Watch the video, be cautious - it may disturb you to learn the truth.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Last edited by link52787 (17 years, 9 months ago)
yes, because a Cessna is the same as a 747. I can fly a Cessna, but not a 747.thareaper254 wrote:
Actually the guys who hijacked the planes did have training. They went and trained on Cessna's so they knew how to fly.
its making fun of the conspiracy theorists not 9/11motherdear wrote:
not funny, people actually died in this attack and people still grief for their lost ones, making fun of it in this way is just an insult to these families.
Just to point out one failure in your little rant, 9-11-01 was a Tuesday.venom6 wrote:
So a lot of victims died who actually dont ahve anything to do with the whole crap.
1. That day in the WTC from the 50.000 workers only 10.000 were in and those were staff workers so lemme say "not important" people (sorry for all the families) and it was MONDAY when usually everyone is working.
2. It was like Hollywood like a good action film and the bad terrorists did it so lets attack them.
Dont forget that even Hitler burned the Reichstag as a "fake" reason to kill people. And maybe thinking this "a few thousand innocent people die but we get full control of the Iraqi oil fields what will cover our oil resources.
Same line you moma used at your birthfadedsteve wrote:
Waste of time. . . . .
Last edited by ARCHANGEL1941 (17 years, 9 months ago)
Actually it`s making fun of the conspiracy theorists witch you would have found out if you actually watched it.ARCHANGEL1941 wrote:
that video was the biggest waste of time!
And whats worse is that its making a mockery of those innocent people who were killed and those that lost loved ones on 9/11.
SMACKTARD MOVE to make light of a real situation with real hurt.
If you want to watch a movie about 9/11 that's not a conspiricist's point of view, but rather asks questions, and answers them with declassified government documents and public documents that were always there, but no one took the time to look up.... LOOSE CHANGE, 2nd EDITION
We are not sheep and we have been lied to and as a result many people are suffering. open your eyes.
Even if the creator is trying to mock conspiracy theorists, they are doing it at the expensive of others.Varegg wrote:
Actually it`s making fun of the conspiracy theorists witch you would have found out if you actually watched it.ARCHANGEL1941 wrote:
that video was the biggest waste of time!
And whats worse is that its making a mockery of those innocent people who were killed and those that lost loved ones on 9/11.
SMACKTARD MOVE to make light of a real situation with real hurt.
If you want to watch a movie about 9/11 that's not a conspiricist's point of view, but rather asks questions, and answers them with declassified government documents and public documents that were always there, but no one took the time to look up.... LOOSE CHANGE, 2nd EDITION
We are not sheep and we have been lied to and as a result many people are suffering. open your eyes.
The mod thing is a joke, but so many of you seem to be incapable of separating humor from an specific terrible incident and that`s a lack of common sense in itself - think about that.howler_27 wrote:
I hope that you can learn to realize that despite you thinking that you're being funny in posting this, there are millions of people out there still trying to get on with their lives over that terrible day. Everything that happened on 9-11 directly effects our world events today, including the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the worlds angst twards us.
You want to be a mod, yet don't have any common sense...looks like you may be on your way. Congrats.
Every idiot who has ever touched the controls of a plane can fly a commercial jet. It's not harder at all.leetkyle wrote:
yes, because a Cessna is the same as a 747. I can fly a Cessna, but not a 747.thareaper254 wrote:
Actually the guys who hijacked the planes did have training. They went and trained on Cessna's so they knew how to fly.
Last edited by Gawwad (17 years, 9 months ago)
People actually need humor to deal with tragic accidents and go on with their life.Varegg wrote:
The mod thing is a joke, but so many of you seem to be incapable of separating humor from an specific terrible incident and that`s a lack of common sense in itself - think about that.howler_27 wrote:
I hope that you can learn to realize that despite you thinking that you're being funny in posting this, there are millions of people out there still trying to get on with their lives over that terrible day. Everything that happened on 9-11 directly effects our world events today, including the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the rest of the worlds angst twards us.
You want to be a mod, yet don't have any common sense...looks like you may be on your way. Congrats.