
namsdrawkcaB wrote:

Yes, but my question is what about the African millitary and dictators. They are bad, But nothing is being done about them..
But want to know how it is so complicated, im asking a question here!!
Do you know history before 2003?

Since I lost a family member in Africa, I will fill you in.

300,000 plus people in Somalia were dying.  The warlord was stealing all the food.  We sent in over 20,000 Marines.  When we pulled out, it went to shit again.  Clinton sent in a smaller invasion force.  They responded by dragging dead soldiers through the streets.

There you go.  Just one example.

I have been there also.  I was in Liberia.

So before you open your mouth again, maybe you should spend more time learning history before opening your mouth kid.
+3,611|6665|London, England

Think of the house as the city and the garden as the desert than, and the illegal thing i wanted was a nail, and he threw it out the window into the garden. Sure, i can say "he had it, i saw it, it's in that garden somewhere how the hell am i supposed to find it" - but i'll still look like an idiot.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2007-06-17 09:07:04)


Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

Well, North Korea did not demonstrate that they had WMD's until after we were bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems that you forgot that.

Didn't demonstrate could you clarify this for me I'm having a hard time understanding what this would mean.
North Korea did not detonate a nuclear weapon until 2006.

Do you actually have an argument?
So lets get this straight demonstrating for you is detonating nuclear weapons, at which point you can't do shit about it, but for some reason we found enough justification in shaky evidence to invade Iraq a country that hasn't had a nuclear detonation and was being monitored to the best of our ability by UN inspectors. You see i'm starting to see a bit of a divergence in approach, no? So if we are truly adamant about removing those whom threaten our allies with WMDs why not attack N. Korea? Someone else already alluded to the sleeping giant that is China -- this is mainly why I would say we didn't go into N. Korea (again).

The reason I'm even bothering to point this out is mostly due to our usage of Nuclear weapons as a blank check for invading any and all countries whom we can designate an enemy. Situations like Iraq could be avoided -- and what N. Korea shows is that we will invade those whom have no protection. While Iran on the other hand doesn't even posses nuclear weapons, but only the capacity to do so -- just like any other country with nuclear tech -- so hey why didn't we care about India/Pakistan developing them then?

At what point can those that posses nuclear weapons continue to use them as threats against those whom wish to be at an equal playing level?
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

Mekstizzle wrote:


Think of the house as the city and the garden as the desert than, and the illegal thing i wanted was a nail, and he threw it out the window into the garden. Sure, i can say "he had it, i saw it, it's in that garden somewhere how the hell am i supposed to find it" - but i'll still look like an idiot.
Analogies don't work here. A nail is not a threat as is a WMD.
+1,452|6438|The Gem Saloon

Mekstizzle wrote:


Think of the house as the city and the garden as the desert than, and the illegal thing i wanted was a nail, and he threw it out the window into the garden. Sure, i can say "he had it, i saw it, it's in that garden somewhere how the hell am i supposed to find it" - but i'll still look like an idiot.
i see where you are coming from, but i dont think you understand the vastness of deserts.

the whole WMD thing is a moot point now anyways.......iraq has acted as a buffer for the ME for a very long time....even though we installed leaders, a power vacuum still exists.
all i have to say is watch out for Iran and Turkey.
+3,611|6665|London, England
I can understand Iran, but Turkey? All i've heard is that they want to exterminate Kurdish militia up north who seem to be doing attacks against them. Wouldn't that be doing everyone a favour?
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

Fen321 wrote:

So lets get this straight demonstrating for you is detonating nuclear weapons, at which point you can't do shit about it, but for some reason we found enough justification in shaky evidence to invade Iraq a country that hasn't had a nuclear detonation and was being monitored to the best of our ability by UN inspectors. You see i'm starting to see a bit of a divergence in approach, no? So if we are truly adamant about removing those whom threaten our allies with WMDs why not attack N. Korea? Someone else already alluded to the sleeping giant that is China -- this is mainly why I would say we didn't go into N. Korea (again).

The reason I'm even bothering to point this out is mostly due to our usage of Nuclear weapons as a blank check for invading any and all countries whom we can designate an enemy. Situations like Iraq could be avoided -- and what N. Korea shows is that we will invade those whom have no protection. While Iran on the other hand doesn't even posses nuclear weapons, but only the capacity to do so -- just like any other country with nuclear tech -- so hey why didn't we care about India/Pakistan developing them then?

At what point can those that posses nuclear weapons continue to use them as threats against those whom wish to be at an equal playing level?
So, what you're saying is, since we don't stop Korea, we should allow all nations to have nuclear weapons? Also, its about level of threat.

I have said it countless times now.  Saddam was probably the most dangerous candidate for someone to have WMDs.  I doubt Inda or Pakistan or N Korea have any intentions of selling WMDs to terrorists. Saddam howerver, in his hatred for america, what owuld stop him?

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

A threat to Europe -- in all honesty -- you actually think Saddam was plotting to launch an offensive attack on Europe. Why? Why? Why? There is no motivation hence no intentions. The problem with that my friend is that immediately the jig is up no intentions = no threat .
Please, please read what people have to say, rather than pick through thier posts and fixate on one aspect of what they said.   Saddam MAY HAVE had ties to Al Qaida.   Iraq + WMDs + Terrorist ties + Terrorist inentions (9/11?) = A big fucking problem.    NO of course Saddam wouldn't launch a strike against Europe. NO ONE SAID THAT.   

I cannot stand people like this.

The patriarchal style of rule through out the Middle East, which has been practiced for centuries now, leaves no room for opposition in the form of power outside of the hands of the dictator. So why would Saddam allow Al Qaida to function anywhere in its territory? Or for what reason would he fund them?

WMDS none... terrorist ties.....*ha* 9/11 bigger fucking *ha*.

And the bit about not launching weapons into Europe...i was responding to a comment where someone stated that they possed missiles capable of hitting Europe while N. Korea only has the tech to walk theirs around apparently...never mind the testing of missiles.
+1,452|6438|The Gem Saloon

Mekstizzle wrote:

I can understand Iran, but Turkey? All i've heard is that they want to exterminate Kurdish militia up north who seem to be doing attacks against them. Wouldn't that be doing everyone a favour?
turkey was massed on the border a couple weeks ago. the claim was that they were "chasing" some group, but they had a bunch of troops lined up ready for something.....i think it was around june 6th.

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

So lets get this straight demonstrating for you is detonating nuclear weapons, at which point you can't do shit about it, but for some reason we found enough justification in shaky evidence to invade Iraq a country that hasn't had a nuclear detonation and was being monitored to the best of our ability by UN inspectors. You see i'm starting to see a bit of a divergence in approach, no? So if we are truly adamant about removing those whom threaten our allies with WMDs why not attack N. Korea? Someone else already alluded to the sleeping giant that is China -- this is mainly why I would say we didn't go into N. Korea (again).

The reason I'm even bothering to point this out is mostly due to our usage of Nuclear weapons as a blank check for invading any and all countries whom we can designate an enemy. Situations like Iraq could be avoided -- and what N. Korea shows is that we will invade those whom have no protection. While Iran on the other hand doesn't even posses nuclear weapons, but only the capacity to do so -- just like any other country with nuclear tech -- so hey why didn't we care about India/Pakistan developing them then?

At what point can those that posses nuclear weapons continue to use them as threats against those whom wish to be at an equal playing level?
So, what you're saying is, since we don't stop Korea, we should allow all nations to have nuclear weapons? Also, its about level of threat.

I have said it countless times now.  Saddam was probably the most dangerous candidate for someone to have WMDs.  I doubt Inda or Pakistan or N Korea have any intentions of selling WMDs to terrorists. Saddam howerver, in his hatred for america, what owuld stop him?
How was he the most dangerous candidate while PAKISTAN whom has nuclear weapons and openly funds terrorist organization doesn't even get a bit of a mention in our axis of evil? Should we not then stop Pakistan now for it seems for that to stand true we should at least follow through with those guiding principles and finish the job no?

Saddam's hatred for America would be stopped by the simply fact that we already occupied the country.
This is a completely pointless topic that leads to NO conclusion and leads to flame wars.
If you have an opinion on the war in Iraq, fine. You want to post it? Fine. Just don't start crying and bitching when someone disagrees.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6733|Fort Lewis WA

Mekstizzle wrote:

Parker wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

Oh yeah i remembered seeing pictures of planes in the desert. The thing is, if they knew there were WMD's and was confident enough to invade for it, they should've found them by now. Regardless of how well hidden they are, if you're confident enough to invade for them, you should be able to find them.
ever been to a desert?
Doesn't matter, you're confident enough to Invade by saying there's WMD's.

That's like me seeing someone with something illegal in their house, i break in and kill the guy but i can't find what i saw. Now who looks like the idiot? "He must've thrown it away" is a stupid mans excuse. He probably did have them, there probably is evidence that he did. But you still can't find them.

Saddam has made us look like fools, now all credibility has been lost and an Iranian invasion on the same pretext will look even more dumb if we find no proof that Iran are building nukes.

We should've just stayed in Afghanistan and invaded Pakistan.
Well you surely must remember the games he was playing for several I say again SEVERAL years with the UN weapons inspectors.
and remember the cool looking convoys that would leave the next area the UN inspectors were supposed to visit next?
I do, but then again I was in the army watching that shit daily. I had "Iraq or Bust" written on the back of my Stryker back when I was first given the keys for it in late 2000.  It was building, it was going to come down to another war with Iraq sooner or later.  Key words: SOONER OR LATER
9/11 was the catalyst that set it all off.  Fear makes people do and say some pretty fucked up things.  The US was in fear and, things went faster then they should've.  No matter who the president was we probably would've gone to war with Afganistan and Iraq no matter who was behind the wheel.  Shit happens. And the UK was right there in the passenger seat helping to provoke a war. So get off your high and mighty ass, and relize it was bound to happen again. Sadly two idiots decided the time was now.  Suck it up and drive on. Complaining and finger pointing will get you nowhere.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6733|Fort Lewis WA

Fen321 wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

A threat to Europe -- in all honesty -- you actually think Saddam was plotting to launch an offensive attack on Europe. Why? Why? Why? There is no motivation hence no intentions. The problem with that my friend is that immediately the jig is up no intentions = no threat .
Please, please read what people have to say, rather than pick through thier posts and fixate on one aspect of what they said.   Saddam MAY HAVE had ties to Al Qaida.   Iraq + WMDs + Terrorist ties + Terrorist inentions (9/11?) = A big fucking problem.    NO of course Saddam wouldn't launch a strike against Europe. NO ONE SAID THAT.   

I cannot stand people like this.

The patriarchal style of rule through out the Middle East, which has been practiced for centuries now, leaves no room for opposition in the form of power outside of the hands of the dictator. So why would Saddam allow Al Qaida to function anywhere in its territory? Or for what reason would he fund them?

WMDS none... terrorist ties.....*ha* 9/11 bigger fucking *ha*.

And the bit about not launching weapons into Europe...i was responding to a comment where someone stated that they possed missiles capable of hitting Europe while N. Korea only has the tech to walk theirs around apparently...never mind the testing of missiles.
Ummm Fen, Saddam let a lot happen in his country.  Did you know There is a large population of Satanists in Iraq? Not the im gonna wear upside down crosses and dress in all black and wear black eyeliner and act like im dead type.  No these are some seriously evil fuckers that used to sacrifice humans and dump them in rivers.  Saddam was scared of them, because they were everywhere and no one would admit to who was who.  Al Qaida had a presence in Iraq for a long time, but again who's going to admit to that?  Those crazy fuckers are EVERYWHERE.  AQ has been pulling the strings of damn near every looney in the ME for several years.  AQ is not isolated to Afgan. I seriously wouldn't doubt for a minute Saddam was paying them money to help keep him in power all these years.  (Fear is the best way to motivate someone to act like a fucking sheep)

I think you need to do more research before you start acting like a jackass in forums you are out classed
Becuase we already pumped all the Oil out of Germany, France, Belgium, the Balkans, Italy, Sicily, North Africa, the Philippines, New Guinea, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Grenada. Is that what you wanted to hear ? Have you read a newspaper or turned on a TV at all since 1993 ?

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-06-17 10:13:34)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6733|Fort Lewis WA

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

Becuase we already pumped all the Oil out of Germany, France, Belgium, the Balkans, Italy, Sicily, North Africa, the Philippines, New Guinea, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Grenada. Is that what you wanted to hear ? Have you read a newspaper or turned on a TV at all since 1993 ?
Whaaa? OMGz HAX!!
If you locate something with a satellite, you will have a easy time knowing where that area was, how to get there and how far away it is. Doesn't matter WHERE it is. Bush said they had found evidence that Iraq had WMDs. If they are keeping it secret that they found it for the safety of public going wild, then i can understand. But if they haven't, why the hell do say those things then? Its not just something people will take lightly.
177th Field Artillery
+39|6785|In your head

namsdrawkcaB wrote: the only reason to why bush kill many and tore a country apart was becuase of money?
If this is the only reason, then most of you see why i dislike Amercia much.
See that is the problem with many of you that do not live here. Because of the actions of our president you automatically say america sucks, i dislike america, blah blah blah. Well you people need to realize that it was Bush that made the decision to go to Iraq, the American people had virtually no say in whether we went or not. Congress says that, congress said no but bush being commander in chief said screw you congress we are going anyways! yes we voted him in, but do you really think that we knew he was going to start a war with iraq for almost not a legit reason? Yeh, we had no fucking clue. The only reason we voted him back in was because of kerry, he is messed up kerry is. The reason I think bush went back to iraq was because his daddy never finished it like he should have.

DrunkFace wrote:

Big mula for private contractors. 


and no country would invade another one to "liberate" it with out thinking of its own interests.
Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

Fen321 wrote:

How was he the most dangerous candidate while PAKISTAN whom has nuclear weapons and openly funds terrorist organization doesn't even get a bit of a mention in our axis of evil? Should we not then stop Pakistan now for it seems for that to stand true we should at least follow through with those guiding principles and finish the job no?

Saddam's hatred for America would be stopped by the simply fact that we already occupied the country.
Pakistan (from what I understand, if I am wrong, I retract my comment) does not openly fund terrorists, they do however, harbor terrorists. and by harbor I mean the allow them in thier country on the simple fact that hey do not have the means to oust them from thier country.  Also, really who says we WONT invade pakistan if it ends up being necissary?

I agree with you the U.S. government is getting out of hand, but what I am trying to say is that we don't invade countries because it's a fucking hobby.

Fen321 wrote:


The patriarchal style of rule through out the Middle East, which has been practiced for centuries now, leaves no room for opposition in the form of power outside of the hands of the dictator. So why would Saddam allow Al Qaida to function anywhere in its territory? Or for what reason would he fund them?

WMDS none... terrorist ties.....*ha* 9/11 bigger fucking *ha*.

And the bit about not launching weapons into Europe...i was responding to a comment where someone stated that they possed missiles capable of hitting Europe while N. Korea only has the tech to walk theirs around apparently...never mind the testing of missiles.
Saddam had no ties to Al Qaida? I have no proof that he did, but there is evidence saying that he did. Where is your proof he DIDNT?  I am going off our reasons to invade not the concrete proof of what he in fact did or did not have.   I fully acknowledge the fact that invading Iraq under those terms was foolish and a complete blunder.  But it wasn't JUST for us to claim some oil.

Also, when faced with a superior forgien power, why WOULDN'T he aid al qaida to strike at the U.S?

(EDIT:  Not saying that I believe the US Gov. about the terrorist ties fully, but isn't it plausible?)

And ok, I didn't see the post about Saddam having those missiles.  I disregarded it probably because No way would Saddam even have considered attacking Europe. You are right about that.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-06-17 11:23:00)

Goodbye :)
+399|6523|Somewhere else

ghostgr wrote:

See that is the problem with many of you that do not live here. Because of the actions of our president you automatically say america sucks, i dislike america, blah blah blah. Well you people need to realize that it was Bush that made the decision to go to Iraq, the American people had virtually no say in whether we went or not.

Congress says that, congress said no but bush being commander in chief said screw you congress we are going anyways! yes we voted him in, but do you really think that we knew he was going to start a war with iraq for almost not a legit reason? Yeh, we had no fucking clue. The only reason we voted him back in was because of kerry, he is messed up kerry is.

The reason I think bush went back to iraq was because his daddy never finished it like he should have.
Exactly.  The American people are lied to all the time.  We as a nation join all cheer when Bush says "we're going in!"

It's hard for a lot of people to understand the truth whe nyou have people like Joseph Goebbels *AHEM* I mean Rupert Murdoch controlling alot of the News the U.S gets.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Please, please read what people have to say, rather than pick through thier posts and fixate on one aspect of what they said.   Saddam MAY HAVE had ties to Al Qaida.   Iraq + WMDs + Terrorist ties + Terrorist inentions (9/11?) = A big fucking problem.    NO of course Saddam wouldn't launch a strike against Europe. NO ONE SAID THAT.   

I cannot stand people like this.

The patriarchal style of rule through out the Middle East, which has been practiced for centuries now, leaves no room for opposition in the form of power outside of the hands of the dictator. So why would Saddam allow Al Qaida to function anywhere in its territory? Or for what reason would he fund them?

WMDS none... terrorist ties.....*ha* 9/11 bigger fucking *ha*.

And the bit about not launching weapons into Europe...i was responding to a comment where someone stated that they possed missiles capable of hitting Europe while N. Korea only has the tech to walk theirs around apparently...never mind the testing of missiles.
Ummm Fen, Saddam let a lot happen in his country.  Did you know There is a large population of Satanists in Iraq? Not the im gonna wear upside down crosses and dress in all black and wear black eyeliner and act like im dead type.  No these are some seriously evil fuckers that used to sacrifice humans and dump them in rivers.  Saddam was scared of them, because they were everywhere and no one would admit to who was who.  Al Qaida had a presence in Iraq for a long time, but again who's going to admit to that?  Those crazy fuckers are EVERYWHERE.  AQ has been pulling the strings of damn near every looney in the ME for several years.  AQ is not isolated to Afgan. I seriously wouldn't doubt for a minute Saddam was paying them money to help keep him in power all these years.  (Fear is the best way to motivate someone to act like a fucking sheep)

I think you need to do more research before you start acting like a jackass in forums you are out classed
How about you start responding with evidence instead of calling me a jack ass.

Lets make a quick run through once more for you.

Satanist -- threat to America = zero

AQ ties to Iraq prior to 2003 = zero

Saddam paying AQ TO KEEP HIM IN power = the most bullshit allegation to date. If i could give you an award for this one honestly I would fly out to where you live and hand it to you personally because god damn you've taken the cake with that one. Now in all seriousness where do you get this information from?

I'll stop being a jackass when you can get something other than pure speculation and nonsense allegations that AQ was capable of running things behind the scenes in Iraq prior to 2003. More research doesn't hurt, i'll never deny that.

For those asking for proof of the none existence of something i seriously suggest to you look closer at what you are asking me to do.

Last edited by Fen321 (2007-06-17 13:14:33)

O Canada
+1,596|6449|North Carolina

namsdrawkcaB wrote:

I have a quick and serious question.

Why do America invade and take over a country, in support to "aid" that particular country like Iraq, When there are country's who are ten times worst off like a city in Africa where hundrens die a day from proverty, but not only that, but also from the millitary, who have actually taken over these countrys?? Shoudnt the americans, take millitary action against a place like Serria Leon??
NOTE: this is not a debate, but yet a question.
The military industrial complex and dollar hegemony....

We have several powerful people in government that profit from the money that military contractors make during nation-building.  Now, obviously, these people will make money regardless of where the nation-building is, but Iraq was chosen because of its oil connection.

It's not about the oil itself, it's about the fact that Iraq switched to the Euro for its oil trade about a year before we invaded.  We feared that this move would set a precedent among the other OPEC nations, and for a while, it looked like Iran would make ths same move.

So, we deposed Saddam, reinstated the dollar for oil trade in Iraq, and the military contractors are making money hand over fist at taxpayers' expense.

Keeping the American dollar in a position where it serves as the primary currency for oil trade allows its value to be propped up despite our massive federal debt and our equally massive trade deficit.  Of course, our debt has gotten so bad (and foreign investment has generally fallen) that the dollar is falling in value anyway.  It would fall even faster if OPEC traded solely in Euros.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6567|Little blue planet, milky way
How about there was not one but TWO UN resolutions that gave the "Allied" forces the AUTHORITY to invade ?
O Canada
+1,596|6449|North Carolina

Twist wrote:

How about there was not one but TWO UN resolutions that gave the "Allied" forces the AUTHORITY to invade ?
The authority was given long before even the Democrats started lobbying to invade Iraq in the late 90s.  The first Bush president could have chosen to depose Saddam, but he was smart enough not to.

It doesn't matter if the U.N. grants authority on something it doesn't plan on acting on.  What matters is the favorability of the repercussions of an invasion in Iraq.  The first Bush understood that deposing Saddam would have left Iraq in shambles.  I would assume Clinton probably understood this as well.

The only way this invasion could have worked would be to have the support of the local countries and the majority of the First World.  What allowed us to be so successful in the first Gulf War was the fact that countries like Saudi Arabia bankrolled the entire operation.  We had the manpower, they had the funds.

By unilaterally entering Iraq, we pissed off a lot of our allies, and the few who stood by us didn't commit the funds and resources necessary to successfully nation-build Iraq.  We simply bit off way more than we could chew.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6567|Little blue planet, milky way
@Turquoise: Still that doesn't change the fact that the US doesn't go around invading just ANY country at will. I seriously doubt that the US would have invaded WITHOUT the support/backing of the UN. Otherwise, what's to keep them from invading mexico to stop theflow of illegals, or invade columbia to win the war on drugs, or china to stop the "unfair competetive advantage of quasi subsidised workmanship", or france for opposing the majority of the US proposals in the UN security council. Or ANY other country that just happneed to get in the way.

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