
Who else uses the SVD to long range snipe.

Yes, SVD is teh pr0!60%60% - 175
No, SVD is teh suck!39%39% - 116
Total: 291
AKA Selkies ftw
I was wondering after hearing countless times that the SVD sucks, who else uses it to snipe long range? I don't mean like 400 meters, but more like 200-300 meters. Just a question.
+1,106|6433|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I try to, but fail miserably. Like I do with just about all other sniper rifles.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Hell I'll use anything to long range snipe, G36C, M16, M4, AK-74u, G3A3, RPK-74.

So yeah if I have an SVD and enemies are at long range I go for it.
+138|6650|New Zealand
Yes, SVD = My Fav Sniper.

Say wat!?
SVD is for people that fail to get headshots. They need a quick second shot to get a kill.
AKA Selkies ftw

Vilham wrote:

SVD is for people that fail to get headshots. They need a quick second shot to get a kill.
Hmm...maybe you just don't know how to use it. SVD is for people who want 10 headshots a clip...
AKA Selkies ftw

aLi3nZ wrote:

Yes, SVD = My Fav Sniper.
Thats becuase it's the best sniper. You also appear to know how to use it. You own.
SVD has the shortest range of view of all the rifles, so it sucks for long range.
Say wat!?
The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Yes, SVD is teh pr0!

Headshots are a dream for me with this thing.  Also good is you get into a little CQ combat.

I would gladly use the SVD over the L96
the "Commander"
+102|6667|the Netherlands
SVD = just fine
+138|6650|New Zealand

Vilham wrote:

The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
I disagree. I have got 8-10 kills all head shots on 1 svd clip a few times before.

You sound like a n00b that doesn't know how to use it tbh.

Last edited by aLi3nZ (2007-06-10 20:40:14)

SVD works in 200-300 meters, sure. BUT since it has big, bulky and mis-aligned sights, it's just a fact that it's hard to hit from those distances. Sure, you can master any weapon, SVD is no exception.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6822|Middle of nowhere
long range = no wai
short range = yea wai
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Anyone with a brain can use that gun at any range
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6709|Area 51
M95. No need to get a headshot. Hit the guy, switch to pistol. Done.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6738|Las Vegas, NV USA

pyscofrawg wrote:

I was wondering after hearing countless times that the SVD sucks, who else uses it to snipe long range? I don't mean like 400 meters, but more like 200-300 meters. Just a question.
It's a sniper rifle to me, so I use it for long distance shots.

However, 200 meters is probably the farthest I'll use it most of the time, because bullet drop becomes a factor.  300 meters is really pushing it for the rifle, especially for bullet drop and decreased accuracy.  If I'm looking to do that long a distance shot, I'll use one of the bolt actions.  The M95's accuracy becomes iffy it 300, but at least it'll put a hurtin' if a body shot results.  Actually, now that I'm thinking of it, I don't really think the SVD's zoom is that great for 300 meter shots.  I can't remember.  Been such a long time since I've used an SVD on a map with 300 meter fog distance (I usually use it for closer-urban conflict).
Internet Poon

Yaocelotl wrote:

SVD has the shortest range of view of all the rifles, so it sucks for long range.
That, and the crosshair which is pretty offcenter. AND the SVD had higher bullet deviation, so your half as likely to miss rather than hit, even if youre aim is ok.
no, i dont use it at all

M24 Abuser
+99|6644|Valley of the Dragons

Yaocelotl wrote:

SVD has the shortest range of view of all the rifles, so it sucks for long range.
Eh no ...

SVD / Type88 have a 3.3x Zoom

M24 / M95 / L96 have a 5.0x Zoom



0 - 150 meters = short range (SAK)
151 - 300 meters = intermediate range (Masthuur, Sharqi, Songhua, Jalabad)
301 - 450 meters = long range (Daqing, Fushe, Oman, Zatar, Tampa)
451 - 600+ meters = extreme long range (Dalian, DV, Kubra, OCS, Wake )
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I was using the SVD on NightFlight last night and I pwnd all. Semi-auto snipers>Bolt action snipers.

Last edited by doctastrangelove1964 (2007-06-11 05:15:12)

Say wat!?

aLi3nZ wrote:

Vilham wrote:

The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
I disagree. I have got 8-10 kills all head shots on 1 svd clip a few times before.

You sound like a n00b that doesn't know how to use it tbh.
You just proved my point. In over 200 hours you have only got 8-10 kills on 1 clip a few times. Cheers for backing up my argument. Lets put it this way. I rarely get killed by an SVD sniper when i have a bolt action, and generally only get killed if im taking out players elsewhere.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-06-11 05:19:36)

Fantasma Parastasie
Silly Vilham. so confused

Vilham wrote:

The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
Sorry but that's totally wrong the SVD is a perfectly accurate gun. no less so than an M24, the scope just isn't as good and the crosshair is misaligned so you need to know where to aim, much like most of the guns really.
Internet Poon

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

Vilham wrote:

The SVD automatically has low accuracy. The chance of getting a headshot even when aiming at a perfectly still target you have a chance of missing. I just dont miss in the first place. No matter how good you are 10 headshots a clip is not possible. And lets face it, most people actually use it because they cant headshot.
Sorry but that's totally wrong the SVD is a perfectly accurate gun. no less so than an M24, the scope just isn't as good and the crosshair is misaligned so you need to know where to aim, much like most of the guns really.
Nah, it gets a wee bit more min deviation than the M24 an L9, same thing applies for the M95 and T88.

You probably wont notice it too much on the M95 because it had a better zoom, but when you add small zoom + bad crosshair + higher deviation, you start noticing a difference.

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