I still think the O's are zero's
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6596|Stealth City, UK

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

No one has found it yet.
Well, let's see ...

(a)  If the challenge is "Find the error!", then "the error" or "error" is in the question at the bottom.

(b)  If the presentation is correct (that is, if there is no trick in the post), then "the error" becomes the 20% of UCSD students who found an error ... or, alternatively, the error is the implication in the last sentence that there is indeed an error.

I already found the error!
I said the L thing before you!
Just tell us the answer already!
It's the O's are zero's, question answered.

buLLet_t00th wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Well, let's see ...

(a)  If the challenge is "Find the error!", then "the error" or "error" is in the question at the bottom.

(b)  If the presentation is correct (that is, if there is no trick in the post), then "the error" becomes the 20% of UCSD students who found an error ... or, alternatively, the error is the implication in the last sentence that there is indeed an error.

I already found the error!
I said the L thing before you!
Aww crap.  Well then we should both win.  That is the error, and I am surprised Fancy Pollux hasn't botherd to say anything about it yet.

Lateron wrote:

It's the O's are zero's, question answered.
Will you please shut up already!  The O's are not 0s.  Anybody who is not blind can see that.
the O's are ZERO'S, am i right???
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6596|Stealth City, UK

Lateron wrote:

It's the O's are zero's, question answered.
This is an O this is a 0, obviously different and in the list its an O not a zero. Confused yet?

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Lateron wrote:

It's the O's are zero's, question answered.
Will you please shut up already!  The O's are not 0s.  Anybody who is not blind can see that.
no I will not shut up, but you can, I answered it right, sorry.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6863|Charlie One Alpha

Lateron wrote:

the O's are ZERO'S, am i right???
No, lol, and the I's are not L's either, at least not in the version fancy posted.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Metal Godz
I'll take 1 E...

Three of the Rs...

And an O...

and spell ERROR.
+1,106|6443|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Lateron wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Lateron wrote:

It's the O's are zero's, question answered.
Will you please shut up already!  The O's are not 0s.  Anybody who is not blind can see that.
no I will not shut up, but you can, I answered it right, sorry.
Did you also know that you created this account for the sole purpose of responding to this thread?

Mr. Boombastic
+178|6596|Stealth City, UK

HeavyMetalDave wrote:

I'll take 1 E...

Three of the Rs...

And an O...

and spell ERROR.
Dont forget the T, H and E.
Black Vaine
+43|6776|K-Town, Sweden
WV ? OR sumthing, im to drnunk
+131|6610|the guy in the hind on gator
the title says find the error. since there is no error, the title is the error. where is me karma

Edit: and here is a little google quoting 
Ok I have benn doing some searching . As I'm sure most of us have. Here is the answer (copy and pasted) that I found.

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

At the top, it says, "Find the error. It's impossible." <--(ERROR)

It is impossible to find it, because there is no error.

The joke is that 20% of people did find an error where there wasn't one. THE OTHER 80% TRIED TO HARD AND MISSED THE ANSWER...THERE YOU GO.

The ERROR IS (find the error its impossible) TRYING TO FIND IT IS THERE ERROR..SIMPLY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ERROR BELOW..hence "80% of UCSD students could not find the error above. have a great day all

Last edited by russ)=spetsnaz (2007-06-17 15:05:48)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6863|Charlie One Alpha
This 'error' is kinda like a spoon in the matrix -- there isn't one.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Oi, Suzy!
+113|6907|Florida, United States wrote:

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Alrighty! This one has been floating around for a very long time and this is the Third instance of the same riddle i've seen. I will cover it accordingly and supply the Answer so bare with me

The Riddle!
Correct Version....
In all instances of this riddle you notice that the title states "Find the Error" , Or "Find The Error For Me", or "Can you find The Error". The Title is the KEY.. Notice how it just ask you to "Find The Error" it does NOT however state "What" kind of Error.. This is pretty much the meat and potatoes of the Trick Question..

Incorrect Versions...
Now there are some instances that actualy go as far as to say " Find the Error in The Alphabet". These titles are incorrect and defeat the purpose of the Riddle.. Fact of the matter is There IS NO ERROR in the Alphabet, or should NOT be.. But since the title was posted wrong, this confuses the Readers to the REAL problem and answer..
Some have even "Intentionaly" distorted the alphabet by adding a "0" into the mix instead of the "O". Now this is tricky, yes, but once again. Incorrect, and defeats the purpose of "Misdirection"

Also another mistake people make is they "Repost" The riddle by hand INSTEAD of just copyiing and pasting it the way they should. So it gets distorted as it moves on. This case is NO exception. The mistake made in this instance is with the sentence
"find the error. it's impossible" <- this is the incorrect version
it should be
"find the error. its impossible"<-This is the Correct version
Notice how in the "Correct Version" of the Riddle, I Intentionaly Neglected the Apostrophe between the "t" and "s" That is because THIS is the Error the reader is supposed to find. It's a grammatical Error NOT an Alphabetical.

The Answer!
The Error Is Not In The Alphabet
Now since we know what the Real Version Is, let's cover the Answer. As said.. the Title is a "Trick" Question.. when stated correctly, the Reader "Assumes" that the error WANTED is in the Alphabet , even though it was not Directly Stated, so you search the entire Alphabet for Anything that could be possibly seen as "Wrong" but this is intentional Miss direction..

The Error SHOULD be in the actual question ABOVE the alphabet list .

"find the error. its impossible"

Notice how in "Its impossible", there is no apostrophe between the "t" and "s".. At least when this riddle is posted "Correctly", there should be "NO Apostrophe"..
The absences of the apostrophe is the "Error" of which the reader is supposed to find..
When you repost this riddle be sure you just have the title read "Find The Error" and try not to convert it in any way.
Also never try to retype the riddle by hand unless you KNOW exactly how it's stated. People already tend to make grammatical errors when typing as is and others tend to make NO mistakes whatsoever , either way , this this distorts the Riddle...
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6482|SHAPE, Belgium

OrangeHound wrote:

Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

No one has found it yet.
Well, let's see ...

(a)  If the challenge is "Find the error!", then "the error" or "error" is in the question at the bottom.

(b)  If the presentation is correct (that is, if there is no trick in the post), then "the error" becomes the 20% of UCSD students who found an error ... or, alternatively, the error is the implication in the last sentence that there is indeed an error.

noo I'm not happy. Damn it's still confusing.
Black Vaine is the closest so far.
+131|6610|the guy in the hind on gator

Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

Black Vaine is the closest so far.
no hes not, im right because i got it of google, and google is never wrong, and you got urs of myspace
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6482|SHAPE, Belgium

Xblade-3o5- wrote: wrote:

Best Answer - Chosen By Voters

Alrighty! This one has been floating around for a very long time and this is the Third instance of the same riddle i've seen. I will cover it accordingly and supply the Answer so bare with me

The Riddle!
Correct Version..............................................................
1 w 1 v not 3
+1,175|6717|British Columbia, Canada
The title of the thread is

"Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find this error?"

While you posted..

"Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above?"
+131|6610|the guy in the hind on gator

LT.Victim wrote:

The title of the thread is

"Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find this error?"

While you posted..

"Did you know that 80% of UCSD students could not find the error above?"
the second one also says above, so what

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