GunSlinger OIF II
oh great, more pictures of angry, hateful and evil iraqis

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-06-04 15:57:25)

Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I know these pics are not fake or propaganda, I took them. The Iraqis in our AO worked with us and hated the Insurgents.

SgtHeihn wrote: … cam031.jpg … cam032.jpg
I know these pics are not fake or propaganda, I took them. The Iraqis in our AO worked with us and hated the Insurgents.
Lies you baby killer.........
+4|6327|México City, México.

B.Schuss wrote:

any picture, be it "positive" or "negative" fails to capture the "big" picture.

and the big picture is: 3,500 US troops dead, tens of thousands more wounded, with little to no progress being made and no hope for improvement.

The US cannot build a democracy for the Iraquis. That's something the Iraquis have to accomplish themselves. Get out, I say. That country ain't worth the life of one more coalition soldier
Neither Iraqui`s civilians deserve "collateral damage" casualties.
GunSlinger OIF II

RAVAGE wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

any picture, be it "positive" or "negative" fails to capture the "big" picture.

and the big picture is: 3,500 US troops dead, tens of thousands more wounded, with little to no progress being made and no hope for improvement.

The US cannot build a democracy for the Iraquis. That's something the Iraquis have to accomplish themselves. Get out, I say. That country ain't worth the life of one more coalition soldier
Neither Iraqui`s civilians deserve "collateral damage" casualties.
so so profound.
Calmer than you are.
nice pics
+4|6327|México City, México.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

RAVAGE wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

any picture, be it "positive" or "negative" fails to capture the "big" picture.

and the big picture is: 3,500 US troops dead, tens of thousands more wounded, with little to no progress being made and no hope for improvement.

The US cannot build a democracy for the Iraquis. That's something the Iraquis have to accomplish themselves. Get out, I say. That country ain't worth the life of one more coalition soldier
Neither Iraqui`s civilians deserve "collateral damage" casualties.
so so profound.
Well what can i said ?, not really hard if you have the proper education, (i dont mean just elementary).

Last edited by RAVAGE (2007-06-04 16:05:37)

aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6430|Mo Val, Cali
Wow, that's going to suck when I sign up.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)

usmarine2005 wrote:

SgtHeihn wrote: … cam031.jpg … cam032.jpg
I know these pics are not fake or propaganda, I took them. The Iraqis in our AO worked with us and hated the Insurgents.
Lies you baby killer.........
Thats the way we were treated in the Baltimore airport. We traveled back in cammies and littarly had to strip to pt shorts to go through the security check points

The only place they treated us with respect was in the sports bar, we didn't pay for a single drink
GunSlinger OIF II
haji took this pic.  notice my buddy pulling security on the photographer.....jokes...
GunSlinger OIF II

SgtHeihn wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

did you know that a marine has to kill his/her mother in order to graduate bootcamp
Get it right man, we had to kill and EAT on of our family members

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-06-04 16:17:12)

O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
A simple question I always ask with regards to Iraq is this...  How much longer do you think we can afford to spend $2 billion a week on this?

Seriously...  As expensive as this war has been, it's a miracle we haven't already become a Second World country.

If we want to have any hope of paying off the national debt and balancing the budget, we're either going to have to leave Iraq, massively cut everything other than the military, or raise taxes.  Since none of these 3 things look like they're going to happen, we're essentially financially fucking ourselves in slow motion....

So, regardless of the progress we make in Iraq (or the relative lack thereof), we will have to change something radically for us to move in a positive direction from this point.  Right now, we're just hemorrhaging away the financial stability of this country....

Last edited by Turquoise (2007-06-04 16:28:46)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Please try and stick on topic fellas.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Sorry Kam

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