
Enjoy those incoming mortar sounds, you will be hearing them years from now.

Hey Lowing, good to see you're doing ok, bud. What kind of work are you doing there, construction?

lowing wrote:

Hey Cam,

             Neh not really a major change from my previous beliefs. I still felt it was right to come here and that Americas intentions are good and do have a sincere wish to help these people. But, as you know from my personal beliefs in life. I am only willing to help those that help themselves. That simply isn't the case here from what I am told. I still believe in this war on terror and by my agreeing that it is time to leave does not mean that I am will to ignore the terrorist threat that would arise from this country if and when we did so.
I just meant sea-change in terms of you advocating withdrawal, nothing more than that.
+3,611|6774|London, England
How the hell do you guys survive there. When i went to Egypt (Sharm El Sheik, Sinai) i couldn't even breath in the heat. Seeing as it was hotter outside than inside my body (+37C). Making me feel like i'm getting cooked on the inside when i breathe in.

When i was in Cairo, it was pretty damn hard climbing the Great Pyramid and i felt like just throwing myself into an ice pond all the time.

Then there's you guys, with all that kevlar shit on. With that heat. In a War Zone...and sometimes i think "shit, these guys are crazy"

The heat over in that region is unbelievable, i sometimes think that's the reason it's so messed up over there. Egypt was still a great place though.

lowing wrote:

Update from Iraq:

It has been awhile .............               ..........I will try and stop in from time to time.
Glad you're ok.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Mekstizzle wrote:

Then there's you guys, with all that kevlar shit on. With that heat. In a War Zone...and sometimes i think "shit, these guys are crazy"
Fear trumps heat......
'Light 'em up!'

Nice to see you're doing fine over there lowing
GunSlinger OIF II
where is lowing at in iraq?
Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon

LividBovine wrote:

Good luck Lowing.  Stay safe.  Keep us updated and share the learnings.

CruZ4dR wrote:

The definition of "useful" would be an individual matter of opinion, once again.
The definition of useful is not a matter of opinion.  (Useful=being of use or service) However, the determination of whether or not a person, place, thing, idea, etc is useful is open to interpretation.  In my opinion, your statements are NOT useful.
Don't bullshit a bullshitter. That is the dumbest crap I've seen in a long time.
The Mas
+311|6841|NYC, a place to live
Thanks for the interesting update. I wonder if the failure of the the Iraqi people to take charge of their situation today is partly because Saddam brutally demoralized them.

Good luck over there.
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Are you jumping teh border!? Liek an alien!?

Good luck man, take care.

ghettoperson wrote:

Hey Lowing, good to see you're doing ok, bud. What kind of work are you doing there, construction?
NEh, I am doing some mods on helicopters

Mekstizzle wrote:

How the hell do you guys survive there. When i went to Egypt (Sharm El Sheik, Sinai) i couldn't even breath in the heat. Seeing as it was hotter outside than inside my body (+37C). Making me feel like i'm getting cooked on the inside when i breathe in.

When i was in Cairo, it was pretty damn hard climbing the Great Pyramid and i felt like just throwing myself into an ice pond all the time.

Then there's you guys, with all that kevlar shit on. With that heat. In a War Zone...and sometimes i think "shit, these guys are crazy"

The heat over in that region is unbelievable, i sometimes think that's the reason it's so messed up over there. Egypt was still a great place though.
It is hotter than hell here, but as I am not in the military I can wear shorts and t-shirts unlike our troops that are covered from head to toe. God Damn is it hot here.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

where is lowing at in iraq?

san4 wrote:

Thanks for the interesting update. I wonder if the failure of the the Iraqi people to take charge of their situation today is partly because Saddam brutally demoralized them.

Good luck over there.
Probably more along the lines that Saddam understood how to govern these people better than anyone else since him.
GunSlinger OIF II
no shit.  I know that place more than anyone else in the world.  I spent half of my deployment there. matter of fact I probably know where your using the internet at.  Im even pretty sure I know the area your sleeping at. 

tarmiya is a bad place.  how you liking camp cooke

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-05-23 23:18:32)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6994|Cologne, Germany

lowing wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

where is lowing at in iraq?
well, be safe, don't get yourself hurt, and come home in one piece. Thanks for the update, it's always good to get some information from people who are not part of the regular news media.

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
Try to keep it on the rails, yeah? From all I've heard PTSD is not a nice thing to be going through...

But you seem fine now, so, basically, yeah. Hope your luck holds up.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

no shit.  I know that place more than anyone else in the world.  I spent half of my deployment there. matter of fact I probably know where your using the internet at.  Im even pretty sure I know the area your sleeping at. 

tarmiya is a bad place.  how you liking camp cooke
I am in Camp Taji. The chow hall here is named after some CMSGT Cooke I assume the same guy.

Not liking it much, a mortar exploded about 100 ft from my hooch, blew debrie all over it. Kinda a little too close for my taste. Memorial Day was raining that shit all over the base. Gets kinda crazy over here.  As you well know
GunSlinger OIF II
watch out for the philipina hair stylist.  one of them is actually a man.  a buddy of mine found out the wrong way.
Goodbye :)
+399|6633|Somewhere else

lowing wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

Hey Lowing, good to see you're doing ok, bud. What kind of work are you doing there, construction?
NEh, I am doing some mods on helicopters
Put the rocket pods back on the blackhawk.   EA should never had taken those off....oh. wait.
+721|6733|the dank(super) side of Oregon
has he converted to islam yet?
Hey all, had a few minutes so I wanted to stop in and say hi. Still in Iraq and probably will be for awhile. Been having a few close calls with incoming that has kept my heart rate up at times. Nothing compared to what the troops on patrol here have to endure everyday so I will not complain.

I will also say that, for those of you that send in supplies to the troops I.E. toiletries, snacks and stuff. I can tell you first hand these guys get that stuff and it is appreciated, so keep it up.

We lost one of our troops the other day in an above mentioned attack so people were kinda down for a few days. I am a civilian but it was still hard to watch what amounts to a close family loose one of their own.

I also saw a picture of a young pilot that was killed, in one of the HQ's the other day. Below his picture was one sentence. " Rest easy, we have the fight". Very depressing here lately.

Will be in touch,

Calmer than you are.
Good to hear from you man.
+488|6723|Portland, OR, USA
Christ.. good luck man.  stay safe.

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