If you would like one of these simply post which number you want and the text you would like on it. If you would like me to make you a custom sig, please go here.







Last edited by OmniDeath (2007-08-07 02:58:44)
Last edited by OmniDeath (2007-08-07 02:58:44)
Last edited by surgeon_bond (2007-06-01 06:11:39)
Last edited by some_random_panda (2007-06-01 06:16:04)
let me guess... you will say ryan should use it... it was boring then its boring now.surgeon_bond wrote:
would be cool if you could give me the first one saying "iEmo, or /Emo" something like that on it
Edit : better yet if you put "go cry emo kid" on it ill love you for it
I see youre not a fan of the irc shenanigans...Vilham wrote:
let me guess... you will say ryan should use it... it was boring then its boring now.surgeon_bond wrote:
would be cool if you could give me the first one saying "iEmo, or /Emo" something like that on it
Edit : better yet if you put "go cry emo kid" on it ill love you for it
Yeah IRC is great.surgeon_bond wrote:
I see youre not a fan of the irc shenanigans...Vilham wrote:
let me guess... you will say ryan should use it... it was boring then its boring now.surgeon_bond wrote:
would be cool if you could give me the first one saying "iEmo, or /Emo" something like that on it
Edit : better yet if you put "go cry emo kid" on it ill love you for it
Last edited by jord (2007-06-01 06:26:21)
We are, where did you get the idea we weren't?surgeon_bond wrote:
p.s. i thought we were friends trevor
jord wrote:
We are, where did you get the idea we weren't?surgeon_bond wrote:
p.s. i thought we were friends trevor
maybe that nubfaceJord wrote:
I Hate you
I didn't write that!surgeon_bond wrote:
jord wrote:
We are, where did you get the idea we weren't?surgeon_bond wrote:
p.s. i thought we were friends trevormaybe that nubfaceJord wrote:
I Hate you
Last edited by jord (2007-06-01 06:29:16)
surgeon_bond wrote:
would be cool if you could give me the first one saying "iEmo, or /Emo" something like that on it
Edit : better yet if you put "go cry emo kid" on it ill love you for it
some_random_panda wrote:
Could I have 3?
"[BF2S] AU regular" - could you please stick that somewhere?
no name? just the quote...?Darkhelmet wrote:
#6 please, with "You went over my helmet?" written on it. Plzkaythnxbai.
voodoosniper7 wrote:
could i get number 2?
with Voodoosniper7 on it plz Omni
didnt i just make you a sig.....messmessmess17 wrote:
could i have no. 4 with [KNTL]mess17 on it and without the cod4 thing plzz
That's right. No name, just the quote. PlzOmniDeath wrote:
no name? just the quote...?Darkhelmet wrote:
#6 please, with "You went over my helmet?" written on it. Plzkaythnxbai.
Darkhelmet wrote:
#6 please, with "You went over my helmet?" written on it. Plzkaythnxbai.
thanksRyan wrote:
You are always so generous Omni.
I cba do so shit like this.