Well after playing for a couple hours today I've decided I am going to TK punish EVERYONE. People do the stupidest crap they can and then punish me. Here's some of the ones today. First off I got a team vehicle damage when I was in a tank firing away and an APC ran into me, BOOM, team vehicle damage. Then later it was in the tank again, I go to fire, but another APC hit me, I missed the tank I was shooting at and hit the Humvee driving away from me and BOOM, 2 TKs and a team vehicle damage -10 points. In a later game I was in a heli with a gunner. I was flying and saw the enemy heli go down. I landed on one guy as he ran away and killed him, I switch over to the gunner seat and start lighting up the other heli, with a guy still inside. My "teammate" got out, ran around the heli and RIGHT INTO THE GATTLING GUN. He punished. And last but not least, and I got a kick vote against me, I blew up a tank w/ my tank, my "teammate" ran over by the tank, it exploded and I got the TK. So after all of this I"ve decided I want to be the n00b that I complain about, so if you see me in a game and you're in a tank, apc, jeep, heli, or jet, look for a TK
+1,230|6885|Alberta, Canada

Note to self: Never accidentally Tk you.

Note to his ass over.
Punish does nothing, you auto lose 4 points when you tk, regardless, so just shut up noob
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6783|United States
I make sure to punish FromTheAshes whenever he tk's me .  Which hasn't been for awhile, but still.
+0|6730|Shropshire UK

FromTheAshes wrote:

Punish does nothing, you auto lose 4 points when you tk, regardless, so just shut up noob
yup getting a punish doesn't take anymore points of you but 4 punishes and your gone of the server but yes i hate instant punishers too

Last edited by NOxFEAR (2006-01-21 19:49:44)

+1,230|6885|Alberta, Canada


how come when sumone TKs me, i dont get the chance to punish them, only sometimes? when they TK me, they automatically lose 4 points, and thats why it doesnt ask my if i wanna forgive them? or when it does ask me if i wanna forgive them, if i forgive them, they wont lose 4 points?
+31|6866|St. Louis, MO
I punishing pisses you off that bad find a server with the punish feature turned off.If you come across 1 you like add it to your favorite server list.I did that with all my favorites and its not even an issue anymore.

Last edited by YoBabysDaddy (2006-01-22 05:24:33)

oh please tell me some, most I find are auto-punishing.
And no I'm not a n00b, I'm just getting sick of people being stupid and then blaming me-
Thread Ender
+58|6765|New Hampshire
Yes, you ARE a noob - did you ever stop to think that the reason there are so many autopunishers are because of people who've had bad experiences, such as yourself?  The only thing you're doing is adding to the cycle of shit you hate - so congrats, you are a noob.
There are servers with punish disabled, join those.
Δ > x > ¥
I've had the Team Vehicle Damage thing quite often from noob drivers running into my tank accidentally.  Now I'll deliberately seek them out later in the round and if they are in a tank or apc, get them back.  The best way is to ram the back of their vehicle with a buggy, taking damage, and then pass and cut them up, ending with them running over you.  If you do it right, they can easily lose -10 teamwork points.
+0|6711|London, England
I personally consider the situation before punishing. If someone's TK'd me and revived me 3 times in a row then I insta-punish cos they're being a cock. But if someone's just wasted a tank and I get taken out by the explosion I do forgive.

But I agree, there's too many insta-punish numpties out there who punish cos they ran over your mine in a bid to spawn rape the enemy.

+2|6784|United Kingdom
Just play in servers with Friendly Fire off. Works for me....but of course this leads to other problems - such as in Karkand...noob roof campers...
I only punish people who TK me on purpose.
It's a wargame...accidents can happen.
TK them in a way u wont lose points, get on a jeep and drive it off a cliff, b4 it falls off the cliff bail out
Things i punish for -
TKing for vehicles, randomness, finger slip, Grenade Launch killing me and no enemies(if they kill at least 1, i forgive)
Things i let slide and hopefully people do the same for me -
Stray IGLA/Laser/HeatSeekers, Long Distance TV shots, Plane Bombings(when you just get out of a car it shows up as an enemy car), Stray Missles/Vulcan/Bombs, Accidentally running over an AT Mine, Tripping a Claymore

Favorite way to get people to TK me and get them punished/banned -
Say you and your buddy get in an attack chopper, Mr. Assault decides he wants to be gunner and M203s you, hover around, he'll more than likely do it again, then crash into a wall ASAP, he'll get 2 TKs, up to 6 with a blackhawk. Works with any vehicle, but Attack Chopper is usually the most likely.

Last edited by Co77er (2006-01-23 23:53:15)

I usually never punish anyone else they are obviuosly trying to tk me.  But I hate  it when you get the jet on clean sweep and thier is always someone pissed because thier jet in gone.  Here's my all time story about that.... First round loads, my computer is pretty fast and im usually the first one on. Well this kid is soo pissed I stole his jet that he starts talking shite about me telling me im a noob and starts a vote kick. (misses by 4 votes) this repeats the whole round.  Second round I get the jet again and he stands infront of the plane, TK punished  , so then he joins my squad and hops in the cockpit  and bails out and i got another Tk w/ punish.  So then I leave the squad.... He gets into a chopper and hovers around the air strip and I ended up hitting him Tk  punishes me, team damage. So at this point im down -14 .  We both spawn back at the air strip and what does he do..... Yup tk's me and takes the jet..  Fuck all you greedy immature pimple popping pukes, people like you wreck games like this!
Mass Media Casualty

Look, shit happens.
It's annoying to teamkill someone, and it's even more annoying to be punished by them. Sometimes you don't mean to do it, but hit happens, due to the deceased's fault, or the fault of someone else. it happens though.

Two wrongs don't make a right. If you get teamkilled and don't punish, that means you're a better person I reckon. How does it help you if they're punished? You still got killed. They still get -4 points. If the person has had the unfortunate misfortune of locking on to a friendly blackhawk, (for example,) and he get's kicked because of some over-zealous tk punishers, then you've lost a potentially valuable player. It was obviously an accident here, so nobody gains anything from punishing.

Silverwolf3032, don't immediatly punish everyone who teamkills you. If you feel that it was intentional, or completely idiotic, you can be free to punish though. Punishes are just black marks if you like. If you get enough i a round you'll be kicked, so if a true asshole is teamkilling around, they will be kicked in due course. For those innocent of intentional teamkills, being punished is just a bad feeling.

[Blinking eyes thing]

Silverwolf3032 wrote:

Well after playing for a couple hours today I've decided I am going to TK punish EVERYONE. People do the stupidest crap they can and then punish me. Here's some of the ones today. First off I got a team vehicle damage when I was in a tank firing away and an APC ran into me, BOOM, team vehicle damage. Then later it was in the tank again, I go to fire, but another APC hit me, I missed the tank I was shooting at and hit the Humvee driving away from me and BOOM, 2 TKs and a team vehicle damage -10 points. In a later game I was in a heli with a gunner. I was flying and saw the enemy heli go down. I landed on one guy as he ran away and killed him, I switch over to the gunner seat and start lighting up the other heli, with a guy still inside. My "teammate" got out, ran around the heli and RIGHT INTO THE GATTLING GUN. He punished. And last but not least, and I got a kick vote against me, I blew up a tank w/ my tank, my "teammate" ran over by the tank, it exploded and I got the TK. So after all of this I"ve decided I want to be the n00b that I complain about, so if you see me in a game and you're in a tank, apc, jeep, heli, or jet, look for a TK
You're a faggot then. You really don't know what teamwork is do you? wait to see if they apoligize at least don't be a stupid auto punish noob. its not cool and it makes you look bad, not everyone else. and it acheives nothing
Punish all you want dude.. Keep in mind if you punish the wrong guy or.. KID and he has buddies.. you'll be heading for a kick/ban for TK.. because if they team up on you its all over for you.. and you just get kicked and more pissed.
The other day I was playing on Wake Island. There was a bunch of teammates flocking around the Cobra and I happened to be one of them. So the Cobra respawns and I jump in and a teammate gets in the gunner seat, so what do they other 5 - 6 guys do? Stand in front of it or jump into the tail rotor, punish me, and then try to VK me!

Then I got in the F35 and was trying to re-arm and there was a fully loaded blackhawk just hovering over my runway, which I didn't see due to the weird angle I was at, so I hit him and killed like 6 people, and then they all punished me...

I hate the stupid punish option, I wish I could punish them for making me TK them...


Silverwolf3032 wrote:

Well after playing for a couple hours today I've decided I am going to TK punish EVERYONE. People do the stupidest crap they can and then punish me. Here's some of the ones today. First off I got a team vehicle damage when I was in a tank firing away and an APC ran into me, BOOM, team vehicle damage. Then later it was in the tank again, I go to fire, but another APC hit me, I missed the tank I was shooting at and hit the Humvee driving away from me and BOOM, 2 TKs and a team vehicle damage -10 points. In a later game I was in a heli with a gunner. I was flying and saw the enemy heli go down. I landed on one guy as he ran away and killed him, I switch over to the gunner seat and start lighting up the other heli, with a guy still inside. My "teammate" got out, ran around the heli and RIGHT INTO THE GATTLING GUN. He punished. And last but not least, and I got a kick vote against me, I blew up a tank w/ my tank, my "teammate" ran over by the tank, it exploded and I got the TK. So after all of this I"ve decided I want to be the n00b that I complain about, so if you see me in a game and you're in a tank, apc, jeep, heli, or jet, look for a TK
You're a faggot then. You really don't know what teamwork is do you? wait to see if they apoligize at least don't be a stupid auto punish noob. its not cool and it makes you look bad, not everyone else. and it acheives nothing
Hey stupid, I wasn't the one punishing in these examples. Makes you feel kinda stupid that you didn't read doesn't it?
I only punish if it's intentional. Like some n00b gunning me down for a jet or other vehicle, or just get gunned down for no reason.

If I trip a claymore, run over a mine, get hit with a grenade for assaulting too early...etc, I don't punish.

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