By Jestar12345
Sniping in Battlefield 2 is not like any other class. A good Sniper can give you information that no other class can, e.g. people’s whereabouts.
Some people say that Snipers should not be capping flags, and this is true, but a sniper can easily attack without any need to go in Rambo style. This is a mistake I used to make. Even though I did get to the point where I could go in guns blazing, and pop someone from close. But with anyone with a rank over Staff Sergeant that just isn’t going to cut it. So don’t go in guns blazing.
This guide will show you how to be a decent sniper.
It won’t show you how to become the pwnage and pull off head shots every shot, because that takes hours of practice.
Snipers: Long Range Flag Defenders
A sniper has vision that no one else has. Say that someone from the opposition has neutralized a crucial flag. (E.g. the Airfield on Wake.) Instead of having to haul your ass down there for some close quarters action, and by the time you get there they’ve already capped the flag, you can simply view their position from afar and take them out. This ensures 2 things
-Your team can cap the flag without worrying about spawning people, as the flag is still neutralized
-Your team retains the flags advantage, and you get some easy points.
Headshots aren’t easy but they are worth it. ALL Snipers are One Shot One Kill with a headshot. No one likes to see kill damage assists on their screen when they’re holding the sniper. They want to see a dead body. Also, things usually get harder after you miss the first headshot. The opponent suddenly sees they have 2 bars of health left, and starts jumping around. This makes it hard to hit them again, but not too hard once you get used to it. That’s were headshots come in. I’d consider headshot difficulty to be measured in different levels.
A non moving target requires little skill; a guy in a MG turret can be easily taken down. People in cars may switch to gunner when they see you. I personally have become a master at taking them out quickly. This is easy, because if you are going to hit them, you will hit their head. If not well you’re probably dead unless you find cover.
People Moving Slowly (e.g. crouching or proning whilst moving) are still easy kills.
People running are harder. You need to lead them but it takes a good shot to headshot them. I don’t get headshots too often.
Remember if you have the chance to headshot them don’t rush it, be calm and put a 50. Cal through their head.
Leading and Stealth
A good sniper won’t rush a shot, especially with bolt action snipers. You simply can’t really afford to have your cover blown. A snipers best advantage is stealth, and that 1st shot may well lose you that stealth. If they get hit, they change their target.
Instead of heading one way, they head towards you, and if they see you, which they might, it can mean 1 of three things. So again , go
1. They see you and spot you. This is bad, because people hear SNIPER or whatever it is in Chinese and Middle Eastern and think Sniper=Easy Kill. Which in close quarters usually ends up being true.
2. You take them out after the first shot. However as I mentioned above it isn’t easy after they start jumping around.
3. They go get health and then they come back and hunt you down.
Here are my opinions on these things.
1 The “Sniper” Cry doesn’t last very long, so just head BACKWARDS INTO COVER and find a new spot.
First thing I notice when I’ve spotted a sniper and shot at him is that half the time they move into the open. Suddenly they think that because their cover is blown they should run in and shoot from close quarters. This is not good as you can see from my K/D; it makes them closer to you, and they can see you better. DON’T DO IT.
2. This could happen, but it shouldn’t as you should go for the headshots. If you see the person looking away, then go ahead take your second shot, but otherwise just retreat, whilst reloading. It benefits you, and you have no need to worry about them catching you off guard.
3. My opinion is divided into two things, which I cover in the next paragraph
Generally if you are in a crowded area stay, you should be safe in your hiding spot, with all the friendly soldiers nearby, they should be in front of you.
If you are on your own, move after EVERY shot, remember the Commander and his Scan, because when he sees that little red dot in an empty area, he’s going to spot it.
To lead someone, look where he is going and shoot when he is about:
Here----> | | +
/ \
__ /_ \_____
Move or Not: You’re hiding spot
A hiding spot should be dark, but not pitch black. A crevice will always help, but don’t get a spot which will impair your vision. A bush would be good, as long as it’s dark. Nothings more obvious than a pair of legs sticking out of a light green bush.
Situation 1- I make it a MUST if I am near 3-4 men to move after I make every 4 shots.
Situation 2- If I am surrounded by men e.g. 9-10 men, then I move after 2 shots. This way I avoid artillery. Simple.
Situation 3- If I am on my own, I move after every shot I hit someone with, or after every 2nd shot. They don’t want to be killed again, so they’ll come searching, and no one likes being shock paddled.
Sniping is perfect for any squad leader; they find a place to attack, head to a nice safe spot and snipe from there, allowing their teammates to spawn.
It is also good for the commander, who can place claymores at his hiding spot.
The Equipment
Rifles- M24 I love it. The added accuracy and smaller crosshairs rates it above the M95 for me. It can easily kill someone without going prone. Easy headshots.
M95-I can pull off the headshots with this thing too, but more noise more muzzle flash and bigger crosshairs make it good but not M24 good. I only use this when I’m on PLA or China. If I’m going to attack their Airfield, I use the M95, so I can kill through glass.
I don’t like these, but you can probably go in to the battle a little more with them. Has a very Quick fire.
This is the perfect accompaniment for bolt action snipers. If you’re looking for your pistol badge then this is it. A shot to the chest with the sniper will take someone down to 2 bars, and it’s a quick whip of the pistol to finish them off. Or, if necessary the pistol could be used as a close combat weapon, but you shouldn’t be in that situation.
Good for being on top of buildings and wanting to destroy a group of enemies without destroying your position. Also good for an enemy near who is near some form of protection, but why would you be that close as a sniper?
I don’t use these, as there is just too big a risk of a TK. I only use them if I am in a well hidden area, and I don’t want to move, then these come in hand. After the new patch, you will be able to remove these claymores, and place them elsewhere, which will be good for us snipers and our scores.
A lot of people disregard the Sniper Kit after they first use it. They consider it as a kit to play every now and then, because they don’t score as many points off it. This is not true. I can get around 90 points sniping, though part of that is in a vehicle. It’s the most fun and rewarding kit to play, and nothing is better than seeing a headshot.
A few good hiding spots (More to Come, With Screenshots)
Wake- 1.You’ll often find yourself in a battle in between the Airfield and the Beach.
Just as you go up the hill to the beach there’s is an old plane there, on the left side go to the furthest wing, which should be on the ground. Climb underneath it and crawl forward. This gives you a good shot of gunners in the MG Turrets ahead, and anyone coming past the scan or on the beach to your left.
2. Continue forward towards the airfield along the beach form the beach. Continue until you are approaching the PLA chopper. Face it and there is a hill there, go up and look for the bush at the very top. This will give you a clear shot of the chopper and plane people, the tank spawn at the airfield, and the MG Turrets.
Sharqi-1. If you are on the US side, spawn at the Hotel and grab a car. Head towards the Beach House AKA Mec Chopper Spawn. Instead of taking the road left right into the area, I like to continue straight and find a crevice in the hills to snipe from. It gives you that added element of surprise, as they’ll search the ground for you.
Carrier Map Plane Assault
This is for MEC/PLA only, so sorry to all those US people out there .
You also must have the M95, to have any effect with this attack.
Approach the boat section of the carrier in some way. Go up the ladder and walk through either of the doors to your left or right. Head down the corridors, and walk through the single door. Take a left, and then go straight down onto the platforms. Keep some sprint in hand walk all the way down, go back a little then sprint jump over. Then you can have perfect vision of the plane when it spawns and kill anyone inside(providing you had the M95).
A lot of people disregard the Sniper Kit after they first use it. They consider it as a kit to play every now and then, because they don’t score as many points off it. This is not true. I can get around 90 points sniping, though part of that is in a vehicle. It’s the most fun and rewarding kit to play, and nothing is better than seeing a headshot.
Thanks for Reading,
I am currently a 1st Sgt, and my IGN is “fullysick_meboy”.
V 1.1 Edited Semi Auto Info, and included pictures of Snipers
By Jestar12345
Sniping in Battlefield 2 is not like any other class. A good Sniper can give you information that no other class can, e.g. people’s whereabouts.
Some people say that Snipers should not be capping flags, and this is true, but a sniper can easily attack without any need to go in Rambo style. This is a mistake I used to make. Even though I did get to the point where I could go in guns blazing, and pop someone from close. But with anyone with a rank over Staff Sergeant that just isn’t going to cut it. So don’t go in guns blazing.
This guide will show you how to be a decent sniper.
It won’t show you how to become the pwnage and pull off head shots every shot, because that takes hours of practice.
Snipers: Long Range Flag Defenders
A sniper has vision that no one else has. Say that someone from the opposition has neutralized a crucial flag. (E.g. the Airfield on Wake.) Instead of having to haul your ass down there for some close quarters action, and by the time you get there they’ve already capped the flag, you can simply view their position from afar and take them out. This ensures 2 things
-Your team can cap the flag without worrying about spawning people, as the flag is still neutralized
-Your team retains the flags advantage, and you get some easy points.
Headshots aren’t easy but they are worth it. ALL Snipers are One Shot One Kill with a headshot. No one likes to see kill damage assists on their screen when they’re holding the sniper. They want to see a dead body. Also, things usually get harder after you miss the first headshot. The opponent suddenly sees they have 2 bars of health left, and starts jumping around. This makes it hard to hit them again, but not too hard once you get used to it. That’s were headshots come in. I’d consider headshot difficulty to be measured in different levels.
A non moving target requires little skill; a guy in a MG turret can be easily taken down. People in cars may switch to gunner when they see you. I personally have become a master at taking them out quickly. This is easy, because if you are going to hit them, you will hit their head. If not well you’re probably dead unless you find cover.
People Moving Slowly (e.g. crouching or proning whilst moving) are still easy kills.
People running are harder. You need to lead them but it takes a good shot to headshot them. I don’t get headshots too often.
Remember if you have the chance to headshot them don’t rush it, be calm and put a 50. Cal through their head.
Leading and Stealth
A good sniper won’t rush a shot, especially with bolt action snipers. You simply can’t really afford to have your cover blown. A snipers best advantage is stealth, and that 1st shot may well lose you that stealth. If they get hit, they change their target.
Instead of heading one way, they head towards you, and if they see you, which they might, it can mean 1 of three things. So again , go
1. They see you and spot you. This is bad, because people hear SNIPER or whatever it is in Chinese and Middle Eastern and think Sniper=Easy Kill. Which in close quarters usually ends up being true.
2. You take them out after the first shot. However as I mentioned above it isn’t easy after they start jumping around.
3. They go get health and then they come back and hunt you down.
Here are my opinions on these things.
1 The “Sniper” Cry doesn’t last very long, so just head BACKWARDS INTO COVER and find a new spot.
First thing I notice when I’ve spotted a sniper and shot at him is that half the time they move into the open. Suddenly they think that because their cover is blown they should run in and shoot from close quarters. This is not good as you can see from my K/D; it makes them closer to you, and they can see you better. DON’T DO IT.
2. This could happen, but it shouldn’t as you should go for the headshots. If you see the person looking away, then go ahead take your second shot, but otherwise just retreat, whilst reloading. It benefits you, and you have no need to worry about them catching you off guard.
3. My opinion is divided into two things, which I cover in the next paragraph
Generally if you are in a crowded area stay, you should be safe in your hiding spot, with all the friendly soldiers nearby, they should be in front of you.
If you are on your own, move after EVERY shot, remember the Commander and his Scan, because when he sees that little red dot in an empty area, he’s going to spot it.
To lead someone, look where he is going and shoot when he is about:
Here----> | | +
/ \
__ /_ \_____
Move or Not: You’re hiding spot
A hiding spot should be dark, but not pitch black. A crevice will always help, but don’t get a spot which will impair your vision. A bush would be good, as long as it’s dark. Nothings more obvious than a pair of legs sticking out of a light green bush.
Situation 1- I make it a MUST if I am near 3-4 men to move after I make every 4 shots.
Situation 2- If I am surrounded by men e.g. 9-10 men, then I move after 2 shots. This way I avoid artillery. Simple.
Situation 3- If I am on my own, I move after every shot I hit someone with, or after every 2nd shot. They don’t want to be killed again, so they’ll come searching, and no one likes being shock paddled.
Sniping is perfect for any squad leader; they find a place to attack, head to a nice safe spot and snipe from there, allowing their teammates to spawn.
It is also good for the commander, who can place claymores at his hiding spot.
The Equipment
Rifles- M24 I love it. The added accuracy and smaller crosshairs rates it above the M95 for me. It can easily kill someone without going prone. Easy headshots.
M95-I can pull off the headshots with this thing too, but more noise more muzzle flash and bigger crosshairs make it good but not M24 good. I only use this when I’m on PLA or China. If I’m going to attack their Airfield, I use the M95, so I can kill through glass.
I don’t like these, but you can probably go in to the battle a little more with them. Has a very Quick fire.
This is the perfect accompaniment for bolt action snipers. If you’re looking for your pistol badge then this is it. A shot to the chest with the sniper will take someone down to 2 bars, and it’s a quick whip of the pistol to finish them off. Or, if necessary the pistol could be used as a close combat weapon, but you shouldn’t be in that situation.
Good for being on top of buildings and wanting to destroy a group of enemies without destroying your position. Also good for an enemy near who is near some form of protection, but why would you be that close as a sniper?
I don’t use these, as there is just too big a risk of a TK. I only use them if I am in a well hidden area, and I don’t want to move, then these come in hand. After the new patch, you will be able to remove these claymores, and place them elsewhere, which will be good for us snipers and our scores.
A lot of people disregard the Sniper Kit after they first use it. They consider it as a kit to play every now and then, because they don’t score as many points off it. This is not true. I can get around 90 points sniping, though part of that is in a vehicle. It’s the most fun and rewarding kit to play, and nothing is better than seeing a headshot.
A few good hiding spots (More to Come, With Screenshots)
Wake- 1.You’ll often find yourself in a battle in between the Airfield and the Beach.
Just as you go up the hill to the beach there’s is an old plane there, on the left side go to the furthest wing, which should be on the ground. Climb underneath it and crawl forward. This gives you a good shot of gunners in the MG Turrets ahead, and anyone coming past the scan or on the beach to your left.
2. Continue forward towards the airfield along the beach form the beach. Continue until you are approaching the PLA chopper. Face it and there is a hill there, go up and look for the bush at the very top. This will give you a clear shot of the chopper and plane people, the tank spawn at the airfield, and the MG Turrets.
Sharqi-1. If you are on the US side, spawn at the Hotel and grab a car. Head towards the Beach House AKA Mec Chopper Spawn. Instead of taking the road left right into the area, I like to continue straight and find a crevice in the hills to snipe from. It gives you that added element of surprise, as they’ll search the ground for you.
Carrier Map Plane Assault
This is for MEC/PLA only, so sorry to all those US people out there .
You also must have the M95, to have any effect with this attack.
Approach the boat section of the carrier in some way. Go up the ladder and walk through either of the doors to your left or right. Head down the corridors, and walk through the single door. Take a left, and then go straight down onto the platforms. Keep some sprint in hand walk all the way down, go back a little then sprint jump over. Then you can have perfect vision of the plane when it spawns and kill anyone inside(providing you had the M95).
A lot of people disregard the Sniper Kit after they first use it. They consider it as a kit to play every now and then, because they don’t score as many points off it. This is not true. I can get around 90 points sniping, though part of that is in a vehicle. It’s the most fun and rewarding kit to play, and nothing is better than seeing a headshot.
Thanks for Reading,
I am currently a 1st Sgt, and my IGN is “fullysick_meboy”.
V 1.1 Edited Semi Auto Info, and included pictures of Snipers
Last edited by Jestar12345 (2006-01-25 19:06:30)