
What is your favorite Anti-Tank Weapon?

Mp511%11% - 19
Pp-1917%17% - 30
Dao-1241%41% - 71
P9030%30% - 52
Total: 172
less busy
+586|6979|Kubra, Damn it!

Grocery_Store wrote:

I'm sure this has been done before, but I just started Anti-Tanking, and I was wondering what you guys think are the best Anti-Tank weapons (besides the SRAW & ERYNX of course).

My vote, from the two I've used, (PP-19 and the Mp5) is the Mp5, but I've heard that a lot of people like the DAO-12 better...
ERYNX? Is that what Bert uses to take out the armored Snuffalupagus?
+60|6780|miami FL
they all suck the best one it's the RPG
oBy| Back In Business
DAO-12 ftw!!! its THE best @ close combat. the other player gets so much kick-back he can't barely shoot. and if ur at long range, use ERYX or SRAW! you'll power own everybody!
+10|6538|British Columbia
I don't like the red dot sight on the P90 (or that Spec-Ops gun), but the ROF puts it slightly ahead of the stock SMGs.  I dislike all the shotguns.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6890|Mexico City
Dao-12.  Proper tactics make this short range nonsense.. nonsense.

The base SMGs are crap purely because it takes too much bullets to kill some one. Is it like 6 ?
If you have AMAZING accuracy make it it 10 shots. Although when you add bad hit reg, huuuuuuuuge cone of fire and crappy hit boxes its more like 15-20 bullets required to kill some one (if they are bunny hoping and air strafing switch to knife).
So its either DAO or P90.

Jemme101 wrote:

Grocery_Store wrote:

I'm sure this has been done before ...
Yeah its been done before ... and just like those times before you, like others, forgot to mention a weapon. Chineese AT > Type 85 (submachinegun)
I'm sure you make a lot of friends by copping an attitude like that. By the way, your post has "been done before."  "...And just like those" posts "before you," I took note of my error.  Thanks for the 3rd reminder of the thread.
High Angle Hell
+182|6338|Schofield Barracks

Mouse315 wrote:


MP5 runs out of ammo too fast, and reloading mid-fight sucks.

But in reality, the best anti-tank weapon is the pistol.
in reality the best anti tank weapon is the anti tank rocket
Rofl, you got to be shitting me, the Type-85 is the best AT gun, I have gotten Positive KDRS in chinese maps during matches and scrims.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6721|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!
All of them are perfect weapon IMO...I dislike a little the pp-19 bison but still a good gun.
Pwning you with 512mb
+22|6789|Top of the leaderboard.
personally i like the pp-19 the most. one reason is because it says peepee in the name but mostly it seems the most accurate to me, i just do well with it.
Flying Solo
+98|6914|Canada, Ont
Shotguns and Sub-Machineguns don't work to well for me but I prefer the P90 so you can shoot people from far away (Doing little damage though), aswell as Plow through Close range Targets with the high RPM.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
P90 is awesome. Most accurate SMG and it has a huge clip.
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6987|Sacramento, Cal
pp-19 and p-90
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
MP-5 Runs out of ammo to fast and takes to long to re-load in combat
PP-19 Accurate and fast ROF- My personal favourite
DAO- Im not a big fan of shotguns, but this is OK, its awesome at close range, takes waaaaaay to long to re-load though.
P-90 i Havent unlocked this yet, but ive picked it up a few times, but not enough to make a judgment.
The chinese SMG - Awesome, it looks tiny and piss-weak but it kicks ass
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6882|Great Wall
I like PP-19
Platinum Star whore
+365|6822|Middle of nowhere
The rocket bitches
+50|6872|Michigan, USA
pp-19 because it has good ROF and sniping ability in singleshot.
99 Problems . . .

iPoon.be wrote:

PP-19 is my fav, mostly because it feels easiest to use. P90 has a buttfugly lasersight and MP5 has too little ammo. DAO is only better is some situations (Warlord palace fight anyone?).
DAO-12 in the Palace is the sh*t !   +1 for you.

Just started using the sub-mgs, no real opinion yet.
I've played around with them a bit now, and I actually do like the PP-19 the most (between the MP5, PP-19, and the Chinese one).  Even though the MP5/SRAW combo looks cooler
+45|6729|Bristol, UK
RPG-9 goddamit.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6701|Brisbane, Aus

P90 usually, cause I'm a huge stargate fan

but the DAO can clean a room very quickly
Internet Poon

Delphy wrote:

RPG-9 goddamit.
That would be RPG-7
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6861|Riva, MD
The P90 needs it's accuracy adjusted as well as damage and toss in another mag or two.  Then anti-tank wouldn't need a pistol except for in the middle of reloading.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2007-06-16 06:21:07)

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