Read your own post pleaseSargeV1.4 wrote:
I'm sorry, but that is the most rediculous argument I think I've ever heard.jord wrote:
If we're relating to real life i'll do one as well.
The worst thing you can do to a teamate by yourself is Tk them, agree?
The worst thing you can do in real life is maybe kill someones family then torture them to death. Aside from that killing them is one the the worse things you can do.
So in real life, when someone jumps the line on you, you don't kill them do you? Which is one of the worst things you can do to them
If we're applying this to BF2, the worst thing you can do is TK them, which you do.
Point is, if you're going to relate an aggravation from real life to a game, relate the punishment as well.
If you dispute this, go on xfire.
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- BF2 Myth: being teamkilled for vehicles is bad.
Well coming solely from your point of view, your teamkilling is justified. But, how about when im the only one standing at a jet spawn, and some other teammate spawns a hundred yards away, hes running towards me, the jet spawns and i get in it, the guy stops, takes aim, and teamkills me, finishes running the other 50 yards and takes my jet.SargeV1.4 wrote:
Often people get really pissed off when I shoot them out of a jet with an M95. They think that somehow, they got it fairly. They think that somehow, there should be no discussion as to it being their vehicle.
Let's take it slowly here.
You're at a shop. You want to buy a few things, so you go to the cash desk. What do you do? do you all huddle up around the counter all shouting "PICK ME!"? no, you don't. you stand in line. You have common sense.
You're playing golf. It's a busy day, and you have to wait for people to finish before you can move on to the next hole. There is another guy in front of you waiting for the people currently playing the hole to finish. After a few minutes, they're done. What were you doing? standing next to the guy, ready to pounce onto the start of the course the moment the other players leave? no, you were waiting behind the guy, so he can have his turn.
You're playing Battlefield 2. A guy is waiting for a jet. The tag above his head reads "SargeV1.4". You do not say anything, you do not attempt to communicate, you just run straight towards where he's standing, block him, and ram e hoping you'll get it. By luck, you get the jet. You're about to take off, when you suddenly die. At the top of the screen is the message "SargeV1.4 [TeamKills] You". You get angry. you finally have the decency to say something, even if it's barely legible crap. You spend the rest of your round teamkilling him. And yet somehow you think that you're completely right in your actions and that SargeV1.4 is an asshole.
I have happily been teamkilling people for jets for almost a year now. Those brave few that have dared strike up a conversation quickly came to an agreement with me, and we both had our fun. The majority that decided that talking to others is a blasphemy and that standing around waiting to get lucky is good, got a .50 bullet in their head.
I try to be nice. I join people's squads. I talk to them. I never get a response. In fact, they don't even seem to realise that other people are attempting to communicate with them.
Unfortunately these brainless zombies are only the beginning. There are several more kinds of morons. The worst has to be, without a doubt, the ones that will settle for getting any vehicle and will do anything to get it. They stand around on carriers and airfields, actually looking for players that are waiting for vehicles. If they spot one, they will then try to take the vehicle for themselves instead. They do not care what vehicle they get, as long as they get it. These players are usually the worst in terms of skill as well.
There is another type of player that sometimes also is included in the spotters mentioned above: the blockers. These people will stand in front of you and push you, hoping to increase their chances obtaining of temporary power before dieing. If you get the vehicle, they will stand in front of/on top of it with a vengeance, hoping that the prospect of running some random idiot over is enough to make you get out.
"every action has a consequence." This saying is appropriate for me teamkilling people in Battlefield 2 - A lack of communication and decency will cause me to teamkill you for your inappropriate behaviour. I'm really quite nice, if you'd just have the common sense to take a few seconds out to talk.
My guidelines vary per map, too. For instance, on maps like Kubra Dam, Gulf of Oman, and OCS I will happily give players a chance to fly without much trouble. If they're waiting for it, it's their jet. They are, after all, dogfighting maps. However, you have absolutely no business taking the F35 on wake if you re going to get yourself shot down straight away. The previously mentioned maps are great for learning how to fly. Maps where you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of shooting an enemy down is not a way to learn how to fly. As such, I will not stand for players that repeatedly come back to the airfield to get, what is to them, a flying coffin. Expect M95 action.
So, next time you're trying to take a vehicle from a teammate, and he team kills you, don't whine. Shut up, and have some common sense. If you have any arguments against this, please re-read the thread up to this point.
If you've managed to realise that having an e-fest is reason enough to be teamkilled, then I have one more thing to say to you:
A chopper with one player in it is NOT an invite for you to join him. Any pilot that is genuinely interested in you will wait for you to get in. However, if he turns the chopper away from you and repeatedly spams no, why do you get in? If he asks you to get out, you get the fuck out. If two people want to pilot a chopper together, you get the fuck out. Don't cry about being redzoned if the pilot actually asked you to get out because he wants to solo. Of course, if he didn't, he's at fault. If he did, and you decided to stay in, you deserve nothing more than a one way trip to the border of the map.
Oh, and a final piece of advice - as FF off servers are becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon, I've had to find a different way to teamkill people. This trick only works in hangars, but its the best I can do: place 5 packs of C4 at your retarded teammates feet, and detonate. They will laugh thinking that FF is off. As they crash into the ceiling, then the floor, and die, without you even being officially responsible, you can fly off laughing yourself.
you are not the centre of the universe. The players you see ingame are other people, that are capable of talking. Just like you. So do it. And don't cry about being M95'd.
The problem with bf2 is people instantly lose there morality, as soon as they get owned it pisses them off. And the abundance of hackers nowadays makes it so getting owned happens promptly after joining. Now, this pissed off newbs will go out of there way to ruin everyone elses game because there mad, and frankly, they dont care what you think.
Thats why i really hate this game, it pisses me off constantly. I don't usually let myself ruin other peoples good times, but it does rarely happen when im really torched.
Anyways, bf2 sucks for those exact reasons and if i controlled the game i would come out with a few patches that really improve some parts of the game (like a nade limit for inf servers, making it so if you run over a teammate it doesnt kill them but pushes them out of the way, and more)
15 more years! 15 more years!
Well IRL, you have to respect others, in bf2 you are in the comfort of your own home.
If it were similar to real life, i would gladly que for the jet, at least i'd have an EQUAL shot as everyone else would.
Also it's worth stating that in real life the guy tking me would get a punch in the face.
If it were similar to real life, i would gladly que for the jet, at least i'd have an EQUAL shot as everyone else would.
Also it's worth stating that in real life the guy tking me would get a punch in the face.
Last edited by ssonrats (2007-05-31 10:06:27)
Except you would be deadssonrats wrote:
Also it's worth stating that in real life the guy tking me would get a punch in the face.
Last edited by specops10-4 (2007-05-31 12:18:19)
I read your OP from A to Z.SargeV1.4 wrote:
Yes Link, you hold down F. (or E, or whatever you use)
I would like to thank DSRTurtle, Parker, Fearmesnipers, and several others for not reading, or at least not understanding the OP. It's not that I'm flaming you because you dissagree, it's because you're not making any sensible arguements at all. It's simple: break my post down into understandable arguments and reply to them.
For example: Fearmesnipers:
"Not i am only using the jet to help out my team. The other person thinks the same as you, but is probably not as good. If you just tk every time that just means less people will have the skills to "help the team"."
I made a point about flying on certain maps. It was that on maps where an inexperienced player will stand almost no chance whatsoever, such as Wake Island, that player should seek out other maps that are fairer and will provide him with proper dogfights, so he can learn how to fly and not let down a team that is somewhat depending on him.
And your response to this: "If I TK lower skilled players every time they'll never learn.".
Yes, fearmesnipers, that's right. If an inexperienced player always gets teamkilled he won't learn how to fly. Please tell me how this has anything to do with my argument?
I really wonder if you actually read my OP. Properly. Not just skimming through it, but reading it and seeing what my point is. Hell, it's barely 2 A4's.
There is two things in reading;
1. you read exactly whats written and you reply to those statements, one by one , or some of them.
2. you read BETWEEN THE LINES, meaning try to grasp the general intention of whats written, and the argument/motivation that are behind the written text. ( its called "meta-communication")
Whats written "between the lines" in your OP is what DSRTurtle, Parker and myself are reacting to, meaning: we dont like ANY intentional teamkilling AT ALL, unless it is purely accidental. period.
Some examples of some accidental teamkills:
- a mid air collision between 2 jets ,
- an infantry thats bombed because he ran into an friendly artillery barrage that was clearly announced.
And we do not like players who think they are the ones to decide what is a "proper" reason for intentional teamkill, and what is not ( whether to obtain a vehecle or whatever).
From my personal point of view I do not like to respond to every - written- argument in the OP, because I simply disagree with intentional teamkilling. period.
Here is an oldie but goodie for you Sarge, and for other intentional teamkillers:
"wat gij niet wil dat u geschiedt, zo doe dat ook een ander niet ..."
translated: dont do to others what you dont want them to do to you.
well I'll be.MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:
I read your OP from A to Z.
There is two things in reading;
1. you read exactly whats written and you reply to those statements, one by one , or some of them.
2. you read BETWEEN THE LINES, meaning try to grasp the general intention of whats written, and the argument/motivation that are behind the written text. ( its called "meta-communication")
Whats written "between the lines" in your OP is what DSRTurtle, Parker and myself are reacting to, meaning: we dont like ANY intentional teamkilling AT ALL, unless it is purely accidental. period.
Some examples of some accidental teamkills:
- a mid air collision between 2 jets ,
- an infantry thats bombed because he ran into an friendly artillery barrage that was clearly announced.
And we do not like players who think they are the ones to decide what is a "proper" reason for intentional teamkill, and what is not ( whether to obtain a vehecle or whatever).
From my personal point of view I do not like to respond to every - written- argument in the OP, because I simply disagree with intentional teamkilling. period.
Here is an oldie but goodie for you Sarge, and for other intentional teamkillers:
"wat gij niet wil dat u geschiedt, zo doe dat ook een ander niet ..."
translated: dont do to others what you dont want them to do to you.
Mijn argument is: als je niet in de rij staat ben je asociaal bezig, en moet je niet gaan zeuren als ik asociaal terug doe. "Wij houden niet van teamkillen!" nou, da's mooi.
en dat eye for an eye gedoe.. asjeblieft zeg. Ik zit net 2 A4'tjes lang te schrijven over in de rij staan, en dan kom jij aanzetten met iets wat ik dus niet doe.

Ola, in english please , lol
I did not ment to promote "the eye for an eye principle" , i ment to avoid it by standing "above" it and not to use intentional teamkills yourself, even though it s very hard not to, considering the amount of intentional teamkill that goes on.
Edit: (in dutch) ik zeg niet dat jij het eye-for-an-eye principe toepast, ik bedoel : speel es gewoon een aantal ronden zonder een enkele intentional teamkill, en focus wat minder op de choppers or jets, its just a game after all.
I did not ment to promote "the eye for an eye principle" , i ment to avoid it by standing "above" it and not to use intentional teamkills yourself, even though it s very hard not to, considering the amount of intentional teamkill that goes on.
Edit: (in dutch) ik zeg niet dat jij het eye-for-an-eye principe toepast, ik bedoel : speel es gewoon een aantal ronden zonder een enkele intentional teamkill, en focus wat minder op de choppers or jets, its just a game after all.
Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2007-05-31 14:03:41)
The ones you both missed:MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:
Here is an oldie but goodie for you Sarge, and for other intentional teamkillers:
"wat gij niet wil dat u geschiedt, zo doe dat ook een ander niet ..."
translated: dont do to others what you dont want them to do to you.
Do not take the law into your own hands.
The person retailating is usually the one caught and banned.
Wow this thread went downhill. Which is hard because it started off really really low.
I just wonder how many rounds I have lost when half my team was standing around the runways tk'ing each other.
I stay away from vehicles servers nowadays because of all the children that play in there, it's hard finding a good server with normal people in it, and not people with brains the size of peanuts. I don't play Infantry Only for the points, I play it because it doesn't have as many dick-heads playing, and so I can have a good time playing instead of being frustrated with the dumb people in this world.
plus I like sniping
plus I like sniping
C4 into blackhawk or cobra works when FF is off too. Off of carrier into water is even better. Did the chopper thing to someone by accident one day . I agree with you that if you are taking care of business in the sky most of the round and some noob sergeant has ideas of jacking the vehicle you are waiting for they deserve to be tked. I will wait for next instead of TKing though because most of the time they will just die quick anyways and then it will be back.
I won't tk anyone on purpose unless they are blocking jets. I wait on nobody as you are just a target waiting to die if you just sit there.
On the other hand I am sure noobs get tired of jet whores who never crash while they are stuck waiting on the spawn spot the whole round waiting for arty or enemy jets to rain death down on them again and again. They are probably just desperate to get in a vehicle because they can't stay alive while on the ground.
I won't tk anyone on purpose unless they are blocking jets. I wait on nobody as you are just a target waiting to die if you just sit there.
On the other hand I am sure noobs get tired of jet whores who never crash while they are stuck waiting on the spawn spot the whole round waiting for arty or enemy jets to rain death down on them again and again. They are probably just desperate to get in a vehicle because they can't stay alive while on the ground.
oh yeah, you gotta have a helmetA3G15 wrote:
Does he wear a helmet? If so then he's ready to play!Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:
I'm just sick of everyone treating Bf2 like tee-ball. "Yay, everyone gets a turn, even the retarded kid who mg's tanks in the gunners seat."
just paste c4 on to the vehicle, what jackass climbs into a vehicle packed full of c4?
that said, i'm sure theres server full of them somewhere.
that said, i'm sure theres server full of them somewhere.
Last edited by Vernedead (2007-05-31 16:47:26)
BF2/BF2s Myth: Its cool to behave/post as if you are the only person with the authority to decide how assets should be apportioned.
If you TK for an asset YOU ARE A SMACKTARD. Full stop. end of story. No correspondence will be entered into.
If you make an arrogant post about TKing for an asset and how you have the right to do it, YOU ARE AN ARROGANT SMACKTARD WITH A SMALL PENIS.
Arrogant behaviour on a forum DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL.
FFS the way some of youpeople behave online sickens me, if you act liket his in RL i hope someone gives you the ass kicking you so richly deserve
If you TK for an asset YOU ARE A SMACKTARD. Full stop. end of story. No correspondence will be entered into.
If you make an arrogant post about TKing for an asset and how you have the right to do it, YOU ARE AN ARROGANT SMACKTARD WITH A SMALL PENIS.
Arrogant behaviour on a forum DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL.
FFS the way some of youpeople behave online sickens me, if you act liket his in RL i hope someone gives you the ass kicking you so richly deserve
WOW you wrote that entire thing? You know it is a game, and someone beating you to the jet or helicopter DOES mean that they got it fair, you will just have to wait your turn, so what if you have been waiting for an hour or so, you shouldn't be worried about it you should be PLAYING THE GAME!SargeV1.4 wrote:
Often people get really pissed off when I shoot them out of a jet with an M95. They think that somehow, they got it fairly. They think that somehow, there should be no discussion as to it being their vehicle.
Let's take it slowly here.
You're at a shop. You want to buy a few things, so you go to the cash desk. What do you do? do you all huddle up around the counter all shouting "PICK ME!"? no, you don't. you stand in line. You have common sense.
You're playing golf. It's a busy day, and you have to wait for people to finish before you can move on to the next hole. There is another guy in front of you waiting for the people currently playing the hole to finish. After a few minutes, they're done. What were you doing? standing next to the guy, ready to pounce onto the start of the course the moment the other players leave? no, you were waiting behind the guy, so he can have his turn.
You're playing Battlefield 2. A guy is waiting for a jet. The tag above his head reads "SargeV1.4". You do not say anything, you do not attempt to communicate, you just run straight towards where he's standing, block him, and ram e hoping you'll get it. By luck, you get the jet. You're about to take off, when you suddenly die. At the top of the screen is the message "SargeV1.4 [TeamKills] You". You get angry. you finally have the decency to say something, even if it's barely legible crap. You spend the rest of your round teamkilling him. And yet somehow you think that you're completely right in your actions and that SargeV1.4 is an asshole.
I have happily been teamkilling people for jets for almost a year now. Those brave few that have dared strike up a conversation quickly came to an agreement with me, and we both had our fun. The majority that decided that talking to others is a blasphemy and that standing around waiting to get lucky is good, got a .50 bullet in their head.
I try to be nice. I join people's squads. I talk to them. I never get a response. In fact, they don't even seem to realise that other people are attempting to communicate with them.
Unfortunately these brainless zombies are only the beginning. There are several more kinds of morons. The worst has to be, without a doubt, the ones that will settle for getting any vehicle and will do anything to get it. They stand around on carriers and airfields, actually looking for players that are waiting for vehicles. If they spot one, they will then try to take the vehicle for themselves instead. They do not care what vehicle they get, as long as they get it. These players are usually the worst in terms of skill as well.
There is another type of player that sometimes also is included in the spotters mentioned above: the blockers. These people will stand in front of you and push you, hoping to increase their chances obtaining of temporary power before dieing. If you get the vehicle, they will stand in front of/on top of it with a vengeance, hoping that the prospect of running some random idiot over is enough to make you get out.
"every action has a consequence." This saying is appropriate for me teamkilling people in Battlefield 2 - A lack of communication and decency will cause me to teamkill you for your inappropriate behaviour. I'm really quite nice, if you'd just have the common sense to take a few seconds out to talk.
My guidelines vary per map, too. For instance, on maps like Kubra Dam, Gulf of Oman, and OCS I will happily give players a chance to fly without much trouble. If they're waiting for it, it's their jet. They are, after all, dogfighting maps. However, you have absolutely no business taking the F35 on wake if you re going to get yourself shot down straight away. The previously mentioned maps are great for learning how to fly. Maps where you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of shooting an enemy down is not a way to learn how to fly. As such, I will not stand for players that repeatedly come back to the airfield to get, what is to them, a flying coffin. Expect M95 action.
So, next time you're trying to take a vehicle from a teammate, and he team kills you, don't whine. Shut up, and have some common sense. If you have any arguments against this, please re-read the thread up to this point.
If you've managed to realise that having an e-fest is reason enough to be teamkilled, then I have one more thing to say to you:
A chopper with one player in it is NOT an invite for you to join him. Any pilot that is genuinely interested in you will wait for you to get in. However, if he turns the chopper away from you and repeatedly spams no, why do you get in? If he asks you to get out, you get the fuck out. If two people want to pilot a chopper together, you get the fuck out. Don't cry about being redzoned if the pilot actually asked you to get out because he wants to solo. Of course, if he didn't, he's at fault. If he did, and you decided to stay in, you deserve nothing more than a one way trip to the border of the map.
Oh, and a final piece of advice - as FF off servers are becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon, I've had to find a different way to teamkill people. This trick only works in hangars, but its the best I can do: place 5 packs of C4 at your retarded teammates feet, and detonate. They will laugh thinking that FF is off. As they crash into the ceiling, then the floor, and die, without you even being officially responsible, you can fly off laughing yourself.
you are not the centre of the universe. The players you see ingame are other people, that are capable of talking. Just like you. So do it. And don't cry about being M95'd.
Stupid freaking teamkilling vehiclewhores.
I bet you also complain when someone M95's you.
OK BIG TIP LOL i do it'
Be SF when u r trying to get a jet and if someoen runs infront of u and gets it...put C4 on it but DONT BLOW IT UP...they either keep going ready to hit page down or will jump out and let u in so they dont get killed
Be SF when u r trying to get a jet and if someoen runs infront of u and gets it...put C4 on it but DONT BLOW IT UP...they either keep going ready to hit page down or will jump out and let u in so they dont get killed
I agree with vedds. I see allot of people say that 'infantry only' is killing bf2, but these people forget that loads of IO players are only there because they got sick of other players deciding who flys/tanks/guns whatever. TK'ing for vehicles is elitist bull-crap.
You cannot judge the skill of a player based on rank, this game has been out for so long now that many skilled players have started afresh several times. Ive seen plenty of generals with less skill than some privates and yet the private gets tk'd.
Player that tk's for vehicles = Spoilt little child who doesn't wish to share their toys.
You cannot judge the skill of a player based on rank, this game has been out for so long now that many skilled players have started afresh several times. Ive seen plenty of generals with less skill than some privates and yet the private gets tk'd.
Player that tk's for vehicles = Spoilt little child who doesn't wish to share their toys.
that's funny shit
Haha, But I've seen you cry when someone TK's you, you go after them the next round (or the whole round, and you're one of those smurfs that wait for aircraft), see you dont like it either. - I'll turn FF ON and make a Video of you being Kidnapped - that.. would be hilarious, padding off a tker brings great joy, especially one that brags about it.
Dont mind the tking for jets if thats all you can do, but bragging on a forum.. lunacy. And for the record.. you would be a lower skilled pilot in our group, so that means we get to tk you.
Dont mind the tking for jets if thats all you can do, but bragging on a forum.. lunacy. And for the record.. you would be a lower skilled pilot in our group, so that means we get to tk you.
Last edited by imdead (2007-05-31 19:33:48)
Plain and simple: Teamkilling a teammate solely for the purpose of obtaining a vehicle is childish and unjustifiable.
IMO, someone TK's you for a vehicle, you're well within your right to TK them back. Jet Whores just need to come to terms that their preferred method of play in Bf2 is going to be both popular and limited. Learn to have a back-up plan if you don't get your toy, or live with the consequences of your own wrong actions.
Geez, it's like talking to two-year olds.
IMO, someone TK's you for a vehicle, you're well within your right to TK them back. Jet Whores just need to come to terms that their preferred method of play in Bf2 is going to be both popular and limited. Learn to have a back-up plan if you don't get your toy, or live with the consequences of your own wrong actions.
Geez, it's like talking to two-year olds.

Its no less then what all you fagots deserve.server admin wrote:
Heya Drunk,
The offending CD key has been given a break from XXXXXXX servers.
Last edited by DrunkFace (2007-05-31 22:32:40)
"you are not the centre of the universe. The players you see ingame are other people"
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- BF2 Myth: being teamkilled for vehicles is bad.