To put it frankly, There are probably hundreds of reasons for the war in Iraq.namsdrawkcaB wrote:
I have a quick and serious question.
Why do America invade and take over a country, in support to "aid" that particular country like Iraq, When there are country's who are ten times worst off like a city in Africa where hundrens die a day from proverty, but not only that, but also from the millitary, who have actually taken over these countrys?? Shoudnt the americans, take millitary action against a place like Serria Leon??
NOTE: this is not a debate, but yet a question.
Haliburton Stock
Better Positioning for Iran
Removing Saddam from power and installing a new puppet.
Those are just a few that come to mind. If you are a practitioner of what is called RealPolitik then you are probably familiar with the phrase "Stronger powers do what they will, Weak powers suffer what they must."
its basically of a description of how the world works.
Countries like the United States can do things like this, well...because they can. Who is to stop them? And to be quite frank, the United States has hardly moved in a means that is very different from most other countries, and hardly as vicious. However, the US's motives have greater scope, and greater scope=greater publicity, with means greater sensationalism.