I already answered that question a few posts back Ken. Questioning a report that we all question means he should be President?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Why is he a crackpot? Because he questions an incomplete and heavily redacted Report? Because he uses historic (true) examples to show that powers in the US have created incidents to start wars?usmarine2005 wrote:
What is the debate? I said what I had to say.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Eloquence and pure intellect with your response once again Marine. You are the essence of proper debate.
Or was your point that because he is an acquaintance of Kucinich, he is a quack?
Exactly. As strange as it sounds His only chance to make it is the internet and mouth to mouth talk. The media chose to ignore him et when they talk about him, its only to attack his credibility.Cougar wrote:
I'm pretty sure that if Ron Paul were to get the GOP nomination he would be the next president. The hardest part of the campaign run will in fact be getting the GOP Nom. If he does I think the he will have the full libertarian and conservative votes of the GOP party, as well as pulling in a sizable portion of Democratic and Independent voters. Also, I think he will have a lot of votes come from people who don't want or are not exactly comfortable voting for a black guy or a woman.
For example, lets see what those two lovely ladies have to say about him. (Fox News)
No, not in the least.usmarine2005 wrote:
I already answered that question a few posts back Ken. Questioning a report that we all question means he should be President?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Why is he a crackpot? Because he questions an incomplete and heavily redacted Report? Because he uses historic (true) examples to show that powers in the US have created incidents to start wars?usmarine2005 wrote:
What is the debate? I said what I had to say.
Or was your point that because he is an acquaintance of Kucinich, he is a quack?
Many intelligence analysts (including the former director of the CIA in charge of tracking Al-Qaeda/Bin Ladin) agree that our foregin policy actions in the Middle East (having little to do with the Cold War and a lot to do with corporate interests) were to blame for the increased terrorism, including the 9/11 attacks.
Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-05-22 09:57:24)
No but questionning a report that most politician are afraid to question takes a lot of courage and for that i think he should be your next president.usmarine2005 wrote:
I already answered that question a few posts back Ken. Questioning a report that we all question means he should be President?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Why is he a crackpot? Because he questions an incomplete and heavily redacted Report? Because he uses historic (true) examples to show that powers in the US have created incidents to start wars?usmarine2005 wrote:
What is the debate? I said what I had to say.
Or was your point that because he is an acquaintance of Kucinich, he is a quack?
But unfortunately it seems that most are these days. If a candidate who believes in small government and personal freedom doesn't belong at the Republican debates, then who does? "Republican" has become almost synonymous with "neocon."Kmarion wrote:
Not all Republicans are NeoCons.xintegrityx wrote:
He isn't popular with Republicans because he's not a neocon.Kmarion wrote:
Do you realize that nearly every other conservative poll (Drudge, Hotair, Fox) does not even have him placing in the top five? MSNBC is not exactly a Republican hub. Pay attention to the GOP intense sites if you want a heads up on who the leaders are, especially those that allow their readers to vote and comment. That was round one, we will have another one in six days. In the mean time you might want to check this out to see who the top GOP guys are from a variety of different places.
Last edited by xintegrityx (2007-05-22 09:57:31)
There are a handful of politicians out there who have questioned the report.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
No but questionning a report that most politician are afraid to question takes a lot of courage and for that i think he should be your next president.
Lets make them all president!usmarine2005 wrote:
There are a handful of politicians out there who have questioned the report.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
No but questionning a report that most politician are afraid to question takes a lot of courage and for that i think he should be your next president.
I suppose it's [UTQ]_Ausch88, isn't it ?AutralianChainsaw wrote:
Yea its me, i tried to email the admins to unbanned my previous account but got no answer.. My previous name was too controversial so i guess ill be fine with this account..UON wrote:
Surely it's Aus(tralian)Ch(ainsaw)88 on a new account...CameronPoe wrote:
Pollux is that you?
Didnt deserve a perma ban in my opinion.. i was always polite here and a good guy.. just with a strange name and unpopular opinion about the palestinian/Israel conflict.
But now i want the world to see the guy.. Ron Paul, for what he has to say but also to show how your media are corrupt. Time to wake up now.
The decision to perma-ban someone here is nothing we take lightly. There was a reason why your previous account was banned, and you damn well know it.
Need I remind you ? http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=56497&p=1
Wether you'll be fine with this account remains to be seen...
Pretty much... neither Democrats nor Republicans believe in smaller government, but at this point, Democrats actually spend less....xintegrityx wrote:
But unfortunately it seems that most are these days. If a candidate who believes in small government and personal freedom doesn't belong at the Republican debates, then who does? "Republican" has become almost synonymous with "neocon."Kmarion wrote:
Not all Republicans are NeoCons.xintegrityx wrote:
He isn't popular with Republicans because he's not a neocon.
Heres another video about the last debate at CNN
very informative video and great music.. Ron paul is getting more and more supporters
very informative video and great music.. Ron paul is getting more and more supporters
He won't get chosen by the GOP because he's a flake. Some of his ideas I like, but Gullani is more of a libertarian, plus, he's going to stand up to Islamic bums who attack the U.S.
Ron Paul seems to disagree with the rest on his party with most issues, so I was wondering why the hell he did not join the democrats?
Surely he's shooting himself in the foot by choosing the republicans as loyal republicans wont agree with his policies and many democrats wont want to vote in someone from the opposing party even if he's the best choice?
Is there something I'm missing?
Surely he's shooting himself in the foot by choosing the republicans as loyal republicans wont agree with his policies and many democrats wont want to vote in someone from the opposing party even if he's the best choice?
Is there something I'm missing?
Mason4Assassin444 wrote:
I agree he got shafted. Im willing to bet the heads of the news networks weren't Ron Paul's key campaign contributors.
If you give 5 million to Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul kills everyone in the debate, your going to pull the strings you can to get your benefactors face in the news.
True media bias. Not that shit that people claim is media bias.
i suggest you take a look at some of the videos on the first page.. Ron Paul is a lot more conservatives than a lot of the other candidates.. He stand for a tight immigration policy, doesnt support abortion, against the war (believe it or not, republicans are the ones who are supposed to be anti-war when you look at the history of the republican party)crimson_grunt wrote:
Ron Paul seems to disagree with the rest on his party with most issues, so I was wondering why the hell he did not join the democrats?
Surely he's shooting himself in the foot by choosing the republicans as loyal republicans wont agree with his policies and many democrats wont want to vote in someone from the opposing party even if he's the best choice?
Is there something I'm missing?
He says that the party has lost his ways.. and declare himslef the "champion fo the constitution)"
you cannot be more conservative than that..
Being pro-war doesnt make you a conservative.. more a neo-con
Edit: and another point, if he able to make some democrat vote for him.. this will be a great success and a first step to unify you divided country. You guys are already the most powerful nation on earth economically and militarily just imagine how it would be if you guys were unified behind one man.. forget about the party line and think america first.. wow im not even american and i think i care more about the election sof you country than mine lol
Last edited by AutralianChainsaw (2007-06-10 11:52:35)
Uh...like Hitler and Nazi Germany?AutralianChainsaw wrote:
You guys are already the most powerful nation on earth economically and militarily just imagine how it would be if you guys were unified behind one man.. forget about the party line and think america first.. wow im not even american and i think i care more about the election sof you country than mine lol
Having everyone unified behind a single person is a frightening concept. I suggest you reevaluate your logic.
That's a flawed concept. Republicans are against some wars, and some Republicans are against others. In this case, many Republicans are wary against Ron Paul's ideals because of his rather naive approach to foreign policy. Claiming 9/11 was a result of miscommunication is rather silly. the truth is, Islamic extremists attacked the country because they've got nothing else to do.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
i suggest you take a look at some of the videos on the first page.. Ron Paul is a lot more conservatives than a lot of the other candidates.. He stand for a tight immigration policy, doesnt support abortion, against the war (believe it or not, republicans are the ones who are supposed to be anti-war when you look at the history of the republican party)
Republicans support wars where we show that America is not afraid to get the bums who want to kill us.
Huh? I'm more willing to believe the CIA's evaluation of the attacks than the "they've got nothing else to do" crap these politicians are spitting out. That has got to be the stupidest shit I've ever heard.The_Mac wrote:
Claiming 9/11 was a result of miscommunication is rather silly. the truth is, Islamic extremists attacked the country because they've got nothing else to do.
Last edited by Cerpin_Taxt (2007-06-10 12:04:52)
Once I heard that 75 million years ago an evil alien emperor dropped frozen aliens into volcanoes and then nuked them. That is one of the few things I heard dumber than "the terrorists attacked us cause they got nothing else to do".Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
Huh? I'm more willing to believe the CIA's evaluation of the attacks than the "they've got nothing else to do" crap these politicians are spitting out. That has got to be the stupidest shit I've ever heard.The_Mac wrote:
Claiming 9/11 was a result of miscommunication is rather silly. the truth is, Islamic extremists attacked the country because they've got nothing else to do.
um i guess you don't know the man.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
Uh...like Hitler and Nazi Germany?AutralianChainsaw wrote:
You guys are already the most powerful nation on earth economically and militarily just imagine how it would be if you guys were unified behind one man.. forget about the party line and think america first.. wow im not even american and i think i care more about the election sof you country than mine lol
Having everyone unified behind a single person is a frightening concept. I suggest you reevaluate your logic.
Go back to first page and see what he have to say.. if theres one peaceful man of the republican side right now.. its him.. all the others are ready to pre-emptively nuke Iran. Did you watch the last debate?
You're missing the point.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
um i guess you don't know the man.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
Uh...like Hitler and Nazi Germany?AutralianChainsaw wrote:
You guys are already the most powerful nation on earth economically and militarily just imagine how it would be if you guys were unified behind one man.. forget about the party line and think america first.. wow im not even american and i think i care more about the election sof you country than mine lol
Having everyone unified behind a single person is a frightening concept. I suggest you reevaluate your logic.
Go back to first page and see what he have to say.. if theres one peaceful man of the republican side right now.. its him.. all the others are ready to pre-emptively nuke Iran. Did you watch the last debate?
Do you really believe that? IF yes, you probably believe that Iraq is behind the 911 attack? That saddam was helping Osama? That the "terrorists" hates you because of your freedom? That Iran is ready to nuke New-York?The_Mac wrote:
the truth is, Islamic extremists attacked the country because they've got nothing else to do.
I understand what you mean.. Being unified behind a good man is a good thing in my opinion.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
You're missing the point.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
um i guess you don't know the man.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
Uh...like Hitler and Nazi Germany?
Having everyone unified behind a single person is a frightening concept. I suggest you reevaluate your logic.
Go back to first page and see what he have to say.. if theres one peaceful man of the republican side right now.. its him.. all the others are ready to pre-emptively nuke Iran. Did you watch the last debate?
The 2nd GOP debate and Dr. Paul's responses
The 3rd GOP debate and Dr. Paul's Responses
Just some more info so we can have a better debate.
The 3rd GOP debate and Dr. Paul's Responses
Just some more info so we can have a better debate.
That is deeply frightening.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
I understand what you mean.. Being unified behind a good man is a good thing in my opinion.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
You're missing the point.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
um i guess you don't know the man.
Go back to first page and see what he have to say.. if theres one peaceful man of the republican side right now.. its him.. all the others are ready to pre-emptively nuke Iran. Did you watch the last debate?
I suppose you would like living under Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Kimmy?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Who on earth is Kimmy?Spark wrote:
That is deeply frightening.AutralianChainsaw wrote:
I understand what you mean.. Being unified behind a good man is a good thing in my opinion.Cerpin_Taxt wrote:
You're missing the point.
I suppose you would like living under Hitler, Stalin, Mao or Kimmy?