Also, need to differentiate between lag (i.e. jumpiness while playing the game) and long load times.  Some of you seem to be confusing the two.

Ogopogo15 wrote:

Get 2Gb's of ram like what someone said.  What resolution are you playing? 

My system had 1GB,  and even though I had a 7800GT  it would lag esp at karkand because I put everthing at high and at 2X AA.

However my system right now performs very well at these settings @ 1024 X 768 Resolution @ 2X AA
AMD 64 3000+
2GB ( 1GB X2 Corsair Dual Channel)
250GB Hitach Sata II
XFX 7800GT 256MB
MSI NF4 Ultra Mobo

I set everything to high,  and distance (fartest)

With this,  I often come in first to games no lag and I could have my first pick with planes or heliocopters,  but I dotn use them.

I find that BF2 is a very hardware taxing game,  and I notice a differenice in performance @ 1280 resolution.
I tryed lots of settings and nothing works....right now i have it on medium and at 1024 x 1024 no AA and still get the lag as if i did HIGH and 1024 x 1280

the only things that seems to work for me is low
but i didnt spend 340 dollars to put it on low.

So i was thinking does it have anything to do with my graphics card?

I experience both types of lag sometimes the jumpiness in the game is severe where i cant even move for a min
Again, you are ignoring the obvious people. You are connecting to a server, in God knows where, so your internet connection has to route through your ip, to their ip, to the server, and back. Have you ever tried a UK server or German (I'm assuming you're American), you get horrible ping and lag times, because of the distance away you are. I don't have a godlike computer at all, I run an Athlon XP-M 2500+ @2.2ghz, 1 Gig Dual Channel Ram, and an nVidia 6600GT, I run the game at mainly medium and high settings, and experience normal lag, but not bad lag by any means. I have played a server less than 25 miles from my house, and I had the best ping on the server the whole time (my friend who lives in another state, with an amazing computer was also on). Your problem might just be a bad connection, slow internet, or servers too far away from your location. Try this, search server names for the largest city near you, join one, and see if that helps. It has for me, but I mainly play on servers around the country and experience various lag times at any given time.
I'm in Wisconsin, and I only play on a UK server, which is my clans server. My pings are around 90-100, at all times.

*CTKraig* wrote:

Again, you are ignoring the obvious people. You are connecting to a server, in God knows where, so your internet connection has to route through your ip, to their ip, to the server, and back. Have you ever tried a UK server or German (I'm assuming you're American), you get horrible ping and lag times, because of the distance away you are. I don't have a godlike computer at all, I run an Athlon XP-M 2500+ @2.2ghz, 1 Gig Dual Channel Ram, and an nVidia 6600GT, I run the game at mainly medium and high settings, and experience normal lag, but not bad lag by any means. I have played a server less than 25 miles from my house, and I had the best ping on the server the whole time (my friend who lives in another state, with an amazing computer was also on). Your problem might just be a bad connection, slow internet, or servers too far away from your location. Try this, search server names for the largest city near you, join one, and see if that helps. It has for me, but I mainly play on servers around the country and experience various lag times at any given time.
I do play in the right servers.....Im from Ontario and the best servers for me are Moders 24/7 Karkand and 3RB these two servers i have 45 ping in. And yes i have been in UK,and polish servers and yes i do no i lag in them of course but these servers are located in new york and such

**O and whats the best type of ram for gaming ?

Last edited by xconrob (2006-01-23 18:12:18)

2 gigs of ram. All I have to say.

I'm running a
x800 GTO2 (@16 pipe/x850 tx pe speeds)
2 GBs of cheap ass ram
3000+ AMD 64, 1.8

I'm at 1600x1200 all high 6xaa... trust me 2 gigs of ram makes a difference.

Last edited by TehMyke (2006-01-24 14:58:13)

ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
+1,230|6879|Alberta, Canada

do you have the new driver?
1) Get latest drivers!! (and switch to Nvidia, BF2 was made for it. j/k haha)
2) Do you have a Soundblaster w/ EAX?  There is a slight bug with this in right when you join the game you get some crazy bad choppiness and stuttering audio ("The en-en-en-enemy is wi-wi-wi-winning, work har-har-harder or I'll find someone who-who can!").  Downloading a OpenHAL dll file or something fixed this problem for me, and actually improved my frame rate a small amount.
3) Verifying client - I've seen this before and it seems completely random. Sometimes it takes a few seconds, sometimes a minute or more.  Doesn't appear to be hardware related, so don't fret about this. A new faster HD may help but it's really not worth it.
4) People chopping through the map (not animated running), screen chops in area where there shouldn't be (close quarters, no big distant textures to render) - This is LAG. No amount of hardware in the world will rid you of this.  And YES I have experienced this on LOW PING SERVERS.  Find a different server.

P4 3.0GHz
Asus P4C800 Deluxe
1024MB RAM
Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS
GeForce 6600GT

Playing 1280x1024 with custom Medium/High settings and nothing to complain about

PS. if anyone is sick of the intro movies and doesn't know, you CAN disable them by renaming the files. It will skip the loading and go straight to the login screen.  Do a search on this.

Last edited by ninja6o4 (2006-01-24 17:32:46)

Also, my friend has the same card as you. He runs 1280x1024 maxed out with 6x AA and it is smoother than butter. He plays on a 19" LCD so he can't bump his res any higher.  Your card is not the problem, but you need to track down what the real problem is.

Also, you  might try motherboard chipset drivers. This can help a lot, especially if you are running an nForce chipset board.

The best solution that costs money is more memory.  You are running richer textures now and they hog a LOT more ram than it did before.  The reason you see it laggy for the first couple minutes is because your video card is still loading them into its 256 mb of ram as you play.. once you have most of them it doesn't need to access slower ram or even slower HD to get the right textures.

Last edited by ninja6o4 (2006-01-24 17:40:14)


ninja6o4 wrote:

1) Get latest drivers!! (and switch to Nvidia, BF2 was made for it. j/k haha)
2) Do you have a Soundblaster w/ EAX?  There is a slight bug with this in right when you join the game you get some crazy bad choppiness and stuttering audio ("The en-en-en-enemy is wi-wi-wi-winning, work har-har-harder or I'll find someone who-who can!").  Downloading a OpenHAL dll file or something fixed this problem for me, and actually improved my frame rate a small amount.
3) Verifying client - I've seen this before and it seems completely random. Sometimes it takes a few seconds, sometimes a minute or more.  Doesn't appear to be hardware related, so don't fret about this. A new faster HD may help but it's really not worth it.
4) People chopping through the map (not animated running), screen chops in area where there shouldn't be (close quarters, no big distant textures to render) - This is LAG. No amount of hardware in the world will rid you of this.  And YES I have experienced this on LOW PING SERVERS.  Find a different server.

P4 3.0GHz
Asus P4C800 Deluxe
1024MB RAM
Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS
GeForce 6600GT

Playing 1280x1024 with custom Medium/High settings and nothing to complain about

PS. if anyone is sick of the intro movies and doesn't know, you CAN disable them by renaming the files. It will skip the loading and go straight to the login screen.  Do a search on this.
omg everything u said about I HAVE WOWOWOWOW ok good u cleared alot up for me
and yes i  have a sound blaster audigy 2 and eax is on AND YES THE sound is soooooooo anoyying godam its downright pathetic if u could help me fix it like u did for yourself thanks

ninja6o4 wrote:

Also, my friend has the same card as you. He runs 1280x1024 maxed out with 6x AA and it is smoother than butter. He plays on a 19" LCD so he can't bump his res any higher.  Your card is not the problem, but you need to track down what the real problem is.

Also, you  might try motherboard chipset drivers. This can help a lot, especially if you are running an nForce chipset board.
where can i find out motherboard drivers and how to i find out what it is ( i think its intel )
You first need to know who made your motherboard. You run an Intel CPU but there are many types of chipsets that Intel CPU's run on.  Mine is an intel chipset and can be d/led straight from Intel. nForce board drivers can be d/led from Nvidia's website, etc.  If you post the model of the mobo I can try to help you track it down.  If you have a Dell or Compaq or something.. that will be tougher.

I will try to find the link for the Audigy fix and post it here..
want to go heads up?
+11|6770|cairns australia
i run everything on low(personal preference, too pretty scenery is distracting)everything looks ok still.+u get to spot infantry at distance easier.have 1 gig of ram and 9550.find i seem to get lag from servers with high pingers.i might ping 20-50 but if there are a couple of +200 pingers it lags horribly.sf is worse than vanilla i think because there are less ranked servers people are lagging up servers they might not play on given a choice.if the server is too laggy i try to kick the laggers although it doesnt work very often.the 1st thing i check when i get into a server is everyones ping.and yes ping does affect lag.
want to go heads up?
+11|6770|cairns australia

Rumfuddle wrote:

I'm puzzled.  Here's my system:

1 gig 2700 ram
amd 64 3400
7200 seagate
nvidia 6800 vanilla agp
cable modem

My ping is consistently below 60, at times it's 20.  I get the usual long load times as others do, most likely bcz don't have 2 gig of ram, no biggie.  On MOST maps I'm near buttery smooth.  BUT, I too encounter servers where I get absolutely insufferable lag.  I check my ping and it's maybe 30, usually there's maybe a few people in th 100-150 range, but that's pretty typical in general.  Tends to happen more on SF maps, but does happen on regular BF, just not nearly as much.  So if it's NOT my ping that's causing lag what is the deal?  I can't isolate what the issue is.
its probaly not your ping but someone elses.check everyones ping if there are high pingers(+200)you have found the problem.and yes ping does affect lag,a high pinger lags the server because of the time taken for packet return.the server will try to keep an even playing field and everyone lags
xconrob, here is the link for the audigy fix. If you find out your mobo maker, reply here.

And definitely get the latest video drivers from ATI's website.
Good luck...
Yeah, I have to figure that sometimes it's somebody else's ping, but in the midst of battle I often forget to check to see if there's some laggard hanging about.  It's never any fun to get a 2 second stutter all of a sudden and when it's over you're lying on the ground dead from who knows what.  I can live with other shortcomings in the game but that makes me grind my teeth.
+45|6778|Toronto, Canada
You can check if it is your system or the server ping definitively by typing the following command in the console (which is brought up by pressing the tilde key,  ~ which is under the Esc key)

renderer.drawfps 1

This will show you the frames per second in real-time.

You may also have an inferior powersupply causing your graphics card to overheat and the performance suffer.

CackNBallz wrote:

You can check if it is your system or the server ping definitively by typing the following command in the console (which is brought up by pressing the tilde key,  ~ which is under the Esc key)

renderer.drawfps 1

This will show you the frames per second in real-time.

You may also have an inferior powersupply causing your graphics card to overheat and the performance suffer.

yes sometimes my computer shuts down and i have a blue dark screen with no writing and here really odd computer noises are screeches or someting eeeeeeeshshshshshhsssh

CackNBallz wrote:

You can check if it is your system or the server ping definitively by typing the following command in the console (which is brought up by pressing the tilde key,  ~ which is under the Esc key)

renderer.drawfps 1

This will show you the frames per second in real-time.

You may also have an inferior powersupply causing your graphics card to overheat and the performance suffer.

yes sometimes my computer shuts down and i have a blue dark screen with no writing and here really odd computer noises are screeches or someting eeeeeeeshshshshshhsssh

xconrob wrote:

CackNBallz wrote:

You can check if it is your system or the server ping definitively by typing the following command in the console (which is brought up by pressing the tilde key,  ~ which is under the Esc key)

renderer.drawfps 1

This will show you the frames per second in real-time.

You may also have an inferior powersupply causing your graphics card to overheat and the performance suffer.

yes sometimes my computer shuts down and i have a blue dark screen with no writing and here really odd computer noises are screeches or someting eeeeeeeshshshshshhsssh
Wow!!! I wish you had mentioned that sooner.  Upgrade your Power Supply ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is overheating and shutting down on you. That's like running a car with not enough rad fluid in it in mid summer!!  If you can check local shops, or even, look for some good brands like:

There are lots of other quality names, but try to avoid those obvious cheap ones like Sunny (sun-anything), Happy, Lucky, FortuneStar.. you know, obvious knockoff sounding names

I just went to and this was the featured power supply.  Definitely good enough to handle your new video card: … 6817153028
@ nija604

that didnt work actually made my sound not even work i had no audio in bf2 i  had to cahnge it back and do a system restore but dont worry about the audio i took of eax support and no stutering when logging in or the songs plays for 5 min when i quit ty.

and ok so i need more ram and new power suplly correct then im set?
Yes, with RAM and PSU, the only thing standing between you and all those juicy headshots is lag ...  I was just on a server with 70 ping last night and it was laggier than hell (couldn't shoot the side of a barn if it fell on me).  My friend beside me on the SAME connection had no lag.  Go figure?  Switched to a different server, no problem ....

Did you check for driver updates for your Audigy 2?  It might need to be latest driver before you apply that fix.  but anyway, turning EAX off fixed that for you, that's good to hear.

Last edited by ninja6o4 (2006-01-26 10:13:44)

i just bought another 512 mb of ram.......didnt solve anything actually i was running it on medium I CANT it lags if i turn aroun da little fast...wtfffff is my card defective?
+53|6774|Omaha, Nebraska
I was having alot of lag on some servers but recently I switched from a Audigy ES to a X-FI ExtremeMusic card... I can't believe the difference and all the different sounds BF has... I am so impressed. Next I will get a Fatal1ty for my second machine... =P

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