

No actually I think the reason for the high Co² emissions could also be a different attitude of American politics and SOME people towards pollution. Remember that the numbers are per capita. Do you want to tell me that you are 3 times as industrialized as France and other European countries? .......right......
is it coz 96% of their energy is nuclear powered?
All you anti-war hippy Euros are forgetting America saved your asses in WWII.  If it wasn't for us you'd all be marching around saying hail hitler... ungrateful bastards. You all need to get lives and stop hating America for no reason.  We're not near you and its none of your concern what our country does. I had some netherland guy telling me America was like russia and we have poor people all over the streets.... then some kid told me saddam was a CIA agent and the US was using him to take over Iraq.  I get a bunch of people telling me all this whacked out crap whenever i play with psychotic euros. Where the hell do you morons get your information?? Maybe you should visit the country before you start making up shit about it...
Dooxie why should I be thankful?
I ll quote myself:


And we DO KNOW you were among the winners in WW2 stop bragging about it. After all you needed to save your own ass too stop thinking we all should be thankful.  After all we haven t even been born back then right?
Do you think we would have stopped when we would have conquered Europe? NO! One day we would have come to you! It s good that you stopped it before it came so far but why do I need to be thankful to the CHILDREN of the CHILDREN of this generation? Call me ungrateful but "you" can "save" "someone s" ass as often as "you" want and I ll still be allowed to criticize your country.

And about the energy stuff.........
Yeah France has got a lot of nuclear power (not sure if the 96% are true) but it s very extreme compared to the rest of Europe. Austria (no not Australia ) for example has got no nuclear energy at all as far as I know. Germany should have ~30% nuclear for example. So what about all the other countries?

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-23 08:37:35)

well dont hate america. Hate the moron behind it all, George Bush.

Erkut.hv wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You know what, Erkut, this is not about coming up with interesting insults.
If you want to be insulted, just go outside and approach random people. I'm sure they'll oblige.
I'm not here do display raw anger, I'm not here for a flame contest. If you can't give an intelligent counter-argument, then I shall take that as evidence Americans are indeed stupid and deserve none of my time.
Actually it was more of an attempt to get a pulse on the vein of Anti-American sentiment.

Here's me rebuttal. I don't believe it is in the best interests of the United States to let other countries dictate our environmental policies. So the issue of CO2 emissions, while something of concern, is an internal problem. I take issue with any nation or organization attempting to tell the United States how it is to act, or what we can or cannot do.

I'll get more in a bit, but I'm at work, so I am sneaking in posts.

P.S.: Flaming is easier to read in this quick of a span, and I don't have to think as much. That's why I like reading / starting flame wars. Got nothing against ya.
The problem is...the CO2 emissions affect the whole world, not just the USA.

This what most people hate about the USA...You only think about the present, never think of the worlwide repercussions (Yes, there is a something outside of the USA called...*gasp*Planet earth), and are selfish.

Last edited by ProfeTa (2006-01-23 08:20:58)

Okay. Here it goes.

You non-Americans can go away. Go somewhere else. You don't like us-GO AWAY! We are Americans, whether you like us or not. We are American, wrong or right. You can talk about agreements between our countries and stuff like that. But, frankly, I don't give a shit.

If you're in America and you hate your own country-GO AWAY! You pieces of crap can live in another country that, in my opinion, sucks.

I will keep it simple. If you don't like Americans or America, stay where you're at. I'll meet you on the Battlefield even though my stats suck.
I don't want to go to america (why would I want to go anyway?).

Well i care that you are killing the planet (this is not enviro crap, it's the truth).

If you guys dided alone I wound't give a fuck...the problem is, you'll most likely drag us.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

paciopacio wrote:

Okay. Here it goes.

You non-Americans can go away. Go somewhere else. You don't like us-GO AWAY! We are Americans, whether you like us or not. We are American, wrong or right. You can talk about agreements between our countries and stuff like that. But, frankly, I don't give a shit.

If you're in America and you hate your own country-GO AWAY! You pieces of crap can live in another country that, in my opinion, sucks.

I will keep it simple. If you don't like Americans or America, stay where you're at. I'll meet you on the Battlefield even though my stats suck.
This post illustrates what I hate so much about america. The fact that America has such an insular mantality.

Ive also seen all this stuff about CO2. Cause im not reading all 13 pages, ill assume you are talking about americas refusal to sign the Kyoto protocal. The truth is that Americas signing of this wouldnt mean shit for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the grand scheme of things. Its 3rd would countries that are the largest contributers to the problem, not the 1st world countries that have signed the agreement.

At least for all us that hate america, with in the next 50 years a new superpower will emerge. Experts have predicted it to be China or India (prob not india because thay have so many internal problems).

The Roman and Greek empires didn't last more that 400 years, so it history repeats itself, America is soon gone.

Last edited by mcminty (2006-01-23 19:10:07)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
True. Kyoto is kinda redundant without any of the big developing countries signing.

-xDookiex- wrote:

All you anti-war hippy Euros are forgetting America saved your asses in WWII.  If it wasn't for us you'd all be marching around saying hail hitler... ungrateful bastards. You all need to get lives and stop hating America for no reason.  We're not near you and its none of your concern what our country does. I had some netherland guy telling me America was like russia and we have poor people all over the streets.... then some kid told me saddam was a CIA agent and the US was using him to take over Iraq.  I get a bunch of people telling me all this whacked out crap whenever i play with psychotic euros. Where the hell do you morons get your information?? Maybe you should visit the country before you start making up shit about it...
If you actually read a history book you'd know that it was the British who won the war. Holding out against continous German attacks and allowing the US to set up a base from which to conduct a coun ter-offenstive against Germany. Or, The Soviets won the war, tying up huge numbers of German troops, deep in the Eastern Front. So s.t.f.u. and go learn something before making such statements.

And are you blind? Or didn't you read the sources? Especially the declassified NSA doco? Or did you do the most convenient thing? Ignore it!

Anyway, here's a little clue to why people might hate America:

Remember that little US bomb in Pakistan aimed at al-Qaeda leaders?

Well, now theres lots of big demonstrations across Pakistan.

Pro al-Qaeda.

Anti US.

Because of this little bomb that killed people who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anything aoutside their little village.

Thanks. Thanks a fucking lot.

Last edited by Spark (2006-01-23 19:45:13)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

mcminty wrote:

The truth is that Americas signing of this wouldnt mean shit for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the grand scheme of things. Its 3rd would countries that are the largest contributers to the problem, not the 1st world countries that have signed the agreement.
Correct me if I m wrong but I think that (googled a bit too) the US emits as much CO2 as China (fucking lot of people) and all the "third world" countries (arent they 3/4 of the world population?) combined. How could you claim that the 1st world countries and especially the USA were not really a problem?
If theres no USA, say bye bye to ur uber-1337 comps, ur nvidia or ati cards, ram, hdd, amd or intel cpu's... mobo's. i dont care if u say: "well they got factories in other countries" how would the company even start if america isnt a super power?
So what are you trying to tell us? Should we be like:
Oh wow USA u produced my über-1337 comp!!!!!! OMFG I will never ever criticize you from now on!! You can do whatever you want!!
A world without USA or a world without computers?thats what you are saying right?


A world without USA for me.
guys just like to say im from europe and big fucking deal whats the problem with americans or europeans, UK loves USA and the USA just dont give a shit so, what if they wanna kill the planet it aint gna bother me cause i aint gna be here to see it so fuk em, and yh USA did save our ass's in WWII big fucking deal u asked us to go iraq we went we dont bitch and moan well only the pussy's do, ive been there done my service came home and had a good time big fire fight broke out USA and UK kicked ass as we do, played poker with the american troops although they are better than me and there a good bunch of lads, so stop trying to flame each others countries its borring and pathetic who gives to shits, you dont like another country dont go there simple

and yes i am well aware that was one of the longest fucking sentances ever so flame me or something

grow up people go anf get women take her home and fuck her silly

end of

EDIT: Spelling & Grammer

Last edited by JaM3z (2006-01-24 08:51:40)

+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

Spark wrote:

Anyway, here's a little clue to why people might hate America:

Remember that little US bomb in Pakistan aimed at al-Qaeda leaders?

Well, now theres lots of big demonstrations across Pakistan.

Pro al-Qaeda.

Anti US.

Because of this little bomb that killed people who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anything aoutside their little village.

Thanks. Thanks a fucking lot.
So I guess al Qaeda's master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert "had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anything aoutside their little village."
Pakistani officials now believe that al Qaeda's master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert was one of the men killed in last week's U.S. missile attack in eastern Pakistan. … id=1517986
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7076|MA, USA

JaM3z wrote:

grow up people go anf get women take her home and fuck her silly
There's a soldier with his priorities straight.  Welcome home troop!

JaM3z wrote:

guys just like to say im from europe and big fucking deal whats the problem with americans or europeans, UK loves USA and the USA just dont give a shit so, what if they wanna kill the planet it aint gna bother me cause i aint gna be here to see it so fuk em, and yh USA did save our ass's in WWII big fucking deal u asked us to go iraq we went we dont bitch and moan well only the pussy's do, ive been there done my service came home and had a good time big fire fight broke out USA and UK kicked ass as we do, played poker with the american troops although they are better than me and there a good bunch of lads, so stop trying to flame each others countries its borring and pathetic who gives to shits, you dont like another country dont go there simple

and yes i am well aware that was one of the longest fucking sentances ever so flame me or something

grow up people go anf get women take her home and fuck her silly

end of

EDIT: Spelling & Grammer
That was perhaps the greatest post ever. And you get my point right on. The thread was started as sarcasm, but evolved into this juggernaut. Good posting people, can I make topics or what?

Oh, and Jam3z, thanks for backing our boys up out there man. It's people like you who make me think Europe has a chance.
She looked 18 to me officer
<--- was the 49% that did not vote for douche.. err.. Bush.

America (ns) are completly full of shit.

Case in point, tens of million of people have died in Africa within the last decade from poverty, deasiese, civil war and genocide.  However we do nothing about it and invade Iraq.  Why?  There is no money in helping Africa.

We will do whatever the fuck we please because... we are Americans.

This includes invading your country if we just "think" you may be doing something bad. (EI: You have oil).

We are gluntonac, liars, and cheats.  However what am I to do?  Voting doesn't help, they will elect who they want.  Move?  To where?  I hate planes, so across the pond is out.  Canada.. well at least I would get health care.

So in closing, yea we do suck, I guess it is good to be on the winning team, if you do not care how you win.

I am sure I will get a flame for being "Non patriotic or Un American".  However we do need a few people to hold the goverment accountable for there actions.  They sure as hell do not.

Flame on.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7027|Charlie One Alpha

Stealth42o wrote:

<--- was the 49% that did not vote for douche.. err.. Bush.

America (ns) are completly full of shit.

Case in point, tens of million of people have died in Africa within the last decade from poverty, deasiese, civil war and genocide.  However we do nothing about it and invade Iraq.  Why?  There is no money in helping Africa.

We will do whatever the fuck we please because... we are Americans.

This includes invading your country if we just "think" you may be doing something bad. (EI: You have oil).

We are gluntonac, liars, and cheats.  However what am I to do?  Voting doesn't help, they will elect who they want.  Move?  To where?  I hate planes, so across the pond is out.  Canada.. well at least I would get health care.

So in closing, yea we do suck, I guess it is good to be on the winning team, if you do not care how you win.

I am sure I will get a flame for being "Non patriotic or Un American".  However we do need a few people to hold the goverment accountable for there actions.  They sure as hell do not.

Flame on.
This was one of the best posts in this thread. I freakin love you man. When can I buy you a big mac?
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
She looked 18 to me officer
This was one of the best posts in this thread. I freakin love you man. When can I buy you a big mac?
Find any soldier coming back from Iraq and buy him one.  I can only hope to have a fraction of the integrity those brave men and wemon have.  Even when we all know the reason's they are fighting was frabricated.  They still put there lives on the line everyday.  I am not very spirtual, God bless you all!

paciopacio wrote:

Okay. Here it goes.

You non-Americans can go away. Go somewhere else. You don't like us-GO AWAY! We are Americans, whether you like us or not. We are American, wrong or right. You can talk about agreements between our countries and stuff like that. But, frankly, I don't give a shit.

If you're in America and you hate your own country-GO AWAY! You pieces of crap can live in another country that, in my opinion, sucks.

I will keep it simple. If you don't like Americans or America, stay where you're at. I'll meet you on the Battlefield even though my stats suck.
Again someone else Giving us even minded Americans a Bad name.
To all those who say stuff like: "OMG if you are American and hate the USA get out of the country":

1. ever heard of freedom of speech?
2. yeah right send everyone with a different opinion as the current political leaders out of the country.......long live democracy

@ Stealth24o and Rolandoomg keep up the good work!
Squishing Your Head
+1|6994|Bolton UK
I normally wouldn't get involved in a thread like this but to be quite frank after reading some of the "My country rules, yours sux0rzz" Shit that (some) people are posting in here I feel compelled to respond. May I just point out the fact that we are all A) Human beings and B) living on the same planet, so basically there is no such thing as an "internal" problem for any nation be it politically environmentally or whatever. We live in a globalised economy and the problems experienced by one nation indirectly or more often directly affect those nations neighboring it. Anyone remember Chernobyl?? an internal soviet problem?? tell that to the 1000 mile long radioactive cloud that spread over Europe

As for "Americans are lame!" (plz insert nation of your choice there) Oh how I laughed, now don't get me wrong I often like to have a pop at the yanks in a good natured kinda way but the majority of anti American feeling in Europe (and indeed around the world) is aimed at the Bush administration and its actions during his tenure as President. That being said it really doesn't help when you see G'I's on Tv and documentaries waxing lyrical about "popping ragheads in the face and how funny it was" Oh and please don't get me started on the whole "But they voted for him so they must be stoopid" Well i voted for Blair but I don't remember any mention of joining the US in what was tantamount to an illigal invasion of a foregin sovereign power! Regardless of what kind of asshat you may think Saddam is/was War is a FINAL extension of diplomatic power, a diplomatic solution simply was not given a chance It was/is a war for the control of the oil fields and unfortunately it is the Iraqi people who are suffering.

On a final note can all the Yanks who keep coming on saying shit like "If you don't like America please feel free to fook off" etc etc etc please put your age on the post cos if any of you are over 14 I do feel REALLLLLY sorry for the future of American children

Paul 34 yr old Brit (just so you know)
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7076|MA, USA

Stealth42o wrote:

America (ns) are completly full of shit.
Some are.  Where did you say you were from?

Stealth42o wrote:

Case in point, tens of million of people have died in Africa within the last decade from poverty, deasiese, civil war and genocide.  However we do nothing about it and invade Iraq.  Why?  There is no money in helping Africa.
Not so.  We had a MAJOR mission in Somalia, the purpose of which was to ensure that the needy got food.  Unfortunately it turned into a military mission with real casualties and we cut and run (under the previous president - so please don't say this is a partisan issue).  Now, I'm sure plenty of folks will say America sucks because we should have stuck it out for a noble cause, but if that is true, why didn't all of the nations which are so much better pick up where the US left off?

Stealth42o wrote:

We will do whatever the fuck we please because... we are Americans.

This includes invading your country if we just "think" you may be doing something bad. (EI: You have oil).
This is an incredible exaggeration.  I don't particularly like the fact that we invaded Iraq...but other than that instance, what information leads you to this ridiculous statement?  It is not a historical fact that we invade countries for shits and giggles.  Most of the Military actions of the past 50 years have been worthwhile.  The current one isn't particulary good but most Americans only know that in hindsight.  It is a failure of the administration, not the people (who were lead astray by a misplaced trust in their government).

Stealth42o wrote:

We are gluntonac, liars, and cheats.
Speak for yourself.

Stealth42o wrote:

However what am I to do?  Voting doesn't help, they will elect who they want.
I'm not particularly thrilled with the clown we have now, but I won't give up trying to put good men in office.

Stealth42o wrote:

That sounds dandy.

Stealth42o wrote:

To where?  I hate planes, so across the pond is out.
Try swimming.

Stealth42o wrote:

Canada.. well at least I would get health care.
If you like lines and hate choices.

Stealth42o wrote:

So in closing, yea we do suck
You might.  I don't.

Stealth42o wrote:

I am sure I will get a flame for being "Non patriotic or Un American".
I don't consider this a flame (because you have heaped nothing but scorn and insults on your countrymen, it is a simple fact); you are both unpatriotic and anti-American.

Stealth42o wrote:

However we do need a few people to hold the goverment accountable for there actions.  They sure as hell do not.
I agree wholeheartedly...but I would prefer that those people thought that our country was worth the effort.  Clearly, you do not.

Edit: 37 y/o American soldier.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-01-24 13:05:47)

Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

ArMaG3dD0n wrote:

mcminty wrote:

The truth is that Americas signing of this wouldnt mean shit for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the grand scheme of things. Its 3rd would countries that are the largest contributers to the problem, not the 1st world countries that have signed the agreement.
Correct me if I m wrong but I think that (googled a bit too) the US emits as much CO2 as China (fucking lot of people) and all the "third world" countries (arent they 3/4 of the world population?) combined. How could you claim that the 1st world countries and especially the USA were not really a problem?

wikipedia wrote:

Additionally, some theorists UoGuelph PDF predict that even if the world's leading industrial nations agree to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as mandated by the Kyoto Protocol, it is likely that there would be no net change in emissions worldwide. In fact, China, a non-Annex I country is the second largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. If the industrialized countries cut their demand for fossil fuels to meet the emission reduction responsibilties, the law of supply and demand would tend to cause the world prices of coal, oil and gas to go down, making fuel use more affordable for poorer nations. These theorists predict increased fuel use (primarily coal) in the "non-Annex I" countries, tending to offset the reductions of the "Annex I" countries.

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