The “Family Media Guide” has released a list of the 10 most “ultra-violent” videogames as a service for parents who would otherwise have no way to tell what games to purchase for their children.
This amazing feat could only be accomplished by “utilizing a proprietary audit process… employing approximately 4000 rules and algorithms governing millions of potential rule combinations” working in tandem to “generate an objective rating, superior to the existing ESRB” rating. Amazing… how many games have been ignored by the ESRB, only now to get called out by this breakthrough system:
Resident Evil 4
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
God of War
Killer 7
The Warriors
50 Cent: Bulletproof
Crime Life: Gang Wars
Condemned: Criminal Origins
True Crime: New York City
It strikes this blogger as odd that every single title in this list has already been rated M, which according to the “ineffective” ESRB means these games “have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong language.”
How much more help could parents need when there’s already an apparently accurate rating on the box, and every single title presented above includes the words evil, war/warriors, killer, bulletproof, crime, criminal, narc(otics), and of course grand theft auto in the name itself?
The family media guide has spoken dont buy these violent games theres no way parents would know there bad!
With names such as Resident "Evil" , "Grand theft auto" , God of "War" , "Narc" , "Killer 7" , The "Warriors" , 50 cent "bulletproof" , Condemned "Criminal" orgins , True "Crime" New york city.
Now if parents cant get the hint that games such as these with titles like above that are "violent" then they have a lower mentality then there children and shoudnt be parents in the first place come on how dumb are you?
Parents just dont care and let kids do or play anything they want then when there son of daughter runs some one over with the car wile they were sleeping or swallos a whole jar of pills thinking there jelly beans and powerups they blame videogames
Remember that idiot that killed the cops and said it was cause of GTA "life is a videogame you're gonna die some time" haha what an idiot and of course yes here it is hes frommmmmmmm
the U.S.A bahaha.
Ok just kidding but its true so discuss
This amazing feat could only be accomplished by “utilizing a proprietary audit process… employing approximately 4000 rules and algorithms governing millions of potential rule combinations” working in tandem to “generate an objective rating, superior to the existing ESRB” rating. Amazing… how many games have been ignored by the ESRB, only now to get called out by this breakthrough system:
Resident Evil 4
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
God of War
Killer 7
The Warriors
50 Cent: Bulletproof
Crime Life: Gang Wars
Condemned: Criminal Origins
True Crime: New York City
It strikes this blogger as odd that every single title in this list has already been rated M, which according to the “ineffective” ESRB means these games “have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong language.”
How much more help could parents need when there’s already an apparently accurate rating on the box, and every single title presented above includes the words evil, war/warriors, killer, bulletproof, crime, criminal, narc(otics), and of course grand theft auto in the name itself?
The family media guide has spoken dont buy these violent games theres no way parents would know there bad!
With names such as Resident "Evil" , "Grand theft auto" , God of "War" , "Narc" , "Killer 7" , The "Warriors" , 50 cent "bulletproof" , Condemned "Criminal" orgins , True "Crime" New york city.
Now if parents cant get the hint that games such as these with titles like above that are "violent" then they have a lower mentality then there children and shoudnt be parents in the first place come on how dumb are you?
Parents just dont care and let kids do or play anything they want then when there son of daughter runs some one over with the car wile they were sleeping or swallos a whole jar of pills thinking there jelly beans and powerups they blame videogames
Remember that idiot that killed the cops and said it was cause of GTA "life is a videogame you're gonna die some time" haha what an idiot and of course yes here it is hes frommmmmmmm
the U.S.A bahaha.
Ok just kidding but its true so discuss