99 Problems . . .

What are your opinions on each server having their own set of rules?

The server I play on allows everything except hacking/glitching, claymore whoring and acting like a smacktard.  Other than that you can pretty much do what you want.

I think the base-raping and spwan-camping is starting to be a problem, especially on Warlord & Ghost Town.  In Warlord it's happening more & more.  On Ghost Town the Spetsnaz have the slight advantage of being closer to their first flag & also being closer to the "Upper North Side".  They are usually able to win most rounds and even pin the SAS in their un-cap.

One of the other mods has brought up the fact this is happening more & more and on Warlord it's almost constant.  So much so that we lose a lot of players as soon as the raping starts.

Personally I vote for keeping the rules the way they are.

What do you think of theses kind of rules?

Do you continue to spawn or quit if you're getting raped?
The server I used to play on allowed anything, apart from cheating or glitching. If I was on the team for the whole round and we got pushed back to the uncap I'd stay and take a beating, if I joined half way through I'd probably try spawn a few times then break out of the uncap, but 90% of the time our team were just sniping from roofs and stuff so I'd stop spawning.

I think the rules are pretty good sometimes, but like you said, it get's very annoying when someone will just come into the uncap and rape all the time, even if they are losing the game.
+2,382|6996|The North, beyond the wall.
I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.
Flamesuit essential

I only play vBF2 on the AU server because nothing ever happens with FF off.
I don't mind spawn raping and it's not hard to push them back if the other team's raping me
+947|6829|Gold Coast
I play with no hax/glitches etc, but I try to go Internode AUS, because of the no-spawn-rape-the-uncap flag rule. You can tell em to f- off so you can get a chance, but most of the time they ignore you. And I hate GameArena, because it has a big WARNIGN!N!INW AZOMG!!! OWO!!! OENOENOEN DO NOT SWAERR!!! !O2no. I mean, come on, no swearing is gay, its what makes complaining better. But Im really ok with any server, just as long as im not getting totaly owned all the time
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6882|Area 51
Its very simple, everone likes spawncamping/baseraping untill it happens to them, therefore they set the rule no spawncamping/baseraping, second admins such as me like full servers, makes good promotion and its more fun to play on your own server which is full then fuck around on your own, therefore if we start to allow baserape, then people start to whine, what happens next is that I spend 60% of my playtime in BF2cc, warning, kicking and possibly banning people. This is neither fun for me OR the players. Then I can also do nothing, but what then happens is, people start to leave, leaving me with an empty server again and a bad promotion on the server. Therefore, stating a rule of, EXCESSIVE Spawncamp/Baserape is not allowed, leaves me and the player in a good mood, since doing it once or twice, isn't that bad, and 90% tends to keep them selves to that very rule. In addition, to everyone who claims that I am pussy by forbidding spawncamp and baserape, because this is WAR, you are wrong, this is not a war this is a game.
I think base raping should be allowed. In all un-caps there are Ground Defense stations and TOWS. Spawn camping shouldn't because the game becomes boring and frustrating for the team being killed.

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.
conservative hatemonger
If peple spawn camp then the other team has a few complainers but they stay in
if you disallow spawn camping then people who spawn camp will get kicked

see what i mean?  More kicks = less people.  Spawn camps allowed will make a few vocal noobs unhappy, but for the most part no one particularly cares
+8|6483|at your base...killing you!
i think being spawnraped is sometimes fun because then things get pretty exciting like on a ship
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6641|New Haven, CT
Spawnraping is stupid and should be banned because there isn't enough teamwork to break out of it. That is the only positive thing that can come out of being spawnraped for the victim. However, since the teamwork is so bad, there is never a chance of this happening. Then, the game becomes pointless (no pun intended) for the victim, and not fun. To perpetuate that is stupid.

SamFisher199 wrote:

jord wrote:

I only play on servers without admins so i can ignore these sort of pussy rules and get on with playing.
Whenever I'm chinese on Wake I'll go and snipe on the carrier. Bring a support guy with you = unlimited claymores, so unless they finally start getting their act together and start nading you, you're set.

I'm not totally against it, but if its on a map like Jalalabad and there are tanks rolling into the uncap, people stealing your tanks, and making it impossible to get out, then that's annoying.
+572|6976|BC, Canada
I do like the A2G rules on your server pike.
the only ones I like playing on are the ones with no rules execpt no hacking or glitching...
Hooray Beer!
+94|6887|United States
No rules (I don't consider "no hacking/glitching" a rule that has to be added. It's common sense that that kind of shit isn't allowed anywhere). It's the only way to play.
when my team starts to get baseraped i quit.why?simply because the team i'm on is worse than the other team,and from my experience it happens round after round.it doesn't sound like a good reason,but it sure as hell isn't fun either.so why stay?
actually i do one of 2 things when baseraping is going on
1. baserape
2. switch teams so i can baserape

its not very often that i go into a server and don't kill at least one person in their uncap
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
Rape flag > Cap it

UnknownRanger wrote:

Rape flag > Cap flag
so true
Wannabe Heli Whore
I play Oman a lot, so my views are about that map....

Without an admin, it is incredibly easy as US to keep all of the MEC Planes/chopper down. You get in F-35, shoot down flanker or mig. Set your mental timer to about 45 seconds, then go machine gun the planes before they take off. Really simple. Same with helicopter, but about 20-30 seconds. You can TV the chopper  while its taking off everytime with a sensible pilot. So the planes never get off the ground, and US wins easy. Its kinda harder to do as MEC because of the essex....
so you are ok with base raping but not ok with using claymores..........

i say allow em all if you don't wanna get raped stop flocking to the fucking heli pads and fight back
raping is a part of battlefield and always was. its a wargame and war is hell, people that cant handle it should stick to counterstrike. much less thinkin involved there
Germans did 911
+427|6999|Disaster Free Zone

IGN Uncap Rules wrote:

Spawn Camping
On some maps there are uncappable flags. These flags cannot be captured and are indicated on your map by a large red circle with a line through the center. These rules apply to the immediate base area around these flags. Anything outside of this is fair game. To make it easier to understand the actual area, on your mini map at furtherest zoom, anything under the red circle is covered. In addition, the ENTIRE carrier on any map is classed as an uncap...all of it. It is not to be attacked anywhere (except the AA's) with vehicles.

- Players may engage the opposition at an uncapable flag with their kit weapons only. The use of aircraft or vehicles is not permitted.
- Aircraft may engage ground based Anti-Air weapons within an uncapable base - This includes ground and vehicle mounted AA. Failure to move out of the uncapable spawn after the AA has been destroyed will be considered spawn camping.
- A plane, or chopper, that has returned to the airspace above its uncapable flag is not protected under the spawn camping rule.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Base raping wouldn't be so bad if people only did it when all the flags are capped. I hate it when some spastic is losing badly but decides to head on to the uncap and rape the shit out of it instead of helping his team cap the flags. Sometimes some people lose sight of what they are meant to do and take up a slot on their team even though they are useless.

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