16 more years
+877|6669|South Florida
Last night whilst laying in bed, i started thinking about death, now i do this sometimes, but i try to keep my mind off the inevitability, but theres always a few nights where i just can't stop thinking about how life ends so terribly, and how i really don't ever want to die. I don't deserve to die!

So that horrible feeling hit me in the chest like a brick, and i felt terrible and almost had a mental breakdown. Luckly Stephen Colbert was on so he got my mind off it.

My question is, does this fear of death go away when you get older? Im 15 now, and i hope that by like, 25, im not afraid of death and i just accept it and be happy about life?

You have to admit, everyone is afraid of dieing! It's the end of everything, it makes me wish there was a god/heaven. But i know theres not and it would be foolish to think so,

Well. Opinions?
15 more years! 15 more years!
Say wat!?
My opinion to people who complain about live and death.... Boooohooo live with it. You cant deal with the finality of death or infact with life, go sit in a corner, coz it wont change anything your still just as dead. Ofc i will do everything in my power to prolong my good life, (ie being a vegetable is the same as being dead) otherwise just live well.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-06-13 09:40:14)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6891|The United Center
I'm 22 and I'm really not afraid of death.

The way I see it, before you were born, what did you know about life?

Before you die, what do you know about death?

We really have no idea what happens when a person dies...and since it's inevitable, fearing it is a waste of time, effort, and life.
+1,452|6538|The Gem Saloon
your time here is short, dont spend too much time thinking on this.
All I have to add is something told to me by a very wise person in my life.

"Never fear death, the deceased, or the supernatural. Its the living you have to worry about."

And a hippy once told me;

"When you are in such deep thought about these type of things, write down what you can on paper. Questions, assumptions, or just your point of view. When your done, take the paper out back and light it on fire and watch it burn away to nothing. You'll feel better."

Vilham wrote:

My opinion to people who complain about live and death....
Alot of people think about these things. I've never heard anyone complain.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-06-13 09:42:44)

It'll just be our little secret
why worry about the things you can't do anything about?just enjoy your life.
+581|6532|New York
I don't have time to think about it. The reality is I've got a better chance of getting killed suddenly and unexpectedly than I do of living out my life and getting old. I'll probably get in a car accident or get a chronic, irreversible form of cancer and die in weeks. It's a tad depressing, but I try not to think about it.

I most likely won't be prepared and won't have much say in the matter, so I'm not going to worry about it.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
Well, if you are dead, you obviously won't care about anything, because you're fucking dead.
I'm more scared of gettin old and not able to do the thing sI can now or have the fun I can now. It must suck. I mean think what it'll be like when you end up like your grandparents, sometimes I think I'd rather die than get that old

dont fear death, jus respect it
+145|6452|Keller, Tx
The idea of death sucks to me for the simple fact that I want to see what our speicies becomes. Will we end it all with nuclear war? Or, will we get to Star Trek/Star Wars hieght and fly around at warp/hyperspeed? I want to see these things. Obviously, shit will go down once oil starts to evaporate on the market, so hopefully that'll happen after I'm gone.

I worry more now about my son that I do myself. But, sometimes I'll be in bed trying to fall asleep and I think about it all. The universe, our part, and how fucking lucky we all are. I mean, we're only the collections of our memories. If we lost them all, what would we be other than organisms that shuffle around everywhere looking for food?
16 more years
+877|6669|South Florida
Yeah, I too tell myself "Oh deal with it" "Stfu Itll happen anyways" "Theres nothing you can do about it so live life to the fullest"
But, thats so easy to say when your not in the saddened state of death-thought. I tryed telling myself that last night, but it didn't help at all. I couldn't just accept it!
I just kept thinking, i dont want to die, its not fair, i deserve to live forever, why do i need to die, what can i do to stop it, i'll never have a life as full as i want with only 60 more years ...."

15 more years! 15 more years!
+133|6440|Bloomington Indiana
its not worth worrying about.
for me the fear went away after the number of times i almost did die.
we cant change the fact that we all will someday. just live the life you have. they'll come for you in their own good time.
Everyone dies, it's going to happen. Don't dwell on it.
Flying Solo
+98|6914|Canada, Ont
Our existance is but a moment... Humans have no concept of time.

The Universe has been around Billion of years and is Unlimited... Unlike the World which is round.

Infinite possabilitys exists.

Don't dwell on these thoughts.
Keep yourself so busy during the day you have no time to think about it or are too tired to think about it.
If you keep reflecting on it but are too lazy to do anything about it however. You class as emo, end your life here please.
Say wat!?

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Yeah, I too tell myself "Oh deal with it" "Stfu Itll happen anyways" "Theres nothing you can do about it so live life to the fullest"
But, thats so easy to say when your not in the saddened state of death-thought. I tryed telling myself that last night, but it didn't help at all. I couldn't just accept it!
I just kept thinking, i dont want to die, its not fair, i deserve to live forever, why do i need to die, what can i do to stop it, i'll never have a life as full as i want with only 60 more years ...."

Lets put it this way. No its not fair, you must have been spoilt to think anything is fair. You dont deserve to live forever.

If im honest. If someone on this forum died tomorrow, I would feel bad for your family and friends for about 2 minutes.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6711|NYC / Hamburg

I'll just follow these 2 wise comments:

aj0404 wrote:

why worry about the things you can't do anything about?just enjoy your life.

Cougar wrote:

Well, if you are dead, you obviously won't care about anything, because you're fucking dead.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

If you're afraid of death, you'd better not be afraid to live.
Northern numpty
+194|6591|Boulder, CO
shit happens.
Metal Godz
Ahhh... mortality.

Listen up.

In science class, they give you a chart of the elements... and you are made of some of these things...

Which one makes you laugh, cry, or fear...?

NOBODY KNOWS... oh they will say it's your soul, or chi, or life force.... but honestly nobody knows excactly what it is or why we are here...

Since no one knows the properties of this soul/life force... I personally dont think it dies, once it's been created.

It goes in stages, this 1st stage is physical... the 5 senses, taste, touch, smell, hear, and see... so you need a physical shell made of elements to understand this stage..

When you "die" you will lose this elemental shell and move to the next stage... I'm guessing it's "Senses" like stage... based on mental feelings...
fear, curiosity, hope, wonder, ect... but you wont be physical anymore.

Whatever is after that we will only have a hint of in the next stage.

So don't worry, I dont think you will ever die... most likely we will meet someday on some stage.

If you think this is garbage and I'm insane... its ok... Then I'll leave you with words my Dad would say....

Get over it you big crybaby, I'll give you something to cry about...
+1,153|6774|Washington, DC

What's more confusing is what happens after death.
+86|6540|Indianapolis, IN
I do the same thing a lot, I'm 22 now and I think of death everyday, partially because my mother passed away at the age of 38 just three years ago. Her birthday is coming up in two weeks so that's making me think of it more. I see it as this, you decide your fate, from the split second reaction to avoiding a car accident to the way you treat your body could most definitly inhibit your success rate of living.

This really astounds me that such a young man is thinking about this so much to the point he actually feels like breaking down. I'm sorry kid, I feel your pain I've always felt it, the thing I like to think about is the vastness of the Universe, even our own galaxy is one day closer to death, granted it may be a billion or so years away it's just the cycle of all of the heavens. I believe the older you get and as you start a family and grow you will come to accept it more and more. Just remember that you set your course, keep your head on straight and don't think about it, death is scary, I will admit that; but that's because we have fear of the UNKNOWN, it's not death itself.

At least our body has nice systems to help 'ease the pain' of death, you know the hardcore, even surreal dreams you have while in R.E.M cycles of sleep? I believe that we go into a 'dream' state until our brain starts to decompose, our electrical circuits still work until the dream turns dark. The only advice I can offer is to take life in strides and don't sweat like this brother. I'm glad you're thinking outside of the box like this, it most definitly let's me know that our future generations aren't as doomed as we've expected.  Just remember everything that's ever been on this planet has suffered this 'ultimate' fate, so how bad can it really be?

Until next time.

Last edited by misconfiguration (2007-06-13 11:26:03)


Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You have to admit, everyone is afraid of dieing! It's the end of everything, it makes me wish there was a god/heaven. But i know theres not and it would be foolish to think so,
Im not afraid of death but thats because I know there is a God in Heaven. Saying that its foolish to believe in God is retarded.
+86|6540|Indianapolis, IN

[NeMe$i$.Dr4g0ncl4w] wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You have to admit, everyone is afraid of dieing! It's the end of everything, it makes me wish there was a god/heaven. But i know theres not and it would be foolish to think so,
Im not afraid of death but thats because I know there is a God in Heaven. Saying that its foolish to believe in God is retarded.
I will definitly have to disagree with you my friend.
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6768|Birmingham, UK

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