May 29/30
Okay, today I'm not doing one artist, simply because I couldn't decide on one to do. There are so many worthies that I have left out, so rather than re-visit old genres I've decided to touch on ones that haven’t had a mention yet.
First off, speed/thrash/death/whateverthefuckitis metal
The NZ version of this is
8 Foot Sativa. Honestly, I have never listened to them aside from this one track. I reckon they're wanky and try-hard, but then again I don't have a very high opinion of grown men belching into microphones. Maybe some Death-type metal fans can get into it, but I'm strictly against it. I chose this track at random I'm not sure if it's one of their better ones or not.
Moving on...
Okay, the world of New Zealand Hip-Hop, although apparently very strong, has been missed in my little feature here, so I must rectify that. No-one better to do that than
Scribe. Cleaned up the Tuis and won a Silver Scroll I think last year. I never thought much of him really, but I'm admittedly a rockhead so my opinions on hip-hop are next to worthless. the video of this trackk strangly enough features the drummer from 8 Foot Sativa, but I think in the track it's obviously electronic drumming. This one was very popular here a while ago.
P-Money, a turn-table guy was really the brains behind this one.
I've also included Scribe's "Not Many", because I've always thought it was cool, and features
Savage, who's an awesome guy. Would you please give it up for Sava-age!
Oldies. It's hard to know what to pick. Not Split Enz, because I never really liked them. Not Crowded House because all but one were Aussies, (at least Neil Finn, the main man behind Crowded House was the brains and voice of the outfit, is a Kiwi.)
Muttonbirds? Yes! I love Dominion Road. Sure I may sound wussy for saying that, but I really like Dominion Road! It's an awesome song. Always cheers me up. Often sing it at the top of my lungs when driving somewhere, earning strange looks from pedestrians at stop lights.
But what else... well, really I needed to include this:
Bliss by
Th' dudes. I mentioned it earlier, except that I mistakenly wrote that it was by The Exponents. I was wrong, I apologise. I always seen to get those two mixed up.
Bliss is the BEST beer-drinking song in the world. The loud drunk-bar/pub vocals, the highly accented verses which seem to suggest drunken-ness and a good time, and the rowdy "YAAA!! YA YA YA YAAA!!"s... this is what drinking a shit-load of beer is all about. A bit dated, but still a classic. With a name like “Bliss” this song couldn’t be about anything
but beer.
So without further ado...
8 Foot Sativa - Stolen LifeP-Money feat. Scribe – Stop the MusicScribe – Not Many (remix)The Muttonbirds – Dominion RoadTh’ Dudes – BlissEdit: Oh shit, I forgot. The Prime Minister would kill me if she found out. The late entry is "Loyal" by Dave Dobbyn. Many Kiwi's consider it our secondary national anthem. Soppy, but at least better than "God Defend New Zealand". Would go under the oldies section - because Dave wrote decent music back them.
Dave Dobbyn - LoyalTomorrow:
Last edited by Tyferra (2006-05-30 22:57:07)