Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City
afraid of planes? USE THE DAMN Antiaircraft !!!!!!, theyre not for map decoration !!!!
afraid of tanks?, spawn as AT or SF and outsmart the tank whore !!!!, 2 C4s do the job.
afraid of vehics? AT does the job easilly.

the problem here is that the majority are a bunch of mindless tards, that follow these rules:

drop ammo - shot - drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -..........

drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - .......


Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

people that like IO are a bunch of mindless faggots that only care about points. Too afraid to play against vehicles?, well, is obvious a riffle will not do a damage to them, so START THINKING.

this is what´s IO is all about:

Dude, Anytime you call people nems your going to be flamed till no end.  People play what they want.

Peace out.

A mindless faggot
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6623|The | Netherlands

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

afraid of planes? USE THE DAMN Antiaircraft !!!!!!, theyre not for map decoration !!!!
afraid of tanks?, spawn as AT or SF and outsmart the tank whore !!!!, 2 C4s do the job.
afraid of vehics? AT does the job easilly.

the problem here is that the majority are a bunch of mindless tards, that follow these rules:

drop ammo - shot - drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -..........

drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - .......

It's obvious you played IO with the wrong people...
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6857|Las Vegas

CruZ4dR wrote:

..And that reason is to blow other infantry up with the SRAW and C4
Seriously, the reason I play inf only is that I'm fed up with being raped by artillery and pussies camping in their armor.

This has been discussed 43711 times before.
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6598|Mo Val, Cali
I still stick to that most people who bitch about IO are either vehicle whores or have shitty stats. Sgt. you would get owned in a good server sticking to that.

Last edited by S.J.N.P.0717 (2007-05-23 14:10:59)

Wow I'm tired of these threads.... Infantry Only is a playing style the majority prefers because not everybody wants to play engineer/spec ops/anti tank... and without that armored vehicles become a very big nuisance.  I'm gonna die if I see another thread about this topic. maybe do search and find another thread to place your concerns in.

Infantry only isn't gay, its much less of stat padding than raping a base with armor... infantry-to-infantry combat takes more skill than any combat besides air-to-air and people that say it doesn't require any skill need to play more than half a round.  whenever I play Wake w/ vehicles and any other map with vehicles I totally destroy people because they have no infantry skills.

Ok I'm done.
+1,106|6610|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

mr. LuxusLexus wrote:

The antitank, spec-ops and engineer kits are there for a reason.
I still use them (except spec ops). And it works. Honestly. When infantry come charging at your newly capped flag, use the SRAW and bean'em right in the chest. Someone charging at you while you're playing engy? Either fire 3 shots at medium range to kill them with the M11-87, or charge them and kill 'em point blank.


And infantry only doesn't involve being raped by a tank every two seconds (though I must admit I do miss the feeling of a good tank barrel rapeage).

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

afraid of planes? USE THE DAMN Antiaircraft !!!!!!, theyre not for map decoration !!!!
afraid of tanks?, spawn as AT or SF and outsmart the tank whore !!!!, 2 C4s do the job.
afraid of vehics? AT does the job easilly.

This part of Bennets comment actually makes sense, if you skip the name-calling part.

When in a tank I occasionally run into a very motivated/coordinated Anti-Tank team/squad, which makes mince-meat of my  T-90 or M2A1 in 2 seconds: 3 or 4 AT rockets fired simultaniously from different angles and the tank is history, even if you move and have a crate closeby. 

1 stealthy C4 guy sneaking up to your tank, boom, tank gone ; it soooo easy.

Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2007-05-24 07:29:41)

+24|6505|BEHIND YOU!!!

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

the problem here is that the majority are a bunch of mindless tards
I like how in every post of yours that I have read, you HAVE to call people names and seem to HAVE to insult people to make yourself feel better about something.... Maybe you just got owned in your tank in one of your AMAZING vehicle servers.  I mean seriously...why do you care so much about what everybody else does?  If you are having fun playing, just have fun.  Don't worry about what everybody else is doing or their style of play.  Enjoy your tank whoring.

Another mindless faggot
or am I a mindless tard...
+9|6513|Brisbane, Australia

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

drop ammo - shot - drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -drop ammo - shot -..........

drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - drop medpack - shot - revive - .......

Didn't you get the memo? ALL Karkand servers are like that. It doesn't matter if you IO.

I use to be like you. Before the 103 patch I was always going moar moar moar chopper time. Then after 103 prevented flag skipping I started enjoying the other vehicles and the infantry part of BF2.

Judging by your stats you are a shit player who struggles to maintain a KDR of 1.0 in pub servers with kit weapons and your vehicle KDR is shithouse as well for a vehicle whore. You probably like to sit in the tank because you know you are outsmarted when it comes to infantry combat. The only time when I play on vehicle servers is when I play SF because it is well balanced and fun.

Stop calling everyone n00b as well.

Rank != Skill
Rank = Time Played.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City

Budzilla wrote:

Didn't you get the memo? ALL Karkand servers are like that. It doesn't matter if you IO.

I use to be like you. Before the 103 patch I was always going moar moar moar chopper time. Then after 103 prevented flag skipping I started enjoying the other vehicles and the infantry part of BF2.

Judging by your stats you are a shit player who struggles to maintain a KDR of 1.0 in pub servers with kit weapons and your vehicle KDR is shithouse as well for a vehicle whore. You probably like to sit in the tank because you know you are outsmarted when it comes to infantry combat. The only time when I play on vehicle servers is when I play SF because it is well balanced and fun.

Stop calling everyone n00b as well.

Rank != Skill
Rank = Time Played.
All Karkand IO servers are like that, sometimes there´s a few snipers.
vehicle rapers exists cause there are people that are so narrow minded they can´t guess how to fight them.

i have played a few times IO and i always finish with scores like 30 - 6, without been revived. you dont need to be smart to play IO.

why don´t you play euroforces and try to impress me there?, is more vehicle-fights oriented.

i have played all maps, thats why my kdrs are "shitty", try getting all awards and you will see for yourself.
i can tell that like 50% of those deaths were tks...
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6911|Reisterstown, MD

Your 1.17 k/d with weapons and your pedestrian k/d with vehicles means you are just an overall sucky player.  Congrats Sgt Bennet.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City

killer21 wrote:

Your 1.17 k/d with weapons and your pedestrian k/d with vehicles means you are just an overall sucky player.  Congrats Sgt Bennet.
this is the account i have used since the beginning, im not like most that when they got along into the game, created a new one.
Look for me in a server and you will see what i can do.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

killer21 wrote:

Your 1.17 k/d with weapons and your pedestrian k/d with vehicles means you are just an overall sucky player.  Congrats Sgt Bennet.
this is the account i have used since the beginning, im not like most that when they got along into the game, created a new one.
Look for me in a server and you will see what i can do.
the fact Bennet is your exactly like someone told me you were. you're a little ass who thinks he's the best ever and always find an excuse to justify your shitty stats and a guy who wanna get any slightest gleam of pride in everything, even virtual things.

Bennet => shut up.

This message has been brought to you by every bf2s' forum member
+244|7009|arica harbour
you people need to realize that many people cant ground pound for crap and yet they call themselves the best soldier because they armor whore all the time and Spawn camp with tanks.. ECR.RC is like that.

Last edited by specialistx2324 (2007-05-24 10:48:00)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City
make a poll and if that happens i will shut up.
+24|6505|BEHIND YOU!!!

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Look for me in a server and you will see what i can do.
Wow!!  You really are modest! 
I wanna be on you
+116|6847|So Cal
it's just a game homos
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7066|Mexico City

Tripp wrote:

it's just a game homos
you are right.
let´s have a cold one.
+244|7009|arica harbour

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

people that like IO are a bunch of mindless faggots that only care about points. Too afraid to play against vehicles?, well, is obvious a riffle will not do a damage to them, so START THINKING.
.. and I present the man who has no infantry stats, because he has over 450 hours in a tank.. work that out!
(edit: around 70% of his entire time in vehicles)
WELL, my infantry stats are better than yours, and considering your all around stats, you are a very shitty player, you have no right to even talk to me, now STFU noob...
yep , typical  noobs saying they are the greatest player in the world. man is this game filled with idiots or what.

hence im glad i retired from Bf2. got  tired of people inflating their e-penis/ ego to epic proportions.

wow and you tank whore/ spawn kill over and over says my friend who played against you... how sad boy i love to shove some c4 in your tank and see you fly 20 feet in the air. would that be very nice
Missing, Presumed Dead

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

killer21 wrote:

Your 1.17 k/d with weapons and your pedestrian k/d with vehicles means you are just an overall sucky player.  Congrats Sgt Bennet.
this is the account i have used since the beginning, im not like most that when they got along into the game, created a new one.
Look for me in a server and you will see what i can do.
So is mine, yet all my vehicle and infantry kdrs beat yours. Whassup?

Seriously, do you just post to get a good reaction out of the members on this forum?
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6810|Gogledd Cymru

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

.. and I present the man who has no infantry stats, because he has over 450 hours in a tank.. work that out!
(edit: around 70% of his entire time in vehicles)
WELL, my infantry stats are better than yours, and considering your all around stats, you are a very shitty player, you have no right to even talk to me, now STFU noob...
who the fuck do you think you are to call kyle a noob, can you not see his powerful username, plus hes fucking irish so id fuck off right now bennet, you remind me of that guy out of the scissor sisters for some strange reason plus kyles my bitch, dont be insulting or heggs will release the hounds on you.

This message was brought to you by the IRC Hounds <3 all of you guys, peace out


surgeon_bond wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

.. and I present the man who has no infantry stats, because he has over 450 hours in a tank.. work that out!
(edit: around 70% of his entire time in vehicles)
WELL, my infantry stats are better than yours, and considering your all around stats, you are a very shitty player, you have no right to even talk to me, now STFU noob...
who the fuck do you think you are to call kyle a noob, can you not see his powerful username, plus hes fucking irish so id fuck off right now bennet, you remind me of that guy out of the scissor sisters for some strange reason plus kyles my bitch, dont be insulting or heggs will release the hounds on you.

This message was brought to you by the IRC Hounds <3 all of you guys, peace out

[19:06:18] <Surgeon> back me up mofo's
+581|6708|New York

surgeon_bond wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

.. and I present the man who has no infantry stats, because he has over 450 hours in a tank.. work that out!
(edit: around 70% of his entire time in vehicles)
WELL, my infantry stats are better than yours, and considering your all around stats, you are a very shitty player, you have no right to even talk to me, now STFU noob...
who the fuck do you think you are to call kyle a noob, can you not see his powerful username, plus hes fucking irish so id fuck off right now bennet, you remind me of that guy out of the scissor sisters for some strange reason plus kyles my bitch, dont be insulting or heggs will release the hounds on you.

This message was brought to you by the IRC Hounds <3 all of you guys, peace out

I have one thing to say. You need a life and/or girlfriend bennet.

That is all.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
reading all these posts was fun and i found to many god damn assholes to complain about so ill just flame bennet i guess. Get out of your tank you insecure little pussy. You must have been abused when you were a little soldier if your that afraid to go man-on-man. Ok next time i see you ill pull out my knife. How about that?will that coax you out of your shell?.
Jesus IO fyi is just there for a greater array of things to do.
I would 100% guarrantee you that if they didnt have IO, you little pussies (bennett) would be QQ'ing just like you are now.
that is all...

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