayman. 
Wow ilyandor, you took that a little too personally there.  What's the deal?  Is that chunk of a woman in your sig your wife or something?
Jet Rammer
+4|6878|Debris From Space
Yeah I noticed that....

DobermanDog wrote:

You forgot:

- Have a gigantic .sig file because you honestly think that anyone gives a rat's ass about your stats, what clan you belong to, what snappy quote you consider to be your macho philosphy on life, or who your current masturbatory fantasy is.
haha, well said

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