+60|6956|miami FL
mine comes from the name of the special forces school during the Vietnam war and the number it's the year 1967 to honor the LRRP
One Shot, One Kill ... Always
one night me and a couple friends were on ts and started makin up some stupid names. We had 5 poeple inculing me and we all went on a empty server.  now we each thought of a stupid name before we started and at the end of the round the person with the worst score had to make an account with the stupid name on BF2 and bring that account up too at least staff sergeant.  And i did not do that well and lost and so $exyCabbage legacy was born.
Grocery_Store... Because I like to shop for food.
+7|6479|Long Beach, California USA
The a stands for Alex my first name, and the ZWARt stands for my last name, and the 325 is the last part of my phone number.
mine sniper69aka101, its MBT. sniper69aka101, Malaysia Battlefield Team
Wannabe Heli Whore
Its my real name. Simple. First Game I've ever used my real name.
MMMmmmmmm Dooonutz!
+13|6524|Out for donutz!
I get PWNed alot. DOH!!!!
+1|6478|In front of my PC...
My nick is the family name of my grandmother, the youngest old people I've ever seen, I guess ( because SHE plays bf2 and owns in the choppers    )

Last edited by Mennechet (2007-06-18 08:07:01)

My Name come from a book by one of my favourite Novelest Raymand E Fiest.
I got mine from the tv-show Alias, there was a  lawyer called "McCullough" and i thought it was a cool and clean name and I've used it ever since.
NIKE Swoosh
No clue where the hell Klinka-Klinko comes from.. :-P
+36|6548|Estados Unidos
My friend made up the nickname Oji one day and thats my BF2 name.  Sadly Oji was taken so i had to replace the O with a zero so now its 0ji


See the difference?

"Scramm" is based on a character in a Stephen King book called "The Long Walk"

I liked the way the character was used in the book to tell a crucial part of the story, also liked the sound of it at the time and still do.
+7|6477|Denmark // 69! Az
hehe mine Danorge have a story.

I was @ the police station to get my passport renewed. the police woman that took my pass looked at her computer and said. You are not danish! w0000t i took 2 steps towards her, then another cop came and said, if she says you aint danish well then you aint. ?!
I didt know what to say the year before i had been in freaking China on my danish passport. The lady copper then said i was from norway. i did not belive her at all, i'm born and raised in Denmark, that i told her, se then started talking about i should go to the consul of norway in Denmark. well i wass very confused when i walked out the policestation without any passport. then i contacted my mother, asking her if she knew anything, well she might have forgot to tell me i was born in Denmark but under norweigen law, thats how the Danish law was back in the 80ยด. Well last year i got a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. telling me taht i could freely ask for a Danish citienship. so i did,  i got my danish passport atlast...

So DANMARK and NORGE makes out Danorge, well for me it does   thats my story about my player name
+9|6478|Moldova (MDA)
My nick is .:l-=.V.R.=-l:. .
VR - its my initials
Mine is secshunayt.
It's derived from "Section 8," military discharge for insanity.
I used to use FrankRizzo in the RS series then I switched to FrankTheTank because I like the Tanks and i liked that movie Old School with Will Ferrell aka Ron Burgandy aka FrankTheTank.
+194|6674|West NY
Fatty Patty.
+1|6481|Incirlik AB, Turkey
why dgutierrez32 of course....still holding strong with a .50 kill/death ratio.
When I was on the job a guy in my section got married but told his wife he wasn't going to wear his wedding band at work so we started calling him Tough Guy. Another guy quit wearing his and he became Tough Guy #2.
I had a guy try to rush me during a protest at the world bank and jump a barricade, so I went to hit him in the chest with a riot stick but he ducked and I hit him in the mouth and broke some of his teeth by mistake. I became Tough Guy #3 the next day.
Mine is also derived from my playing style

A camper I'm not!
My ride...
+4|6529|Good Old Blitey

Papewaio wrote:

My Name come from a book by one of my favourite Novelest Raymand E Fiest.
Daughter of the Empire? i've read all the Empire series lol
To kill you i like!
+19|6853|Berlin, Germany
Mine is my first email account hotmail name. i was looking for at least half an hour to find a name not already given to someone.
snoopy was already away (how suprising) so i choose snoopie. 66 'cause of the famous route 66.
i spent some holidays there.
+54|6475|Vancouver, BC, Canada
When I was like...10( I'm 13 now, not too long ago.) I was at my cousins house, and she's like, hey, do you have an email? and I'm like no, so she gets me a hotmail and comes up wit [email protected] and I was pround of it for like a year and a half, but then I went on VACA for a month, and hotmail suspended my account, so I was forced to create a new one, lilpunk1302, I have used that for like 2 years now, EVERYWHERE, if you ever need to find me, you know what to search(^^^). And lately, I've been needing a new avatar type name, like lilpunk1302 is my USERname, but I wanted a NICKname, so I came up with **LiLp-DeFiNeD so yeah, thts just story, lol

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