
In RealLife The Better Tank is ?

T722%2% - 9
T8010%10% - 35
M1A Abrams62%62% - 220
others24%24% - 86
Total: 350

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

oberst_enzian wrote:

the most interesting and relevent point in this thread so far. superior technology alone will never win the day. you have to believe in what you're fighting for. all the recent american military successes will never erase the memory of vietnam.
Not to be a buzzkill or anything, with whats going on in Iraq, we are looking at the second Vietnam.
I sincerely hope not... The problem is: By removing a dictator who suppressed the population, a can of worms has been opened that is impossible to contain. Now all aggression of a heterogenic population breaks out again and it is not only directed against those perceived as rivals or enemies but agains outside forces as well.

In the post-war time in Iraq more US Soldiers have died than in the actual war... that would definitely give me something to think about.

However, if this will be a second Vietnam, than we are all fucked badly... since there will be two traumas that some high brass can't overcome...
Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think JWB should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his name to attack Iraq by saying and I quote "We will not distiguish between terrorists and those harboring them"  and then saying that Hussein had weapons of Mass Destruction and Bio weapons made. 9 months prior he was saying completely opposite of that. Interesting. But anyway back to my point. Why go into Iraq Looking for Bin Laden when you know where Al Quada is hiding? Which is in the mountainst of Afghanistan. HMMMM He decided to stick his nose into another countries business just like Vietnam, and this is what we are getting. Just because Hussein is no longer in power, do you really think there will ever be democracy? Hell no. Iraq doesn't what democracy and will never except it. They will fight and kill anyone who tries to tell them otherwise, hence US. This is the same thing as Russian war in Chechen region. It cannot be won.  I personally support our troops no matter what happens. I will blame their Commander and Chief for making poor decisions and judgments.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.

Last edited by Sinyukov (2006-01-26 07:20:11)

The Medic Whore
that black eagle tank is pretty damn sexy.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6720|Espoo, Finland

Sinyukov wrote:

Proliferation Current Using Countries (all models of T-72)
Algeria Angola Armenia
Azerbaijan Belarus Boznia-Herz.
Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic
Finland Georgia Hungary
India Iran Iraq
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Libya
Poland Romania Russia
Slovakia Syria Tajikistan
Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan
Yugoslavia United States (in displays)
Ooh, I spotted a mistake

Finland replaced those old T-72's with Leopard A4's a while a go, you're information is terribly out dated

Gawwad wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Proliferation Current Using Countries (all models of T-72)
Algeria Angola Armenia
Azerbaijan Belarus Boznia-Herz.
Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic
Finland Georgia Hungary
India Iran Iraq
Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Libya
Poland Romania Russia
Slovakia Syria Tajikistan
Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan
Yugoslavia United States (in displays)
Ooh, I spotted a mistake

Finland replaced those old T-72's with Leopard A4's a while a go, you're information is terribly out dated
Let me tell you a small secret, just because a country adds a new tank into their arsenal doesn't mean the older ones are completely replaced.
Finlad has 3 tanks in its Arsenal right now.

Those tanks are:

Leopard 2A4 MBT
T80M1 Medium Tank
T 54/55 MBT
All 3 of them are in the Defense Forces of Finland right now.
Don't mind me just woke up and very grumpy
+31|6724|Phoenix, AZ
umm, peeps who say m1a2 'owns' the t-90...lol...what counts is not how many US tanks killed how many RUS ones, but who was operating them. cant expect throatcutting peasants in IRAQ to know anything about tactical manouvering or war strategy. thats why they got 'owned'. not because of 'technical superiority'. give the russians and americans a level playing field and 100 M1A2s and T-90s respectively, they all be dead.
Horseman 77

Sinyukov wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Not to be a buzzkill or anything, with whats going on in Iraq, we are looking at the second Vietnam.
I sincerely hope not... The problem is: By removing a dictator who suppressed the population, a can of worms has been opened that is impossible to contain. Now all aggression of a heterogenic population breaks out again and it is not only directed against those perceived as rivals or enemies but agains outside forces as well.

In the post-war time in Iraq more US Soldiers have died than in the actual war... that would definitely give me something to think about.

However, if this will be a second Vietnam, than we are all fucked badly... since there will be two traumas that some high brass can't overcome...
Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think

JWB   Whop the fcuk is JWB   should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his

Yada Yada Yada........ Right   Thats why bin Laden sent out peace feelers after the Beating we have been giving insurgents in Iraq, becuase he's not connected at all.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.
This guy knows! they send him all the secret intell and satellite photos that will be declassified 35 years from now. We didn't know shit about ( the Real ) WWII till the 70s so stow it. You know as much or as little as the rest of us. This Conspiracy shit keeps people down but they need an excuse for their own failures so its always" they did this or that " gets old and  makes me sick too. I know guys who have been there 3 times and they say its moving well and the people love us and see us a Savoir's. Should we abandon Washington DC because drug dealers shoot it out with Cops routinely ? Pretend that its your kin who live there or came from there. We saved the Jews from the Germans. these people don't count ?

And so far its a volunteer army.
+5|6723|Pennsylvania - Hershey!
One of america's newest planes is the F-35.  It is probably one of the best planes out there.  Seems that all of you forgot it existed.  I don't know much about this aircraft, anyone else know much on it?

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

I sincerely hope not... The problem is: By removing a dictator who suppressed the population, a can of worms has been opened that is impossible to contain. Now all aggression of a heterogenic population breaks out again and it is not only directed against those perceived as rivals or enemies but agains outside forces as well.

In the post-war time in Iraq more US Soldiers have died than in the actual war... that would definitely give me something to think about.

However, if this will be a second Vietnam, than we are all fucked badly... since there will be two traumas that some high brass can't overcome...
Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think

JWB   Whop the fcuk is JWB   should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his

Yada Yada Yada........ Right   Thats why bin Laden sent out peace feelers after the Beating we have been giving insurgents in Iraq, becuase he's not connected at all.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.
This guy knows! they send him all the secret intell and satellite photos that will be declassified 35 years from now. We didn't know shit about ( the Real ) WWII till the 70s so stow it. You know as much or as little as the rest of us. This Conspiracy shit keeps people down but they need an excuse for their own failures so its always" they did this or that " gets old and  makes me sick too. I know guys who have been there 3 times and they say its moving well and the people love us and see us a Savoir's. Should we abandon Washington DC because drug dealers shoot it out with Cops routinely ? Pretend that its your kin who live there or came from there. We saved the Jews from the Germans. these people don't count ?

And so far its a volunteer army.
Listen don't get irritated. I personally have relatives stationed in Iraq right right now so I know exactly what its like there. My point to all that really was that we as America stick our noses into businesses of other coutries and pay for it. That was all. Iraqis don't need saviors they fought their whole existance and they will not stop just because we "saved" them. I understand that we all love this Country but you do have to understand the negatives about and not make premature judgements. I love this country to death. THis is my adopted home but this is also my opinion about it and nothing will change it. I worry sick everyday for my cousins who are there right now but I am still behind them 100% so don't get to excited about my comments. THis is just a discussion forum.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

I sincerely hope not... The problem is: By removing a dictator who suppressed the population, a can of worms has been opened that is impossible to contain. Now all aggression of a heterogenic population breaks out again and it is not only directed against those perceived as rivals or enemies but agains outside forces as well.

In the post-war time in Iraq more US Soldiers have died than in the actual war... that would definitely give me something to think about.

However, if this will be a second Vietnam, than we are all fucked badly... since there will be two traumas that some high brass can't overcome...
Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think

JWB   Whop the fcuk is JWB   should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his

Yada Yada Yada........ Right   Thats why bin Laden sent out peace feelers after the Beating we have been giving insurgents in Iraq, becuase he's not connected at all.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.
This guy knows! they send him all the secret intell and satellite photos that will be declassified 35 years from now. We didn't know shit about ( the Real ) WWII till the 70s so stow it. You know as much or as little as the rest of us. This Conspiracy shit keeps people down but they need an excuse for their own failures so its always" they did this or that " gets old and  makes me sick too. I know guys who have been there 3 times and they say its moving well and the people love us and see us a Savoir's. Should we abandon Washington DC because drug dealers shoot it out with Cops routinely ? Pretend that its your kin who live there or came from there. We saved the Jews from the Germans. these people don't count ?

And so far its a volunteer army.
Yes they send me all the secret intel. I will tell you a little secret now If you would watch the news once in a while you would know exactly what I am talking about.  All Bush's speeches etc. Now what exactly didn't you know about WWII until the 70? What failures are you talking about that I am looking for excuse from? Is a Iraq a part of US like DC is? If so when did this happen because up until a few minutes ago I thought it was aseparate country. Also what right do we have to just barge into a country and take it over when it didn't do absolutely anything to us? (all threats came from Al Quada not Iraq keep that in mind).

2ndLt.Tucker wrote:

Just to be a smart ass here. How the hell could they afford that?  I mean seriously.  Its russia, they could barely keep their houses heated a few winters ago.  How did they get a anti ballistic missile system?
you have to be REALLY stupid man
Flavius Aetius
+3|6705|Stalking Chuck Norris
well, the black eagle tank is the only russian one I've seen posted on here so far that cares about crew saftey. Research into the first gulf war and tell me how many abrams crews died in their tank vs. Iraqi. Now just imagin, even if it was a trained russian crew,  who would be more likely to come out a live in a tank on tank engagement?
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
challenger 2 owns all tanks, u guys need to learn a thing or to before replying

http://img69.imageshack.us/my.php?image … dhi8vy.jpg

http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?imag … 2045pd.jpg

Last edited by elite (2006-01-26 09:38:31)


Flavius Aetius wrote:

well, the black eagle tank is the only russian one I've seen posted on here so far that cares about crew saftey. Research into the first gulf war and tell me how many abrams crews died in their tank vs. Iraqi. Now just imagin, even if it was a trained russian crew,  who would be more likely to come out a live in a tank on tank engagement?
I agree with you on this one, but again I have to stress that T72 and T64 that fought in Iraq are outdated models and also weaker ones. The Medium tank does not stand a chance against a heavy tank plus the T64 MBT was made in the early 60s so that is alsoa factor, and almost no modifications went to update them as Iraq is mostly and infantry base country and they do not specialize in development only what they can buy. You put Black Eagle vs. which ever the update of M1A2 tank was at that time they will destroy each other and the crew in it with ease.
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
fuck ever tank
challenger 2 owns all

elite wrote:

fuck ever tank
challenger 2 owns all
No one was really arguing about that tank for some reason it was T-72 and T-80 vs. M1A2 so this is what this pointless debate is about. Personally I don't know much about Challenger so I will take your word for it (Although I will have to look at that tank myself) but this debate is not about that tank
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
read about it, i saw documentories on it and the others are NOT better


Sinyukov wrote:

Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think JWB should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his name to attack Iraq by saying and I quote "We will not distiguish between terrorists and those harboring them"  and then saying that Hussein had weapons of Mass Destruction and Bio weapons made. 9 months prior he was saying completely opposite of that. Interesting. But anyway back to my point. Why go into Iraq Looking for Bin Laden when you know where Al Quada is hiding? Which is in the mountainst of Afghanistan. HMMMM He decided to stick his nose into another countries business just like Vietnam, and this is what we are getting. Just because Hussein is no longer in power, do you really think there will ever be democracy? Hell no. Iraq doesn't what democracy and will never except it. They will fight and kill anyone who tries to tell them otherwise, hence US. This is the same thing as Russian war in Chechen region. It cannot be won.  I personally support our troops no matter what happens. I will blame their Commander and Chief for making poor decisions and judgments.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.
Quite frankly, we were at war with Iraq again the very moment Saddam decided to break the terms of the 1991 peace agreement.  We didn't need WMD(although I have NO doubt that he had them) as a reason, but a majority of Congress would not have gone to war simply because Saddam declared war on us again(sad but true that we lacked the resolve during the late 90s to realize this).

The Iraqi War has been NOTHING like the Vietnam war.  2,000 dead after 2 years of fighting?  Vietnam had 50,000 dead after 10 years of fighting/advising.  And the troops actually believe they are making a difference there as well.
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
stay to the point about tanks noob
+0|6736|St.-Petersburg, Russia
Russia Rules )

Россия сильнее всех

Wieeeeeeeee ^.^
+89|6750|Sheffield, England
haha british have best stuff, omg cant believe you people, ure fucking dumb as shit, russian stuff sucks, usa and german tanks come close to challenger 2 but not better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jobarra wrote:

Sinyukov wrote:

Good post. However one thing I must add is that we were not supposed to go into Iraq at all. The war in Iraq is a complete BS which was orchestrated by our president. I know I will step on the toes of those who love our current president and will get flamed for my coments, but still I personally think JWB should not have been reelected just for this simple reason. When he went into Afghan he knew what he was fighting for. "Freedom"(although I am not sure how he can fight for freedom and sign a bill that will spy on people. Doesn't make sense to me). Anyway he went in there and destroyed Afghanistan in what...about 14 days? or something in that area. Now he knew before and he knows now that Bin Laden was always hiding in there not in Iraq, but he used his name to attack Iraq by saying and I quote "We will not distiguish between terrorists and those harboring them"  and then saying that Hussein had weapons of Mass Destruction and Bio weapons made. 9 months prior he was saying completely opposite of that. Interesting. But anyway back to my point. Why go into Iraq Looking for Bin Laden when you know where Al Quada is hiding? Which is in the mountainst of Afghanistan. HMMMM He decided to stick his nose into another countries business just like Vietnam, and this is what we are getting. Just because Hussein is no longer in power, do you really think there will ever be democracy? Hell no. Iraq doesn't what democracy and will never except it. They will fight and kill anyone who tries to tell them otherwise, hence US. This is the same thing as Russian war in Chechen region. It cannot be won.  I personally support our troops no matter what happens. I will blame their Commander and Chief for making poor decisions and judgments.

You cannot win a wars when you stick your nose into other coutries business. Examples:

Obviously Vietnam War, Soviet Era Afganistan war, Chechen war, and now most likely Iraqi War.
Quite frankly, we were at war with Iraq again the very moment Saddam decided to break the terms of the 1991 peace agreement.  We didn't need WMD(although I have NO doubt that he had them) as a reason, but a majority of Congress would not have gone to war simply because Saddam declared war on us again(sad but true that we lacked the resolve during the late 90s to realize this).

The Iraqi War has been NOTHING like the Vietnam war.  2,000 dead after 2 years of fighting?  Vietnam had 50,000 dead after 10 years of fighting/advising.  And the troops actually believe they are making a difference there as well.
The problem with those 2000 dead is most of them died after it was declared that "Major Combat operations were over" or in other words US won. As for weapons of Mass Destruction I personally seriously doubt that he has them. They cost money. Money which Iraq does not have. Saddam lacks scientist to develop them. If he has any those weapons would be so old that most like they would not be operational. But that is not the point I know the point of mine was that We are fighting in Iraq for which or whose cause? Honestly I find it hard to believe that Bush or Congress for that matter are fighting this war for the Iraqi people.
STRV 122 kick all tanks! The Swedish version of the Leopard2. Widely said to be the greatest tank in the world. It's by far superior to the T-80U

elite wrote:

haha british have best stuff, omg cant believe you people, ure fucking dumb as shit, russian stuff sucks, usa and german tanks come close to challenger 2 but not better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude calm down. THis topic is not about THE CHALLENGER2 that is why nobody talks about it. If you want to start a new topic about it and then people will talk about it.
Actualy, T80 / T90 may be better in close fighting range because of autoreload system, the M1A2 have still manual reload ...

I heard that the french armor "Leclerc" is the best in the world so far ... have a look at this one

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