
A word in advance. Im not the greatest Armor-Whore of BF2, nor the worst. Via this crash course I would like to share my experience and tactics with others who have a warm place in their hearts for those good ol' workhouses of the army.



1. Information ; Armament, armor and general info.
- MEC T-90
- USA M1A2
- PLA Type 98 a.k.a. ZTZ-98 / WZ-123

2. Tank vs. Infantry combat.

3. Tank vs. suicidal attacks a.k.a. 'Jihad Jeeping'.

4. Tank vs. APC combat.

5. Tank vs. Tank combat.

6. Tank vs. TOW

7. Tank vs. Air Assets.


1. Information

- MEC T-90

The T-90 is the lattest Russian tank and the rival of the M1A2. Stabilized in two axis it is able, like the M1A2, to fire while driving at speeds of 90km/h.

It is equipped with a 125mm Smootbore gun or 2A46M as designated by the Russian army.
The commander has an external 12.7mm Browning M2 machine gun at his disposal.
A 7.62mm M240 machine gun is also mounted coaxially on the right hand side of the main gun and servers as an anti-infantry defence.

- USA M1A2

The US M1A2 Abram Main Battle tank is the succesor of the M1A1, a tank widely used during the first gulf war.
The M1A2 is an upgraded version of the M1A1. The game version is the M1A2. Current US Army version is the M1A2SEP which has some modern digital

It's main gun is a 120mm Smoothbore or M256 as it is designated by the US Army and is the smallest of the three tanks.
The commander has an external 12.7mm Browning M2 machine gun at his disposal.
A 7.62mm M240 machine gun is also mounted coaxially on the right hand side of the main gun and servers as an anti-infantry defence.

- PLA Type 98 a.k.a. ZTZ-98 / WZ-123

A PLA tank that had been designed during the '90s when China started exploring the possibilities of their Type 90-II tank. The Type 98 hull is based on the Russian T-72.
It has  a 125mm gun, and has the same machine gun specifications as the M1A2 and the T-90.


2. Tank vs. Infantry combat.

- Sniper, Assault, Medic, Support.
Anti-tank meassures: Frag grenades, Grenade Launchers, Claymore
Damage: Low

These classes can bring little to no damage to your tank and require no tactics to kill/hunt down.
Using the machinegun for close range and the main gun for 'sharp' shooting over longer distances.
However, it is possible to kill a tank using a GP-30/M203. If you encounter a GL infantry, make sure your engine-section and sides are facing away from them.
Those two sections are the most vulnerable on a tank.

- Engineer
Anti-tank meassures: Anti-tank Mines
Damage: Instant death

Engineers can be pretty annoying, laying AT mines on strategic points. Or even in close combat while throwing AT mines on the back/front of your tank, or even on top of your tank.
As you should always be an engineer, you can remove mines with the wrench from ontop of your tank or behind/besides it.

When you see some mines laying around, blast them with the main gun.  Move the tank a few times back/forward to get the gun lower/higher to blast the mines.
If you see an engineer running for you, judge his distance and either drive away, or put the pedal to the medal and roadkill the engineer before he can drop a mine.

Another method of handling engineers is making use of your 'stupid' teammates that drive anywhere,anytime without looking in front of them. If you are lucky the poor bastard will take out all the mines for you.

- SpecOps
Anti-tank meassures: C4
Damage: Instant death

The most annoying of all the tank-destroyers. The Specops. Those bunny-hopping, jihad-jeeping, c4-boobytrapping bastards are your main infantry concern on city/ubran maps with little to no view and driving space.
90% percent of the specops players expect a tank to back-off while he runs for it. Try to keep switching tactics. You have to decide wether the specops can reach your tank or not. If he can't then back-ff like hell
and take him out using main/machine gun. If he is too close to back-off give him a suprise put your pedal to the metal and try taking him out. If you miss and he is underneath your tank, pray to the BF2 Lord that he
isn't a suicidal maniac and that he will wait blowing the C4 and you to kingdom fifteen. When he is under the tank, start turning like a maniac, and try to take him out using you anti-specops tracks 'o death.

- AT
Anti-tank meassures: SRAW, ERYX, RPG-7 (SF)

These are the ones you gotta look out for. A single on is strong, a pack is deadly. Again, keep your distance, but more important, keep moving!
SRAW and ERYX are controllable-ammo. They can be stearerd to their target. Having lots of objects between you and the AT is a must, since it will limit their window of opportunity.
RPG-7's are dumb-ammo, they can't be controlled so don't drive in a straight line, make sudden stops/turns.
You can find the AT infantry by following the smoke trail their missile/rpg left behind. The best tip is again NOT TO STAND STILL.

3. Tank vs. suicidal assaults a.k.a. 'Jihad Jeepers'.

The enemy of good conduct, the 'Jihad Jeepers'. Probably the persons that had the most kick-votes initiated against them.
The way to deal with these individuals is easy and very effective.

Try keeping a good sight on the battle theater, keep your distance. You have a long ranged weapon that can do it's job perfectly from a distance.
With a UAV you have a clear advantage of spotting the Jeepers, but you should not depend on the UAV. Trust only your own eyes.
When you see a ATV/Quad/Car comming for you drive away from him, thus forcing your gun down and aim infront of the bastard, shoot, and deliver him a 15 second break.

4. Tank vs. APC combat.

Probably the toughest opponent. Just like other situations, keep a good view of the battlefield, try to keep track of the APC by listening to your teammates, commander or UAV.
The best way to kill it is aiming for the wheels. The backend and front end are heavy armorerd due to their infantry having to be protected.

Also a good way to avoid those pesky missiles is to know the landscape. Ditches and elevations can be very usefull when dodging enemy missiles.
Example: SF Warlord has a construction area underneath your paratroopers spawn. The ditch lowers the hight of your tank with 1 á 2 metres.
If you time it just right the missile while fly straight over you, giving you an extra 10 / 20 seconds to kill the APC.

APC Commanders will also most likely aim for your tracks since that is the biggest hitzone. Try keeping your tank behind a low wall or elevation protecting your tracks.

5. Tank vs. Tank.

The supreme battle. This is where the infantry-tank-whores get sepperated from the REAL men. The players that drive around with the soul purpose of ruining the other tank commanders day.
A tank has a few real weakspots, that I have tested. These spots are: the tracks, between turret and hull on the front and the engine-section. A well aimed 2 á 3 shots can kill any tank.
Very lucky shots can kill a tank in one shot, leaving a few bars of health, but since the tank is burning it will terminate itself.

Don't get al huggy-huggy with a tank. Keeping distance is the key to winning. Ok, you'll need eagle eyes to aim, but this will only improve your gameplay and your tactics.

6. Tank vs. TOW.

TOW Missiles are a formidable opponent, but far from invincible. Again, learn your surroundings, know the TOW possitions on the map and try to attack them from the side they least expect. If you encounter a live TOW site with that beeb-o-pain going of on your speakers, keep moving! Don't stop. If you stop you are dead.
Deploy a smoke screen and hide out of sight of the TOW gunner.
If you cant kill the gunner yourself, dont be ashamed to asked others to assist, or wait until he shot a missile and move in for the kill.

To fully destroy a TOW site you have to have a pretty good aim, since the HEAT will usually fly by without hitting. And when attacking a live site, try hitting object like crates/sandbags next to the gunner. The splash damage will kill the gunner most of the time, if not finish him of with a burst of machinegun fire.

7. Tank vs. Air Assets

This chapter is foccused on Helicopters, but it is possible to shoot down a plane with a tank. That is; a F35B hovering. The odds of hitting a plane are 1:1.000.000 so don't waste ammo on it.

Helicopters can be shot down on the move, but you'll have far better odds when they hover over flags or certain area's. A neutral helo can be shot down with 2 well placed shots just underneath the rotor. (That is where the engine resides). The number can vary depending on the exact hit location your HEAT round goes.
In the case of transport choppers; try aiming for the cargo-bay/infantry-hold. You might not kill the chopper, but at least you got the people inside; the support, gunners or when your a very lucky; the pilot.

And last but not least a summary of THE most important things.



Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-01-26 14:42:17)

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6787|Houston, TX
Not bad.  Good tips.  Only field time can truly improve a good tankwhore.
Keep on killing!

nice tips
Member 5307
how about Tank vs the anti -tank kit???
The AT-Soldiers and TOW tactics are missing. They are more deadly for me than mines or C4.

And what about air asses? You only play city maps, don't you?
I love to take out choppers (transport and attack), especially on city maps. But an attack chopper is the quickest death for a tank.
+101|6718|Southern California
Bernadictus - Nice work m8. Some problems with it are very minor and mostly EA/Dices problem. This is a great game ain't it?


Tanks should never operate alone
Assume enemy forces are always operating in groups (unless UAV shows otherwise)
Cooperate in armor teams with Engineer and Support kits, switch back and forth between vehicles to keep both repaired and armed. Very important if you have mobile ADA with you.

Here are some more ideas to add to your tips-


Thanks for the link. However I try to be a support role, watching over infantry while they progress, but 95% of BF2 players that use armor don't exactly now what a tank is for. They think that all wars are won because some John Rambo gets in a m-4 during ww2, a m-80 during the Vietnam war or more recently a m1a2SEP during the war in Iraq.

I love teaming up with on or two APC's which are loaded with infantry, I LOVE IT so much I would like to see DICE force this into the game. But I'm realistic and know that not many will use this type of teamplaying.

Although in a squad as a member or leader 90% is still a lone wolf, not following orders. And this causses the whole armor squad aspect to lose strenght, since you are limited to being in 2 or 3 places at max with armor support.

That is why I wrote a more 'Lone-Wolf' manual, because that is reality.

Last edited by Bernadictus (2006-01-26 12:06:59)

+0|6742|St.-Petersburg, Russia
once I killed F-35 by the bank... it was a great pilot... He used his F-35 like a Chopper and piloted it like a chopper So... it was easy to kill him   1 shot.. and not 2-3 to destroy chopper
+101|6718|Southern California

The best games I have had are with a full Armored Squad cooperating all the way with an Infantry squad, its awesome and unbeatable by ragtag militia. I agree that most people in this game are perspectively lone wolfing but its not my way (i think 19 out of 230 hrs and that is mostly the minute or two at the beginning or the squad lockout bug on

I find it kinda stupid to put my stats above a team win. What good is a medal of honor if your country loses the war? lol   The stats are nice to use for adjusting play, training tools and etc.

I dont view a squad member who operates without orders a lone wolf - Sometimes orders are moot, actions obvious. As CO or SL I do not micro-manage unless a unique situation happens where my zooming in and talking a squad through (on Team Speak not the game VoIP) an action is called for. When everyone is in a squad they will get the Co's arty warning messages and hopefully look at their minimap to prevent premature cessation of existance.

and as for the tank in a non-rambo support role - exactly. tanks are too valuable to waste time moving from the spawn point to the front most of the game. Flanking, suppressing, shaping the enemy response, counter-sniping and my personal favorite 120mm anti-aircraft fire.

As you said about the APC mech infantry being built into the game? I think its already here but since the game rewards the soloist stats more than any other part of the game a mech squad is of less value. People would squad up more if there were significant stat benefits from it.

One of my more teamwork tactics consists of 3 squads, 2 apc's, and 1 tank.

The squads consist of 1x2 and 2x5 men.

The first 2 are engineer and support, the 5 men teams have a similar structure namely 1 engineer (apc driver) 1 support 1 medic and 2 assault.

By healing and repairing eachother we rampaged over the enemy that just couldnt kill us.
What server do you mostly play SpecOps? Maybe we could play a few rounds together!
My tank guide:

Medic/Assault/Support/Sniper:  Free kills.

AT:  Just go into third person view, see where he pops out of cover.  When he comes back out again, shoot him.

Engineer:  Just shoot their mines.  No threat here.  Move on.

Spec Ops:  Being in third person view most of the time helps here.  Set third person view a close my keyboard button, and first person view to another close button.  So when you see him in 3rd person view, quickly switch to first and kill him.

Mobile AA:  Pretty much a free kill.  He will probably only be able to take off 5 bars of your health.

APC:  easy.  you will always win this fight, even if you miss once.

Tank:  Shoot first, you will always win.  Try to hit the front of his tread - it does the most damage.

Heli:  Yeah, you are pretty much dead because he can kill you in 1 hit.

Jet:  The ones with only 2 bombs cant kill you.  You can't kill him either.  Ignore them.  The ones with 5 bombs CAN kill you, so just dont find one.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Medic/Assault/Support/Sniper:  Free kills.
Come by me as assault and you'll take assault off of that list above.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

AT:  Just go into third person view, see where he pops out of cover.  When he comes back out again, shoot him.
But then again the AT has already moved.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Engineer:  Just shoot their mines.  No threat here.  Move on.
Throwing a mine on top of a tank is like C4ing it, the only difference is, you can walk away and let the mine do the work.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Spec Ops:  Being in third person view most of the time helps here.  Set third person view a close my keyboard button, and first person view to another close button.  So when you see him in 3rd person view, quickly switch to first and kill him.
Some servers also have third person view disabled, which in my opinion is a great way to experience BF2.
Before you are back in 1st person view with a rotated turret you'll be C4ed

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Mobile AA:  Pretty much a free kill.  He will probably only be able to take off 5 bars of your health.
Once again, drop by and I'll show you just how though it is if your target keeps moving and hiding.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

APC:  easy.  you will always win this fight, even if you miss once.
Wrong, APC's have advatages like shooting through penetrable materials which the tank's don't have. The missile makes more damage than a HEAT round and one well placed missile can bring you back to 5 bars.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Tank:  Shoot first, you will always win.  Try to hit the front of his tread - it does the most damage.
With tread I pressume you mean the commander's turret. And again wrong. You can shoot first and still lose, it depends on where you aim. And shooting the tracks does the most damage.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Heli:  Yeah, you are pretty much dead because he can kill you in 1 hit.
You have a smokescreen use it and don't drive in predictable fashions. Use terrain elevations to elevate your tank into the air, thus aiming higher and take the hovering helo down.

Reading your replies I would like to invite you to take me on in these aspects. You'll be suprised.

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

You have a smokescreen use it and don't drive in predictable fashions. Use terrain elevations to elevate your tank into the air, thus aiming higher and take the hovering helo down.
Another good way to protect your tank is reverse slope it.  Get where you can shoot down from above the other guy's tank/apc/vehicle.  Done properly, he will be hitting the ground infront of you while you blow him back to his maker. 

Just watch out for those evil helicopters and jets who love to bomb you. 

Pilots, take those things out as fast as you can, I hate getting killed in a tank by that bleeping  SU-34 or Mi28.
+41|6778|200m out and smiling at you.
here's one helicopter defense tactic for you.

if u keep driving towards the attack chopper u get out of the range of his missiles. and just turn around either run like mad or hit F2 and get into that turret.
+101|6718|Southern California

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

My tank guide:

Medic/Assault/Support/Sniper:  Free kills.

AT:  Just go into third person view, see where he pops out of cover.  When he comes back out again, shoot him.

Engineer:  Just shoot their mines.  No threat here.  Move on.

Spec Ops:  Being in third person view most of the time helps here.  Set third person view a close my keyboard button, and first person view to another close button.  So when you see him in 3rd person view, quickly switch to first and kill him.

Mobile AA:  Pretty much a free kill.  He will probably only be able to take off 5 bars of your health.

APC:  easy.  you will always win this fight, even if you miss once.

Tank:  Shoot first, you will always win.  Try to hit the front of his tread - it does the most damage.

Heli:  Yeah, you are pretty much dead because he can kill you in 1 hit.

Jet:  The ones with only 2 bombs cant kill you.  You can't kill him either.  Ignore them.  The ones with 5 bombs CAN kill you, so just dont find one.
I get it... lol
i killed a plane that was flying straight for me ready to drop his bombs, but he sucked and dropped them way to early i fired straight at him and he went BOOM...

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