+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
While in small part welfare is effective it is far to often abused and it needs to be controlled better. What is stopping the average person who goes on welfare to get a job at McDonalds or a gas station or anywhere else like that. Why are those people collecting welfare instead of working?


I know many people on welfare and most of them all are on it just because they don't feel like getting a job and working the 9-5 at the local convience store. While there are cases where people need to be on it. Like a single parent or someone with a disability but I think it should be much harder to get welfare and it should be controled much better.

Such as you should only be able to collect it or a period or time say 6 months to a year unless you are a single parent or something along those line. Then that would force the lazy pricks to get jobs. While yes it would cause some to turn to crime I'm sure many people collecting already are already committing crimes.

Last edited by Cubanpenguin (2007-05-28 16:20:23)


Cubanpenguin wrote:

While in small part welfare is effective it is far to often abused and it needs to be controlled better. What is stopping the average person who goes on welfare to get a job at McDonalds or a gas station or anywhere else like that. Why are those people collecting welfare instead of working?


I know many people on welfare and most of them all are on it just because they don't feel like getting a job and working the 9-5 at the local convience store. While there are cases where people need to be on it. Like a single parent or someone with a disability but I think it should be much harder to get welfare and it should be controled much better.

Such as you should only be able to collect it or a period or time say 6 months to a year unless you are a single parent or something along those line. Then that would force the lazy pricks to get jobs. While yes it would cause some to turn to crime I'm sure many people collecting already are already committing crimes.
But do you agree with the concept of social welfare? Can the world function without it, realistically speaking? All systems of government have flaws and room for improvement but it's the government's job to implement policy as efficiently as possible: otherwise they don't get elected next time around.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-05-28 16:26:03)

+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
Of course it can, I think if you cut off the leaches they would either be forced to find real jobs or resort to crime and since it seems a large amount are into crime anyway it might even cause less crime, just more likely to be more serious one as with no income you would be more likely to do something stupid.

Cubanpenguin wrote:

Of course it can, I think if you cut off the leaches they would either be forced to find real jobs or resort to crime and since it seems a large amount are into crime anyway it might even cause less crime, just more likely to be more serious one as with no income you would be more likely to do something stupid.
What if there are no employment opportunities? Permanent destitution warming your hands outside a fire in a metal barrel under a bridge, feeding and clothing yourself through theft?

Try and think about the world we live in when responding: a world of orphans, abusive parents, handed down social problems, handed down debt, alcoholism, the environment/locale, bankruptcy, etc.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-05-28 16:36:16)

+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
Like I said I'm for Welfare it just needs to be better controlled.

And about jobs there are ALWAYS jobs somewhere be it at a fast food joint, convince store, restaurant, construction, retail or many other places. Also if need be you can always move to another city where employment is avalible.
+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
Also to add I have been in a situation where I was basically homeless and instead of going and collecting welfare I got a job as crappy as it was and moved in with a friend for a short while and I'm now doing well for myself with a good job. Welfare isn't always the answer.

Cubanpenguin wrote:

Like I said I'm for Welfare it just needs to be better controlled.

And about jobs there are ALWAYS jobs somewhere be it at a fast food joint, convince store, restaurant, construction, retail or many other places. Also if need be you can always move to another city where employment is avalible.
Glad we agree on the need for welfare. And by the way - there aren't always jobs. Perhaps you haven't lived through a recession yet. … 30513.html

Think you can find 9 million McDonald's jobs?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-05-28 16:40:52)


Cubanpenguin wrote:

Also to add I have been in a situation where I was basically homeless and instead of going and collecting welfare I got a job as crappy as it was and moved in with a friend for a short while and I'm now doing well for myself with a good job. Welfare isn't always the answer.
Of course welfare isn't the answer to your problems. It is the hand up to prevent you from being swallowed into the abyss, the hand up that will enable you to get on your feet and into the market again and to be a boon for your country's economy. Welfare is part of the means to someone getting on the ladder of progress again, the other part of the means coming from your own skills, drive and effort.

PS Not everyone has a friend whose couch they can count on.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-05-28 16:43:21)

Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6490|The edge of sanity

CameronPoe wrote:


I've read an awful lot of pathetic dribble that has oozed its way out of a lot of cretinous idiots keyboards over the past while that I would like to ask an open question about.

Would idiots who say things like 'I don't agree with social welfare, I won't see a penny back, I don't like paying taxes', etc., please tell me what they expect would happen if there was no such thing as social welfare or tax. Please enlighten me. I'd like to have the paradise they envisage described to me in detail.

The last moronic post I read started with a comment not too dissimilar to the made-up quote of mine and then paradoxically complained about poor people and crime and why the government couldn't prevent crime. Maybe giving them no tax money would help, eh?


Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
Actualy it was a floor in a drug dealers apartment, not much better then the street espectialy when you don't do drugs. but that is true not everyone has a place to stay.

I don't have a problem at all with welfare the problem is for every person using it for a hand up to help them off the street there are probably 10 or 20 using just to be lazy fucks. I agree 100% to have it avalible to the people needing the help the problem I have is the fact that is it so easily abused and I absolutely can not stand paying for those asses to do nothing there whole lives. I'd almost rather abolish the whole program just so those people can stop living off my dollar but I feel bad for the few that actualy need it.

Cubanpenguin wrote:

Actualy it was a floor in a drug dealers apartment, not much better then the street espectialy when you don't do drugs. but that is true not everyone has a place to stay.

I don't have a problem at all with welfare the problem is for every person using it for a hand up to help them off the street there are probably 10 or 20 using just to be lazy fucks. I agree 100% to have it avalible to the people needing the help the problem I have is the fact that is it so easily abused and I absolutely can not stand paying for those asses to do nothing there whole lives. I'd almost rather abolish the whole program just so those people can stop living off my dollar but I feel bad for the few that actualy need it.
The abuse is a problem with how the social welfare program is implemented, not with social welfare itself. One could tie social welfare payments into community work, sweeping streets, etc. - to ensure they aren't getting a completely free ride (just one example).
+35|6712|Kingston, Canada
I completely agree with that, ensure that they have a responsibility and have to earn there money. Also like I said I'm for welfare just agenst the way it's implemented.

CameronPoe wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I believe that without welfare, the charities and volunteer organizations would basically take over the job that welfare had.
Because it's human nature to give. *snigger*
I would appreciate it if you could be a little bit more mature with your comments and explain what you really mean by that.

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
True.  But welfare annoys the shit out of me.  I work at the airport, and needless to say the houses around there are not that great, they are public housing (ghetto).  I drove by last Tuesday around 11am and there were a few people sitting around drinking beer and grilling some burgers.  I drove by at 8pm and saw the same people still drinking.  The next day, the same thing and so on. 

I could have had off today for the holiday, but went in to work to make sure of a couple things.  That it was separates people in society.  Those willing to go above and beyond to improve themselves and work hard for what they have, and those who just wait for a handout.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2007-05-28 17:06:16)


usmarine2005 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
True.  But welfare annoys the shit out of me.  I work at the airport, and needless to say the houses around there are not that great, they are public housing (ghetto).  I drove by last Tuesday around 11am and there were a few people sitting around drinking beer and grilling some burgers.  I drove by at 8pm and saw the same people still drinking.  The next day, the same thing and so on. 

I could have had off today for the holiday, but went in to work to make sure of a couple things.  That it was separates people in society.  Those willing to go above and beyond to improve themselves and work hard for what they have, and those who just wait for a handout.
The thing is usmarine is that you probably have a rewarding, fulfilling life full of luxury and satisfaction whereas they will always be miserable just teetering on the brink of going under, barely subsisting, having none of the luxuries of life, unless they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do a hard days work. It's no kind of life. Most right-minded individuals will be thankful for the safety net and bounce straight back rather than wallowing in their own self-pity.

CameronPoe wrote:

The thing is usmarine is that you probably have a rewarding, fulfilling life full of luxury and satisfaction
Dude, I work in the airline may want to rethink that.
+35|6712|Kingston, Canada

CameronPoe wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
True.  But welfare annoys the shit out of me.  I work at the airport, and needless to say the houses around there are not that great, they are public housing (ghetto).  I drove by last Tuesday around 11am and there were a few people sitting around drinking beer and grilling some burgers.  I drove by at 8pm and saw the same people still drinking.  The next day, the same thing and so on. 

I could have had off today for the holiday, but went in to work to make sure of a couple things.  That it was separates people in society.  Those willing to go above and beyond to improve themselves and work hard for what they have, and those who just wait for a handout.
The thing is usmarine is that you probably have a rewarding, fulfilling life full of luxury and satisfaction whereas they will always be miserable just teetering on the brink of going under, barely subsisting, having none of the luxuries of life, unless they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do a hard days work. It's no kind of life. Most right-minded individuals will be thankful for the safety net and bounce straight back rather than wallowing in their own self-pity.
That is exactly what I'm saying, what is stopping them from doing that? They are too content with there life of sitting around barbecuing near the airport in the projects then actually getting somewhere in life. I don't think honest tax payers like ourselves should have to pay the bill so they can do that.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
True.  But welfare annoys the shit out of me.  I work at the airport, and needless to say the houses around there are not that great, they are public housing (ghetto).  I drove by last Tuesday around 11am and there were a few people sitting around drinking beer and grilling some burgers.  I drove by at 8pm and saw the same people still drinking.  The next day, the same thing and so on. 

I could have had off today for the holiday, but went in to work to make sure of a couple things.  That it was separates people in society.  Those willing to go above and beyond to improve themselves and work hard for what they have, and those who just wait for a handout.
But those that apply themselves in life do get their rewards, no one on welfare can attain the level of comfort that a hard working 9 to 5 guy with a reasonable paying job can have ...if they can then the social welfare system is not functioning properly (it's not supposed to be an alternative to work). It's no fun being on welfare (I've never been on it myself but have known people who were) and I guess it's not supposed to be, it's meant to be there to stop people dropping so low they can't ever bounce back.

Those guys were probably enjoying their bbq and beers but when they're out buying their shopping for the week you can bet they have to count their pennies more closely than you do with your airport pay cheque.

CameronPoe wrote:

Because it's human nature to give. *snigger*
{sarcasm noted} It's also human nature to take, and governments seem to do a better job at that.

Braddock wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

Americans have never liked paying taxes. They never will. People are greedy cam LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT.
True.  But welfare annoys the shit out of me.  I work at the airport, and needless to say the houses around there are not that great, they are public housing (ghetto).  I drove by last Tuesday around 11am and there were a few people sitting around drinking beer and grilling some burgers.  I drove by at 8pm and saw the same people still drinking.  The next day, the same thing and so on. 

I could have had off today for the holiday, but went in to work to make sure of a couple things.  That it was separates people in society.  Those willing to go above and beyond to improve themselves and work hard for what they have, and those who just wait for a handout.
But those that apply themselves in life do get their rewards, no one on welfare can attain the level of comfort that a hard working 9 to 5 guy with a reasonable paying job can have ...if they can then the social welfare system is not functioning properly (it's not supposed to be an alternative to work). It's no fun being on welfare (I've never been on it myself but have known people who were) and I guess it's not supposed to be, it's meant to be there to stop people dropping so low they can't ever bounce back.

Those guys were probably enjoying their bbq and beers but when they're out buying their shopping for the week you can bet they have to count their pennies more closely than you do with your airport pay cheque.
I have been so broke before a couple times all I could eat was ramen noodles due to being in aviation.  Nothing was given to me, I made it through two wars, an eye disease which killed my flying career and made me broke.  Worked for an airline that went bankrupt, which made me broke again.  Yet here I am.  Unless you have a physical or mental problem, I accept no excuses.....period.  IMO
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6490|The edge of sanity
lol looks like i started some serious shit. Welfare is ok but on a MINIMAL level i.e disability, and old age ( goverment pension, an actual social security that works). BUT i dont wanna pay because some fucking redneck in arkansas refuses to work.
+429|6481|Chicago, IL
Why do I dislike welfare?

It encourages overpopulation.  In The US (not sure about you UK fellows) the amount of welfare recieved is in part determined by the number of dependants.  I have been in the public aid offices, and I assure you that there were at least 4 children to every mother in there, and no men in sight, leading me to conclude that most of them are single mothers.  Before the new laws were passed this year, a mother's time on aid was reset with each child, so they would keep having more children, and increase the burden on the system.

Cubanpenguin wrote:

I don't have a problem at all with welfare the problem is for every person using it for a hand up to help them off the street there are probably 10 or 20 using just to be lazy fucks.
The truth is the opposite. Welfare helps many more people than it allows to be lazy. Unemployment comp alone helps tons of people survive layoffs every year. That is welfare. Considering unemployment is limited, I'd like to see all the people that are living without a job off of unemployment. And since you won't be able to find any for more than months at a time, you're saying that somehow there is another welfare implementation that allows 20 times as many people to live without jobs? Laughable. You people are so disconnected from reality it disgusts me.

A world without welfare would be the fasttrack back to Oliver Twist.

Last edited by jonsimon (2007-05-28 18:28:06)


usmarine2005 wrote:

I have been so broke before a couple times all I could eat was ramen noodles due to being in aviation.  Nothing was given to me, I made it through two wars, an eye disease which killed my flying career and made me broke.  Worked for an airline that went bankrupt, which made me broke again.  Yet here I am.  Unless you have a physical or mental problem, I accept no excuses.....period.  IMO
You should have eaten oats. Healthier and cheaper.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6627|Lexington, Kentucky

Mekstizzle wrote:

He's basically asking what would happen if there was no social welfare or tax. If you guys got confused about that.

I reckon over here if we got rid of social welfare, we'd have alot less lazy chavs sitting in their council houses raising even worse children. As they'd need a job, sure there are the honest people who need it. But over here there are more Chavs than honest people who need benefits. About tax, well you can't get rid of tax. How else would you pay for all sorts of services. You could do with reducing it, they don't need 8 figure salary's and Rolls Royce Phantoms.
Keep Britain Tidy: Bin a Chav

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