+6|7007|Waco, Texas, USA
I used to actually respect this guy before i got on a server with him on warlord where he was constantly spawn killing us the sas base. I know and i agree that spawn killing is just another part of the game that some people need to get used to and get over it, but the thing that got me was that even when i would blow him up in his tank he would just bypass all the fighting to go back to the sas base to spawn kill somemore with our own tank. I just thought that that was pretty sad and now i know why he is so high up there in the rankings.
Death StatPadder
+228|7088|Human Meat Shield
Amazing isn't it. I have also (not the same guy) met a few (higher ranked) that enjoy the uncappable base while thier flags are being taken. If there is no commander toys, why?

My advice to you is spawn somewhere else. IF not then he is doing his job to keep you from getting to thier flags. Finally Don't spawn, wait until next game.

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-25 21:33:44)

+69|7027|th3 unkn0wn
+85|7071|good old CA
who cares really if hes a spawn killing freak.  Spawn somewhere else
+34|7067|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
i am a 1337 spawn camper
Over the line!
+70|7067|Mark it zero.
just shoot him. that simple.
you are amongst the ranks of ppl on wake island that say OMG STOP SPAWNCAMPING THE CARRIER.....cap a flag and spawn somewhere else...DS

Last edited by Hyper (2006-01-25 22:15:28)

Death StatPadder
+228|7088|Human Meat Shield
I don't believe the carrier is spawncamping... IF it has the toys, I am there to destroy them and anyone in my way will be shot and shot again until they get the picture or I get shot in the process. Now if you are there just to shoot people and not take care of the toys then you are spawncamping.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

This is nothing new....

ever notice how he's almost never on BF2stats anymore? haha.

And hes not even defending himself.
Can we just forget about all the retards?(your almost as bad as them bitching every second, get on with your life)  stop giving them the attention they all want
+31|7142|St. Louis, MO
Guess you don't get rich by writing checks.The same applies for points, I guess.Seems you got to be a real prick to get to the top.
Yeah I'd bomb that carrier deck on wake every time if ppl cant capture a base on the island more points for me the quicker I can get to 2LT, but if they do capture a base on the island most of the time 3/4 of there team is still on the carreir deck wating.

Spawn on the island thats how teams lose rounds on wake ( you can when a battle even if your on foot, its a little harder though) but if ppl are inept enough to be in the helo and fighter spawn area when they see a fighter doing bombing runs every 30 seconds and killing people spawn somewhere else dont cry faul. If im playing in that server id laugh my ass off, but then again im probably the one doing the bombing

It takes a little brain power but come on, well ppl like that are just beyond explanation and understanding and a majority of players in the BF2 community share this syndrome of ineptness.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Spawn camping is a legit tactic, I'm keeping your armor busy so you can't kill my team, and i'm distracting serveral ppl who would be attacking my flags.
Death StatPadder
+228|7088|Human Meat Shield
whatever.   What would you do if you were on the 'otherside'...???  Oh wait you'd switch teams.. nevermind.

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-26 00:04:30)

The Last Man Standing
Its hardly fair to have to attack him and his methods of playing.  Each of us does something that would aggrivate or frustrate other players, and I'm sure there are things he could pick out about your style of playing he might not like.
Play how you want, enjoy yourself.  If you get into a situation where you are put under this sort of attack, then leave the server, or spawn somewhere else or just dont spawn.  Everyone uses their own tactics.  Its your job to develop your own to fight against your opponent.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

If you're dumb enough to let him take YOUR tank to own YOU with it, sucks to be you.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Spawn camping is a legit tactic, I'm keeping your armor busy so you can't kill my team, and i'm distracting serveral ppl who would be attacking my flags.
get em, vengeance!
If he's able to bypass the entire level to get your Armor in your own uncappable base then I guess it's your fault or the fault of the commander that camps there (or should be camping there).

When armor spawns it should be a priority for anyone near it to not lt the enemy take hold of it.
+31|7007|Phoenix, AZ
i dont agree with ppl whining about spawn killers.
if i get 'spawn killed', by a tank, this is what i do with my 15 seconds:

1.) switch to anti-tank
2.) remember where tank was
3.) spawn
4.) locate armor and release missile
5.) if i get 'spawn killed' again, i repeat from step 2.)
6.) problem destroyed
Mod Incarnate
Whats the issue here? you could simply take the armor after you kill him and be done with it. Besides, unless (as he says in his post) hes actually keeping several members of your team busy and occupying your tank, he's just wasting his time in your base.

The real question is whether his team won or not, and whether his actions played any part in that. As for you being spawn camped, get over it. Usually I dont spend my time in the enemies base while theres enemy flags to be captured, but if theres people there to kill or vehicles to steal I might drop in for a while.
+50|7014|Southern California
just want to chime in on wake for people who have trouble with it as USMC

the BH needs to bypass the two flags closest to the carrier and capture the beach or that one inbetween the north and the airfield.
biggest mistake is when the first wave of USMC boats and choppers (the wave that has the biggest chance of surviving) assaults the closest landing beaches that have like a mile trek to the flags that are the most heavily guarded, including a tank at each one.

when people try to take those flags in the first wave it's all over. the wave dies, the enemy jets are strafing carrier, and your only chance is if the enemy pilots suck and you can sneak a boat out around the map and cap one of the easy flags. but in the end it's people headin towards the meat grinder to die instead of usin their heads that make a team lose, as always.
pancake, enrage TK, especially killing for a technique, is, you will sit down in a helicopter, and some sniper, or AT will come running and will put to death you(me), that to sit down in a helicopter or in a tank will blow up you, to sit down in him, when he will appear
ilyandor девушка в подписи - это ты? давай знакомиться...
Death StatPadder
+228|7088|Human Meat Shield
Hmm.. I was thinking  when only one area is for spawning and a tank/apc camps there waiting for the next spawn, my bad, if I knew the scenerio I would've jumped on. Never happened but heard of it; Me, I wouldn't spawn; eos.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

Paladus902 wrote:

Its hardly fair to have to attack him and his methods of playing.  Each of us does something that would aggrivate or frustrate other players, and I'm sure there are things he could pick out about your style of playing he might not like.
Play how you want, enjoy yourself.  If you get into a situation where you are put under this sort of attack, then leave the server, or spawn somewhere else or just dont spawn.  Everyone uses their own tactics.  Its your job to develop your own to fight against your opponent.
This is the point.  I do not play BF2 to get shot, I do not play BF2 to chat with other players.  I play to win, to dominate by any means possible.  I am here to kill your team, to spawn kill, GP-30, and baserape you until you give up in frustration from getting owned.  I don't care if you think "spawn camping" is honorable, try all the insults you want and all the kick votes you want but I will keep killing you by any means I can.  I will not model my gameplay around your comfort zone.  Unless its exploits or hacks, I will kill you by any means possible, and if you don't like that im sorry but this is war.  I don't think the Iraqi's had a chance to scream "omg USMC n00bs stop base raping with ur overpowered jets!!!!!11!!"
+89|7033|Sheffield, England suck nastie_butlers dick dont you

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