I dont know about you guys, but ive played through Fallout 1 and 2. Imo they do deserve their reputation of being the best RPG's ever, and im really looking forward to number 3. Especially since theyre going to combine my two favorite genres: FPS and RPG.
If you havent heard of Fallout yet () then you might be interested to know Bethesda, the company that brought us Oblivion, will be making Fallout 3. Fallout 1 & 2 were made by Interplay, but they went bankrupt while Fallout 3 was in development. Bethesda bought the rights to the Fallout franchise in 2004 started Fallout 3 from scratch. They did however promise to keep the game true to the Fallout world, rather than make it an Oblivion mod.
Fallout is a game full of drugs, sex, racism, violence and mutants. Its definitely NOT suitable for kids, but that shouldnt be a problem for bf2s members. It was also characterized by a dark humor which im sure most of you will love.
The teaser vid has been up on the official homepage, not that it really reveals much. If youre interested in some real teaser info, Game Informer has recently written a preview on Fallout 3, which you can view here.
Its a long article, so if you dont have time to read it ill sum up the important parts:
[list][*]Character creation will be similar to Oblivion, very customizable appearance, though you are limited to being human (aww ).
[*]The combat system will be a hybrid of turn based and real time. You can basically choose either, and even combine them during battle to suit your needs. The new system will still use 'action points' that are spent during rounds, but this time they regenerate during fights. They regenerate faster (or slower) depending on how you fight (turn based, or real time). You will still be able to make aimed shots, and judging from the screenshots there will a lot of gore.
[*]New weapons will be added, one of them a portable nuclear missile launcher ("Fatboy")
[*]Fallout 3 will still give you the option of forming a party, but there wont be any extra encouragements to do so. Playing solo will work just as well. They also reluctantly hinted there will be a dog in the game (to join your party numbnuts), like the previous Fallouts.
[*]Bethesda promises to keep Fallout 3 as 'Fallout' as possible. Your actions will have consequences in the game world, the Wasteland will still be retro-futuristic, with popular music from the 1930-1950's.
Im definitely looking forward to this game, though there will be a long wait before its released.
To be released in Q3 2008.
If you havent heard of Fallout yet () then you might be interested to know Bethesda, the company that brought us Oblivion, will be making Fallout 3. Fallout 1 & 2 were made by Interplay, but they went bankrupt while Fallout 3 was in development. Bethesda bought the rights to the Fallout franchise in 2004 started Fallout 3 from scratch. They did however promise to keep the game true to the Fallout world, rather than make it an Oblivion mod.
Fallout is a game full of drugs, sex, racism, violence and mutants. Its definitely NOT suitable for kids, but that shouldnt be a problem for bf2s members. It was also characterized by a dark humor which im sure most of you will love.
The teaser vid has been up on the official homepage, not that it really reveals much. If youre interested in some real teaser info, Game Informer has recently written a preview on Fallout 3, which you can view here.
Its a long article, so if you dont have time to read it ill sum up the important parts:
[list][*]Character creation will be similar to Oblivion, very customizable appearance, though you are limited to being human (aww ).
[*]The combat system will be a hybrid of turn based and real time. You can basically choose either, and even combine them during battle to suit your needs. The new system will still use 'action points' that are spent during rounds, but this time they regenerate during fights. They regenerate faster (or slower) depending on how you fight (turn based, or real time). You will still be able to make aimed shots, and judging from the screenshots there will a lot of gore.
[*]New weapons will be added, one of them a portable nuclear missile launcher ("Fatboy")
[*]Fallout 3 will still give you the option of forming a party, but there wont be any extra encouragements to do so. Playing solo will work just as well. They also reluctantly hinted there will be a dog in the game (to join your party numbnuts), like the previous Fallouts.
[*]Bethesda promises to keep Fallout 3 as 'Fallout' as possible. Your actions will have consequences in the game world, the Wasteland will still be retro-futuristic, with popular music from the 1930-1950's.
Im definitely looking forward to this game, though there will be a long wait before its released.
To be released in Q3 2008.