+46|6565|Middle of nowhere, California

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Post up to ten traits that describe the social status, attitude, outlook, etc. of people who vote for the US Republican Party.

Helpful thoughts:

Income Level
Urban v Rural
Personal Freedom
Views On Law And Order

-Against gun control
-Against abortion
-Against gay marriage
-Against giving my hard earned money to people who don't do a damn thing to contribute to society (welfare/social programs)
-For gun control
-For abortion
-For gay marriage
-I have a different proposal for welfare
-For legalization of Marijuana

Gun Control: Pretty obvious. America needs this. We don't need more kids running into school and shooting them up.

Abortion: How fucking ignorant do you have to be to be AGAINST abortion? How would you like it if someone rapes your daughter/wife and they can't have an abortion? It's their fucking body, they can choose what comes out of it and what doesn't. We don't need old white Republican's telling them what to do.

Gay Marriage: Leave the gays alone. The days of a "proper marriage" are over. If you think it's immoral, tell it to the divorce rates.

Welfare: Ok, I kind of agree about the not giving our hard earned money to undeserving people, but some people do try their hardest to live a decent life, and some people haven't come from good families who provide for them. I, personally, have friends who come from bad/run down families, and the person I know relies on welfare, but he tries to support himself with a job. He doesn't have a very good education because he needs to work to feed his family. Instead of letting everyone apply for welfare and everyone being accepted, I think only those who have a dream of changing their life style or who need a chance should be accepted. In fact, if it was up to me, there wouldn't be welfare. Instead, I'd have a small but efficient system, which could easily be employed. This system would consist of lower class job opportunities (fast food, sales clerk, cashiers, etc) and you have to apply to them via government website, local posts, etc. and be accepted. This would be ideal since some people don't have the required skills to go into an interview, or don't have enough experience, but they don't just live off our welfare money either. This way, people off the street can apply at jobs and earn their own money. Small government owned apartments can also be on rent and loaned to these new workers, and after they are on their feet they can pay the government back for these living spaces.

Legalization of Marijuana: I smoke weed, but I guarantee this does NOT affect my view on this subject. Even back when I was AGAINST doing drugs, I was still for legalizing marijuana. I think it should be legal and taxed by roughly 20% of it's cost and what you are getting. EX: 1g of Fire Kush where I live (Ottawa, Canada) is $10 (yes, it is very cheap!) With taxes, it should be $12. With this system, smokers smoke instead of buying it illegally and the government makes more money (A LOT MORE MONEY.) I think that dealing should still be illegal (for those who deal for cheaper) but I think growing marijuana at home should also be legal, with proper licensing. I think dealing should only be legal if it is by a licensed dealer, much like it is now.


And I think there should be a HUGE separation of church and state. Personally, if it was up to me, I'd obliterate religion.

As you can tell, I'm highly liberal.
wow...... wow.... uh..... wow.....
+46|6565|Middle of nowhere, California

Bubbalo wrote:

I feel I should point out that you need to replace Liberal with Democrat in your post.

For one, Liberals lean towards small government (i.e. anarchists).
no, liberals want more government... conservatives lean towards less governent control...
+59|6683|The United States of America
Income Level ----- 6000 dollars a year
Urban v Rural ----- Suburban
Personal Freedom - Highly in favor of personal freedoms.  Especially when it comes to the internet.  Internet should not be taxed, or have laws forced upon it by ANY group of people. 
Views On Law And Order ----- Laws are meant to be followed, but laws are made by people, and thus are not always correct.
Age   ----- Under 20.

That's me.  I don't like being taxed.  Especially social security, because its a system I will NEVER see money from.  So I get to pay for the lot of fucktards who came before me and fucked up my homeland... not happy about that at all.  I want my government and my politicians to look out for me and not for people who don't belong here.  I don't like how a mall I go to had almost 0 crime 5 years ago, but now has had at least 3 murders this year alone because some politician thought it was smart to extend the DC metro out to that area.  I am white, middle class, male.  I don't think this should make it MORE difficult for me to get into college just to give others a chance.  I am double majoring in Aerospace and Physics to make up for the disparaging popularity of lazy retards in my generation who think that "Management", or "English" make good stand-alone majors.  I like for people to be responsible, something that is becoming increasingly difficult to find in my people due to over interference by the government in people's day to day lives.  I think that the majority of our problems as a country come from people not being responsible.  Parents not raising their kids properly is especially distressing.  I believe in the right to bear arms so I can defend myself from the crazies (don't tell me there aren't crazies, I've passed one in the halls of my school).  I think I should be able to trust my government, but also be able to verify what it says.  I believe in staying out of other people's business unless they decide to come here and attack us.  Then I believe in putting our boots up the ass of an entire world region if need be (we did NOT do that to the middle east by the way, though we should of).  I believe in being a peaceful people, but a people that will fight back if provoked. 
I believe in a country that is self sufficient in its production of food, products, and technology (I should not have to buy a single MORSEL of food from China, nor anything else).  That said, I believe strongly in developing technology to reduce our physical workload as a people (if a car factory employs more than 100 people, you haven't automated it enough).  I think department store jobs and fast food jobs (that whole region of service working actually) is best done by kids in high school.  Such jobs are good to build character, and provide an income acceptable for a teenager. 
I believe in conservation of nature, and in the move to be a sustainable people.  I DO NOT believe in being dictated to on this subject matter by a failed politician (That's you Al Gore.  You have no technical background whatsoever.  Do you even know calculus?  I doubt it.  Before I listen to you and your slanted political agenda based views on something scientific I want you to go and get an education on the subject matter.... douche.  Come back when you have Ph.D's in environmental science, meteorology, and fuels and energies).  I believe in the scientific method, and in data... something neither side of the global warming debate have a sufficient quantity of.  I believe in nuclear power, I believe in the proliferation of solar technology to reduce the load on the power grid (what do you use the top of your roof for, anyway?).  I believe in pure scientific research, unlimited by issues of funding.  I believe in keeping politics as separate from science as we try to keep the state from religion.  I believe in a massive space program, because lessons learned above help us down here.

I suppose that's more than 10, but it was a good rant session anyhow :p
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6494|The edge of sanity
I vote independent. Republicans are usually fuck ups just like the democrats. We need a no party system so were able to just pick the best guy.
The Mas
+311|6726|NYC, a place to live

san4 wrote:

1. Every American controls his own destiny
2. Human behavior can be controlled with physical force
3. The sexual revolution of the 1960's was immoral and destructive

Virtually every position Republicans take can be derived from one or more of these propositions.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6664|Sea to globally-cooled sea

S.Lythberg wrote:

Most elderly people vote republican, as do most highly religious people.
this is false.  the Libs have successfully scared most elderly people into voting Democrat because they have convinced the senior citizens that the republicans are going to eliminate welfare/medicare/social security.

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

I vote independent. Republicans are usually fuck ups just like the democrats. We need a no party system so were able to just pick the best guy.
The problem with having a no party system is that the wrong guy might get voted in...not naming names, but someone dumber than any of the major contending parties. It's good to have two concentrated parties, because there's less of a chance of a screw up.

The_Mac wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

I vote independent. Republicans are usually fuck ups just like the democrats. We need a no party system so were able to just pick the best guy.
The problem with having a no party system is that the wrong guy might get voted in...not naming names, but someone dumber than any of the major contending parties. It's good to have two concentrated parties, because there's less of a chance of a screw up.
I don't know if I agree with that.  For starters, every election I've voted in, most people including myself had to vote for the guy they disliked less.  It's pathetic that in a country of 300 million that we get two incapable idiots and don't have better choices.

The two party system also eliminates good candidates.  In the primaries, the GOP candidates pander to the right and the Dems have one from the left.  Since their bases are primarily voting for them, the candidates for Pres are often left vs right, and attempt to court the middle.  I'd bet most Americans are towards the middle, thus don't get the good choices they want. 

Look at the last election--Kerry vs Bush.  We had two pathetic losers where most people weren't really for one candidate, it was who they voted AGAINST.  I didn't vote for Bush--I voted AGAINST Kerry.  It's like this for most people most elections.

Two-party system also has politics associated with them rather than the people and ideas.  There were some moderate to liberal GOPs who got voted out of office last election.  One was my congressman who was excellent, well-respected, and served my district for decades.  While I AGREE with the voter backlash for voting the Dems in majority into the Congress, many excellent reps/senators lost their jobs due to the two-party system.  Also, look at the votes in Congress, where people vote party lines rather than if they're for it or not, otherwise they get blackballed by their own party.  Another example is where a party will amass enough votes, then have those up for re-election vote the other way to look more moderate to their voters, which is not having an accurate record.

I loathe our two-party system and something needs to be changed.

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Post up to ten traits that describe the social status, attitude, outlook, etc. of people who vote for the US Republican Party.

Helpful thoughts:

Income Level
Urban v Rural
Personal Freedom
Views On Law And Order

-Against gun control
-Against abortion
-Against gay marriage
-Against giving my hard earned money to people who don't do a damn thing to contribute to society (welfare/social programs)
-For gun control
-For abortion
-For gay marriage
-I have a different proposal for welfare
-For legalization of Marijuana

Gun Control: Pretty obvious. America needs this. We don't need more kids running into school and shooting them up.

Abortion: How fucking ignorant do you have to be to be AGAINST abortion? How would you like it if someone rapes your daughter/wife and they can't have an abortion? It's their fucking body, they can choose what comes out of it and what doesn't. We don't need old white Republican's telling them what to do.

Gay Marriage: Leave the gays alone. The days of a "proper marriage" are over. If you think it's immoral, tell it to the divorce rates.

Welfare: Ok, I kind of agree about the not giving our hard earned money to undeserving people, but some people do try their hardest to live a decent life, and some people haven't come from good families who provide for them. I, personally, have friends who come from bad/run down families, and the person I know relies on welfare, but he tries to support himself with a job. He doesn't have a very good education because he needs to work to feed his family. Instead of letting everyone apply for welfare and everyone being accepted, I think only those who have a dream of changing their life style or who need a chance should be accepted. In fact, if it was up to me, there wouldn't be welfare. Instead, I'd have a small but efficient system, which could easily be employed. This system would consist of lower class job opportunities (fast food, sales clerk, cashiers, etc) and you have to apply to them via government website, local posts, etc. and be accepted. This would be ideal since some people don't have the required skills to go into an interview, or don't have enough experience, but they don't just live off our welfare money either. This way, people off the street can apply at jobs and earn their own money. Small government owned apartments can also be on rent and loaned to these new workers, and after they are on their feet they can pay the government back for these living spaces.

Legalization of Marijuana: I smoke weed, but I guarantee this does NOT affect my view on this subject. Even back when I was AGAINST doing drugs, I was still for legalizing marijuana. I think it should be legal and taxed by roughly 20% of it's cost and what you are getting. EX: 1g of Fire Kush where I live (Ottawa, Canada) is $10 (yes, it is very cheap!) With taxes, it should be $12. With this system, smokers smoke instead of buying it illegally and the government makes more money (A LOT MORE MONEY.) I think that dealing should still be illegal (for those who deal for cheaper) but I think growing marijuana at home should also be legal, with proper licensing. I think dealing should only be legal if it is by a licensed dealer, much like it is now.


And I think there should be a HUGE separation of church and state. Personally, if it was up to me, I'd obliterate religion.

As you can tell, I'm highly liberal.
Well, this was for US Republicans, of which you're Canadian and liberal.  I agree with some of your points, however you're generalizing on abortion and welfare.

Most Repubs all state to ban abortion unless the woman is raped or due to medical reasons, thus you made a false assumption.  What most Repubs are against are the abortions of convenience.  For the record, I believe in a woman's right to choose.

As for welfare, the problem is that there are a lot of people abusing it and the jobs you mentioned ARE available and these people AREN'T working them due to being lazy.  Unemployment is always around 4-6% here, and it's usually due to people not wanting to work since there are plenty of job positions (at all levels) available.  I don't think the gov should get involved.  Welfare should be a temporary solution to help people back on their feet, not permanent, to get rid of the people abusing it.  I would only consider permanent welfare for those with (valid) disabilities which prevent holding a job.
O Canada
+1,596|6443|North Carolina

Smitty5613 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

I feel I should point out that you need to replace Liberal with Democrat in your post.

For one, Liberals lean towards small government (i.e. anarchists).
no, liberals want more government... conservatives lean towards less governent control...
He's referring to Classical Liberalism....
The Lizzard
No, I'm referring to Liberalism.  Stalin was conservative, and US parties just represent different aspects of Conservatism (international v. domestic).
O Canada
+1,596|6443|North Carolina

Bubbalo wrote:

No, I'm referring to Liberalism.  Stalin was conservative, and US parties just represent different aspects of Conservatism (international v. domestic).
Um...  Let me ask you something.  How is it that American conservatism arose from a general idea of wanting less government, while American liberalism arose from the opposite?

In addition to this, how is it that you are not referring to Classical Liberalism, when it seems that you're defining liberalism in an anarcho-capitalistic way?  You mentioned anarchism, and Classical Liberalism is somewhat similar to that.  It's about the only significant ideology related to anarchism that actually has supporters of it in government.

Anarchism is usually an outsider's ideology, because it has a very limited appeal to most people -- for obvious reasons.  People prefer order over chaos, as they should.
Rated EC-10

Turquoise wrote:

Anarchism is usually an outsider's ideology, because it has a very limited appeal to most people -- for obvious reasons.  People prefer order over chaos, as they should.
Just an aside, anarchism doesn't advocate "chaos over order", it advocates no social heirarchy. While it is true that in humanity's current woefully underdeveloped state, no heirarchy might well mean chaos, one condition does not guarantee the other. You're welcome
The Lizzard

Turquoise wrote:

Um...  Let me ask you something.  How is it that American conservatism arose from a general idea of wanting less government, while American liberalism arose from the opposite?
Because it didn't.  Americans refers to Liberals based on their views globally, despite the fact that the Democrats concentrate more on domestic issues.

Turquoise wrote:

In addition to this, how is it that you are not referring to Classical Liberalism, when it seems that you're defining liberalism in an anarcho-capitalistic way?  You mentioned anarchism, and Classical Liberalism is somewhat similar to that.  It's about the only significant ideology related to anarchism that actually has supporters of it in government.
Anarchism is a a form of Liberalism.  Neither Liberalism nor Conservatism is a single ideology, but rather a broad range of ideologies sitting on a particular side of the political spectrum.

Turquoise wrote:

Anarchism is usually an outsider's ideology, because it has a very limited appeal to most people -- for obvious reasons.  People prefer order over chaos, as they should.
Anarchism doesn't favour chaos, it favours a lack of government and laws, with people instead choosing to do the right thing.

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