[18:37:17] [+Poseidon]:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6833124115[18:37:19] [+Poseidon]: It says PCI 2.2
[18:37:29] [+Poseidon]: Would that work in a PCI slot?
[18:38:18] [@TooHip]: oh my... I'm getting even further behind. Ive never heard of PCI 2.2
[18:39:22] [@TooHip]: well, the linksys page just calls it a PCI adapter, so Id have to go with yes
[18:40:06] [@TooHip]: 32 Bit PCI interface
[18:40:33] [@TooHip]: requires available PCI slot
My friend who's pretty good with computers told me that on IRC. So obviously all it needs is 1 PCI slot.
Last edited by Poseidon (17 years, 7 months ago)