http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/w … e879b.html

Perhaps in this case, it was too much at-home parental study assistance.
Phorum Phantom
lol "let are kids walk"
I think John Kerry wants to send them to Iraq
+13|6471|South Carolina, US
If you look at girl in the foreground in the picture, you can see her sign looks like it says "Let are [sic] kids walk."
ph33r me 傻逼
+40|6571|Melbourne, AUS
what's the point of walking across a stage if you aren't even good enough to get a diploma? Wouldn't you look like an idiot? pls explain.
+36|6561|Eugene, Oregon U.S.A.
stupid is as stupid does. "Are" we all agreed?
You with the face!
If you don't meet the graduation requirements, you don't graduate!  If you don't graduate, you don't take part in the ceremony.  Simple logic...

People get so caught up in ceremonies and looks that they forget the actual meaning.  It makes me sick.

Last edited by RAIMIUS (2007-05-26 18:32:18)

+129|6867|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
The pathetic use of the English language in that sign might be one reason they failed the incredibly easy TAKS test...I mean if you're going to protest about your kids not graduating, at least have the intelligence to use the proper words in your sign.

Crystal Martinez complained that while she finished at the top of her class with a 3.5 grade point average, she is now blocked from graduation by failing the TAKS test.
Looks like a bit of a difference between TAKS and school curriculum. They need to get their shit straight.
+156|6778|space command ur anus
they can just join the army
The New Johnnie Cochran

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Crystal Martinez complained that while she finished at the top of her class with a 3.5 grade point average, she is now blocked from graduation by failing the TAKS test.
Looks like a bit of a difference between TAKS and school curriculum. They need to get their shit straight.
Top of her class with  3.5? The top of my class had a 4.7 The top ten all had about 4.0s

Maybe they're just morons.

If they're not gonna get diplomas, then they shouldn't be allowed to walk. Simple as that. These retards can't understand that people who walk on the stage are walking across it to get their diploma!

Silly sparkling wiggles need to learn to spell btw
The Lizzard

bonedoc69 wrote:

stupid is as stupid does. "Are" we all agreed?
Don't you mean our?
+605|6698|San Diego, CA, USA

Bubbalo wrote:

bonedoc69 wrote:

stupid is as stupid does. "Are" we all agreed?
Don't you mean our?
Seems like you should be protesting as well.
mostly afk
+480|6700|CH/BR - in UK

Why is she holding the sign in her own direction? I thought the point of a protest is expressing yourself so that others can see it...
"It's MY sign! No, you CAN'T read what it says!"


Harmor wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

bonedoc69 wrote:

stupid is as stupid does. "Are" we all agreed?
Don't you mean our?
Seems like you should be protesting as well.
Way to miss the most obvious joke in the world harmor.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I think all of are kids need to learn to spell. Kids are are future and if they cannot spell than we need to fix that before they graduate. Otherwise are time on this earth will come to an end.
+605|6698|San Diego, CA, USA

jonsimon wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Don't you mean our?
Seems like you should be protesting as well.
Way to miss the most obvious joke in the world harmor.
No I understood it...what you didn't do is put "j/k" at the end of your post or   or
The Lizzard
Wait..............who was joking about what?

Seriously though, what do they mean by completing but not graduating?

Elamdri wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Crystal Martinez complained that while she finished at the top of her class with a 3.5 grade point average, she is now blocked from graduation by failing the TAKS test.
Looks like a bit of a difference between TAKS and school curriculum. They need to get their shit straight.
Top of her class with  3.5? The top of my class had a 4.7 The top ten all had about 4.0s

Maybe they're just morons.
Yup. Need to get their shit straight.
O Canada
+1,596|6555|North Carolina
LOL....  I don't know...  It's hard for me to call unless I can see the TAKS's content.  How she made a 3.5 GPA but still failed the test seems to say more about that school than the test.
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
They "our" the dumberest people alive
Helping you help yourself
+34|6628| Texas

Turquoise wrote:

LOL....  I don't know...  It's hard for me to call unless I can see the TAKS's content.  How she made a 3.5 GPA but still failed the test seems to say more about that school than the test.
maybe its just me but i've always thought TAKS is just about the easiest shit he do all year

seriously, the tests are so much easier than the finals and end of courses we take a couple weeks later, i really have no idea how you can fail them if you actually show up for school once and awhile

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