Well, It's pretty crazy. "I-Doser" uses a technology called Binaural Brainwave Modification, basically what it does it makes your brain produce the effect of the desired drug, without the use of any drugs!.
What you do, is listen to an audio file, they're anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes. There all buzzing/fizzy sounds, and when you finish your "Dose" (audio file) your suppose to feel the effect of that drug. Each audio file is named after a certain drug, ones such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Hash, Ecstasy, and lots more. Whichever one you try gives you a certain sound that after a while is suppose to give you the effect of that drug... Yes, you heard me right.
Now, I've been messing around with this since last night, I've tried Marijuana and something called Nitrous. So far, i haven't really felt a great difference but there is a little something, maybe its just my faith in the technology that makes me THINK something happens. I'm not sure, but on there forums there are tons of people who say it works for them. So i want to leave it up to you guys to test it, share your experiences, and your opinions on it.
Where to get it:
has a lot more information than what i provided. It also has a test program which contains 2 'doses'. Alcohol and Content (like happy)
Let me just tell you, no one pays for the doses they just steal it cause there's nothing stopping you.
I'll let you guys be the judge.
(More Info From Me: At first i thought "Wow this shit must be dangerous" but really, i read all over the Internet about this technology and about this program, but i could not find anything bad. I specifically searched for things like "Safety of Idoser" and "Is Binaural brainwave modification dangerous" But i didn't receive any bad results. So, i finally got the balls up to try Marijuana. Now, Marijuana is a 45 minute dose, so that means you have to sit there and listen to some weird buzzing sounds for 45 minutes, then feel the effects of Marijuana. Now, I've never used real weed, but i will tell you i felt a little bit 'out-of-body' and slow motion.
I will also note that you must close your eyes and relax when your doing this, because if your concentrated on other things then i don't think it works.
As for volume, have it loud but not so much that it hurts. Just so you can hear the sounds comfortably.
I would advise you give it a try, because if it really does work, then this is an amazingly cool technology, if it doesn't, well.... then this company makes a lot of money for a load of bullshit.
*This is the Official I-Doser Thread*
What you do, is listen to an audio file, they're anywhere between 10 and 60 minutes. There all buzzing/fizzy sounds, and when you finish your "Dose" (audio file) your suppose to feel the effect of that drug. Each audio file is named after a certain drug, ones such as Marijuana, Cocaine, Hash, Ecstasy, and lots more. Whichever one you try gives you a certain sound that after a while is suppose to give you the effect of that drug... Yes, you heard me right.
Now, I've been messing around with this since last night, I've tried Marijuana and something called Nitrous. So far, i haven't really felt a great difference but there is a little something, maybe its just my faith in the technology that makes me THINK something happens. I'm not sure, but on there forums there are tons of people who say it works for them. So i want to leave it up to you guys to test it, share your experiences, and your opinions on it.
Where to get it:
has a lot more information than what i provided. It also has a test program which contains 2 'doses'. Alcohol and Content (like happy)
Let me just tell you, no one pays for the doses they just steal it cause there's nothing stopping you.
I'll let you guys be the judge.
(More Info From Me: At first i thought "Wow this shit must be dangerous" but really, i read all over the Internet about this technology and about this program, but i could not find anything bad. I specifically searched for things like "Safety of Idoser" and "Is Binaural brainwave modification dangerous" But i didn't receive any bad results. So, i finally got the balls up to try Marijuana. Now, Marijuana is a 45 minute dose, so that means you have to sit there and listen to some weird buzzing sounds for 45 minutes, then feel the effects of Marijuana. Now, I've never used real weed, but i will tell you i felt a little bit 'out-of-body' and slow motion.
I will also note that you must close your eyes and relax when your doing this, because if your concentrated on other things then i don't think it works.
As for volume, have it loud but not so much that it hurts. Just so you can hear the sounds comfortably.
I would advise you give it a try, because if it really does work, then this is an amazingly cool technology, if it doesn't, well.... then this company makes a lot of money for a load of bullshit.
*This is the Official I-Doser Thread*
15 more years! 15 more years!