lavadisk wrote:
David.Podedworny wrote:
lavadisk wrote:
Its less in your face. They aren't always intruding upon what your feelings are. Silence is just as good as speech. the society works more on groups (although it can be a bad thing).
Less in your face? You mean that they dont treat you like a retard? They do to me in my school.
good to know.
They respect the fact that people might want to keep to them selfs and don't intrude upon that.
Man that would rock here! Oh well thx for the answer man. G'night all got school tomorrow(Retarded group therapy which they are making me go too because i have no social skills
I got plenty of social skills here look at my Social skills!
..\................. /........\................../
Fuck you idiots making me attend this bullshit! I'll kill you and your fucken boss with my bare hands!) (Sorry fucken angry when i think about that shit)