psht.. they sux and vengance team kills for vehicles ...
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6847|MoVal So-Cal
because of all the crap that i keep reading about these people i would just like to put my 2 cents in....dont hate because they play the game that it is meant to be played. They own you because you fight disorganized. I know people will post and deny that but to you i say Bull Shit in advance. A clan is supposed to play that way, they are supposed to fight as one, to win as one. I'm trying to get my clannies to do this and they are just begining to work together and when we start to function as well as clans like BSF and da then i dont want to hear crap like this. You dont know true skill and because of this all you do is call them cheaters and hackers, get a life and realize that they are just plain better then you...

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-01-27 04:38:50)

Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
ah... that's right forgot about that..

But I respect people that respect me and I haven't had a problem with either of them ingame. Of course I don't run towards vehicles.
I don't mind Clans; they are supposed to work as a team, [BSF] are just very organized as is others that I see, I don't know why people are singling them out.

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-27 04:40:30)

Zee Tank Skank
+80|6847|MoVal So-Cal
teamkills for vehicals though is a biatch
No place like
+76|6842|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia

GrimReaper121 wrote:

It has been PROVEN that BSF DO HACK and CHEAT, (i will post the evidence in a bit) anyway I have killed these twits myself, even though i suck at this game, BSF is NBOT hard to kill and they are NOT the ELITE players they claim to be.
Nasty Butler exploits alot of the game to his advatage...BUT...i will give credit where credit is due...TO ALL THE NORMAL PPL THAT PLAY THE GAME TO PLAY IT AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUCKING PTS!!!!!
BSF is nothing but a bunch of NO LIFE kiddies that play on mommy & daddies computer and whine when they do not get their way and have circle jerks when they lose.
Let the little TWITS claim their fame under false pretenses, WHO REAlLY GIVES A FLYING SHIT!!!!!
I play to have fun and will continue to do just that.
BSF=Biggest Shit Fliers
one word, paragraphs, i didn't even bother reading that
Love the all the guys saying "I killed him, so he's not very good." For all we know he could have been blinded and ran infront of their tank, they shoot him, then come boasting about it on a forum. + how good a player is doesnt just (or mainly, even) depend on his aim etc. It depends on tactics, communication and intelligence. Everyone dies sometimes, even the best player ever would have to die. so please everyone coming on saying "hes not that good, I killed him and his mates," stfu, ur doing my head in.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Butler, thank you taking the time to defend yourself to what I am saying might be going on.  You could of read it n ignored it.

You havent explained though why your guy was in my squad and how long he had been hiding there. I say hiding because my squad didnt see him enter, didnt hear him talk but we all saw him leave.  I don't belive the uav was constantly on me, when the chopper took me out I was in a shed/hut with nobody else near me. I got in the hut thinking I'd be safe as it was enclosed but somehow continually got shot (only by bsf).  I looked into it and discovered about "wall hacks/cheats" from this site.  Yes in my post I mentioned bunny hopping but compare that with what you were saying mid game. As mentioned when your mates were kicked and  next round a member of my squad took the gold you didnt say a word. Infact you didnt say anything all round, totally changed your tune.  As for the cheating and hacking it seems the opinion of you is divided approx 50/50.

To the people who think  that I only mention it because he kicked my ass your wrong.  My ass gets kicked most games, yes I play to win but will always have fun.  Except this one time that Im posting about.  The game just seemed diffrent to any other game I have played and a week has passed and nothing simular has happened since.  These are the points mention originally, please try to remember. (1-4 consistantly)

1. Shooting Through walls
2. Finding me whilst hidden
3. Not hitting them even when in a apc
4. My apc/tank dropping 1st time (when hit by AT)
5. One of their clan members appearing to leave my squad.

You could offer explanation to everyone of those points but it dosent add up. Im not the worlds best, far from it but have played the game since day 1 almost and have built up vast experience of the game. Enough to alert me when something seems fishy.

Now 2 of you that have replied (Erkut and Nezz) have both commented how you claim to "not give a shit". In fact Nezz's seems to fly, or not as it would be. Fine, you saw the heading, you read the post and then posted on the subject yaself. You sure you don't give a shit? Wether it flies or not. As Magsy mentions well done for killing him, check his stats though I think a few others have aswell.

Grimreaper, if you do have this evedience please present it, we must remember that whatever our individual opinions are they have'nt committed any crimes, their innocent.

Pernicious544, Im here because I thought the game wasn't being played the way it should of been.

Imdead, Please see, 1,2,3,4,5. Thats why I'm singling them out as mentioned it's the only time these things have happened to me and the only time I've met them.

Myself and my mates Im sure would love to be as good as the BSF squad, credit due you do play hard. All I can do is take your own words for it and remind myself and others. "He dosen't hack", he said so.  No more posts about how "you dont care", just dont read/post, no more posts on "how you killed him".

I was intrested in peoples experiences with BSF and still am.
No intend of disrespect but did you ever get to meet FistFullofClams on the ground before he got reset or played on PTG against roughneck.trr before he stopped playing NASTIE_BUTLER?

Have you ever been up against a few *HMC* members with *HMC*FE1F in a Tank or Apc?

Maybe you should try to go up against Codeseven.Osk on the ground sometime!

Try to score more than Reeltoo on ONE.SE and you will be up fore something that’s very hard. 

To the rest of you, Stop complaining about them unless the really cheat (and you need to prove that)!!!!!

There are a lot of good guys out there if the BSF guys play together they will of course be very hard for the rest of you to beat. Read and learn from what NASTIE_BUTLER wrote!

They are no gods if you look at their small arms K.D ratio it does not match neither those of Fist, roughneck or especially…..

One thing that a lot of you have not understood is that it’s very much about who kills most (read skill, lost off tickets).

If Volx is in your team for exp their tactics may not be of much use at all since he will most likely kill so many of the opponents while the BSF guys are trying to go around capturing flags instead of neutralizing Volx that their tickets lose will be to great. An even round can be determined by a good commander that saves the arty fore the last moment or a good player that doesn’t get killed in the Tank at the end off an even round and have to go back and get it.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

1927 wrote:

To the people who think  that I only mention it because he kicked my ass your wrong.  My ass gets kicked most games, yes I play to win but will always have fun.  Except this one time that Im posting about.  The game just seemed diffrent to any other game I have played and a week has passed and nothing simular has happened since.  These are the points mention originally, please try to remember. (1-4 consistantly)

1. Shooting Through walls
2. Finding me whilst hidden
3. Not hitting them even when in a apc
4. My apc/tank dropping 1st time (when hit by AT)
5. One of their clan members appearing to leave my squad.
1. Did you consider that your foot could have been sticking out of the wall?
2. UAV, if one of us is commander we always give UAV or spot in the area
3. Maybe it was ping related lag or something, being an international clan we all can't have good pings
4. There is a weak spot on tanks/apcs that will give you a 1 hit kill
5. hmm odd, it could have been the squad bug that causes a squad to be created on both teams.
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village
For the record I am not defending myself....there is no need.  I am making conversation.

Listen people....I am in the top ten and have been for a while.  Of the millions of people that play this game you can be assured that the top ten are scrutenized by thousands of people everyday.  If there is a cheat/hack/stat padding by any top ten players you must know it would be uncovered quickly. I said in my previous post....we are not any different from other players out there as individuals.  What makes us stand out is the way we play TOGETHER.  We communicate cooperate and are well-aware of our surroundings.  This creates an immediate advantage especially in pub games.

It pains me to have to answer your numbered smurf-list but I have time so:

1. A helicopter has splash damage...I probably shot BEHIND you through a crack or window and killed you.

2. OMG.....again...I will sloooowly...our commander can see you no matter what ....our commander will spot you.   I will have a dozen people in my TS calling out enemy locations as well.  In addition if you are "hiding" in a base that we are circling whether I see you or not I will shoot in the "usual hiding places" and if I register a hit (look this up if you dont know what I am talking about) I will finish the target off.

3. ? hitting who?  are APCs supposed to always hit?  lag?  video fps?  your aiming?  How does your lack of being able to hit us have to do with us cheating?  Do we have a "matrix bullet-time hack"?

4. ?  I guess we have a "super charged AT hack"  I dunno ....did I hit you with an APC TOW then hop out quickly and fire off an AT to finish you?  Can't help you.....go to

5. ? found us out.  Its not enough that we have a good commander spotting enemies we need to have one of our members go on your side and follow you to make sure we find you.  BTW this is called "cooping" and is frowned upon.   We get team switched like anyone else...we would rather all be on the same side. have me at a disadvantage in that I dont know when I played you or what your in-game name fair and tell us.  Be fair and play us again before posting.  Find us on EA UK servers most of the time.

For those of you that say "we can't fight on the ground" find us in Special Forces which has more ground combat than Karkand could ever offer and THEN post.

For Gods Sake people that arent in a clan/squad/army/community join one AND GET A MICROPHONE.  Get in with a group that you play well with and play the game the way it was meant to be played.  If you are interested in joining find me in-game and talk with me.  I will get you into TS if I think its a good fit and show you what we do. 

This is the fundamental mindset of BSF … nPart0.htm  .  If you don't get it or disagree then I have nothing to say since we will never meet eye to eye.

I dont know what you mean by "not caring".   Not caring about what?  Sounds like heresay.
+1|6905|Netherlands / Germany
i think u needn't justify for other people.

if people think you cheat or something like that...just ignore them.

i am not a top player (far away from this ^^)  but i know... a good commander and a good squad, working together its almost impossible to beat them.

Greets from Holland & Germany
The English Redneck
+10|6951|Plymouth, England
Props to you Mr. Butler - it's nice to see someone respond with reason and intelligence rather than just "OMFG, you guys are just jealous cos I can pwn yo asses".

I've played against you a couple of times and once, I actually got your loaded BH with an AA.  Felt good man.
+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

razz wrote:

nezff wrote:

who gives a big flying shit about bsf or nastie butler.  i played in all kinds of servers and ive owned alot of people.  I dont think these people are any better than any other regular player.  they are probably just like me.  i play the game, i kill alot more people than i get killed by.  Im am alot better player than most of your average or standard players.  i have played in a server one time where i was going on for around 4 hours winning first or second place every round.  nastie butler came in and i stll won.  he only got like 17 pts or so.  he got killed damn near just as much as he killed.  he also was tking people for no reason.  so who cares about people just because they have alot of pts.  they started the game the same time most other people did, the only difference is most normal people like me have real jobs and real lives, they play this game all the time.  i get to play when i get time.  so, as for me, i dont give a crap about those people with higher ranks.  i got my rank by playing legit.  i promsie you most of the people at the top arent any better.  some of them have cheated i can assure at least once.  look at the blazin uk guy, he has got killed a ton more than he has killed anyone.
Yes, you were sent from god to own BF2.
LMOA that you think this guy hacks, have you actually checked his stats?

Overall - 1.21 K/D ratio
Helicopter - 0.83 K/D ratio (you do understand that means he gets killed more than he kills?)

A. I would not even have to play against this guy to see he doesn't hack
B. ROFL that he would tell others in game chat that he will own them

And here's the reason he is so highly ranked - 1561 hours

Last edited by hutchy52 (2006-01-27 10:46:04)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Look at those stats again buddy, 50,377 driver points.  That means he flew the blackhawk a lot, hence getting lots of teamwork points and no kills.
yeah, i saw them 50 000 driver points. i was quite proud of 2000 odd. that is actually quite impressive. One question for anyone really, can I have the IPs of some decent UK servers, that have a high level of play. Im interested in getting better, I think im a reasonable player, and realise that the best way to get better is to play better players, so could people give any IPs. maybe the BsF (sorry if the tags wrong) server ip, and any others that skilled players play on.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Go to any EA UK official server (64 size) and u'll find us very quickly.
OMG you guys treat Butler like he is the god of BF2, who gives a shit. it's a game. yes some are better then others. but who cares, this butler guy needs to get a life
Yo bsf this is the first i have heard of ya....if yu fellas are registered nato-ladder clan, we love to get into contact with ya, see how good/bad as people say ya are, drop us line at  maybe we can set a  scrim or match up, love to see what our {DP} boys can do against your boys, keep those kills a comin. drop by the server sometime, we see still if your that effective  with a commander.... 24/7 strike - penn have a second server we can set to your liking if that is suffecient. We'll judge if your worthy.... Love to move a spot in the ladder rankings.

Last edited by Qckshot (2006-01-27 14:00:13)

+1|6849|Canada, Eh.


For Gods Sake people that arent in a clan/squad/army/community join one AND GET A MICROPHONE.  Get in with a group that you play well with and play the game the way it was meant to be played.
Unfortunately this is often easier said than done. I have been searchnig for a good team-playing clan for a while and can't find one, likely because I'm not looking hard enough. There are so many clans around, all with recruitment speaches already drafted up, and only a select few are actually good clans. Someday I will run across a good clan in battle and hopefully be allowed to join.
no recruitment speil here man, either u live or die, long as u play hard, can always run with us, we only kick when need room for actual members, give a us a look.
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village
Qckshot I went to your server but it was empty.  I appreciate your friendliness though. 

I don't organize matches but if you do you can go to and fill out a form.  I will let our match guy know about this post.   

In the meantime find us on EA UK large servers dude.  Honestly I really do like it when we play against larger groups.  Its a greater challenge.  Qckshot please find us tonight dude....lets play.

Again....for those who are ignorant to my posts on this thread or any other thread.  My pride is not in lies with my squad.  Stop putting words in my mouth.  They are my friends and allies and, yes, I am proud to say that I think we are a force to be reckoned with.  BTW ...what self respecting squad/clan member wouldn't say that about his team?
+55|6897|3 Miles west of smurf village

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

If you're the same BSF that I played with on Wake (I think it was Moders), You guys are a great team. Although you didn't let me stay in your squad
Is this the same BSF that Vengence is apart of?
Yes, when I play on moders with Nexar we like to have a 2 man squad so we can swap the squad leader position to spawn in the chopper, etc.
Hey we are happy to be playing with other folks especially if they have mics.  Always a pleasure to meet new people. 

Sometimes we get exculsive if we are doing specific things just like any other folks.
I cnat slpel!!!


Qckshot I went to your server but it was empty.  I appreciate your friendliness though. 

I don't organize matches but if you do you can go to and fill out a form.  I will let our match guy know about this post.   

In the meantime find us on EA UK large servers dude.  Honestly I really do like it when we play against larger groups.  Its a greater challenge.  Qckshot please find us tonight dude....lets play.

Again....for those who are ignorant to my posts on this thread or any other thread.  My pride is not in lies with my squad.  Stop putting words in my mouth.  They are my friends and allies and, yes, I am proud to say that I think we are a force to be reckoned with.  BTW ...what self respecting squad/clan member wouldn't say that about his team?

Play the game with friends and have fun. You seem to be mature and intelligent and I envy everyone in your clan, and you for that matter. Your first post detailing how you accomplished stuff really gave the impression that you play real teamwork. Thats what the game is all about.

Damn I envy everyone who is set up with good teamplayers with an equal understanding of tactics and strategies.

Kill on and leave whiners by the wayside.
Nastie was mainly responsible for putting the squad together.

We have some of the best players in the world in each niche, and each player is at least more than competent in all niches.

So put us all together on the same team on a server, and not surprisingly we win somewhere between 9/10 and 19/20 games.

We realise that when we play as a team, the sum total of our effectiveness is far greater than if we were to all play alone.

But it's true - if we all had girlfriends then we wouldn't be nearly so good

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