I want that a squad should gain like 1 or 2 extra team points if he really goes capturing the flag i asked them,
because very often squad leaders say oke but tottaly don't obey and just go rushing at the enemy
Karkand: i order them to go with their apc to a far flag and capture it but no they just keep on rushing at the mass enemy's
so i would be nice if you get points for really listening to the order of a commander.
what do you guys think?
p.s. sorry if my english suck i'm dutch so i can't write proper english:)
+0|6722|Bærum, norway
im not quite sure i think i would be hard to do but maybe:)
i think commanders should get points for helping the team.. eg "requesting supply drop" "request accepted" boing 1 point
+20|6741|Chch, New Zealand
Yeah that would be good, yeah needs some sort of reward for squads that listen. As a lot don't as they are only after the points, not for the team winning. But then in saying that, if your team wins, the only person that gets a reward is the comander....
+4|6781|Hamilton, Scotland
And also what would be gd is if the commnader could support his men more, take fr example ...ur chopper has been shot down over the ocean, ur squad mates r stuck and it would take ages to get to dry land, well, y not that the commnader can deploy a infatible-boat-type thing, it doesnt need to have armour or weapons, just use its speed and kit weapons (a support guy with a PKM is an adversay to an incoming chopper)
just think.. no more sitting in the middle of the oecan wait ing fr some chopper to pick u off.
thats indeed a good idea because i hate it to swim like the hole round before i get to shore
+2|6710|New Gitland, the Netherlands
Also if the commander helps out a bit with giving orders and spots people. Sometimes on publicservers on Karkand the commander joins in in the action and within 4 minutes the main MECbase is allready down because he doesn't spot or so...
Yea and when you stay with you squad your sometimes get more point because you work together
Commander should get a point for spotting every enemy that has not been covered in the UAV.
and a point if supply drop supplies & artilleries kill.

Daxmann wrote:

Yea and when you stay with you squad your sometimes get more point because you work together
and get another point for reviving your squad leader to get your mobile spawn back.
Corrosion Inhibitor
ppl would abuse this.
+101|6717|Southern California
Some good ideas.  The strange paradox is the in the "real world" good commanders have to be pure team players. They have no way to win a battle by shooting the most enemies (with their pistol lol). What they have are control of the force multipliers, the 'synergies' of battle. Pure teamsmanship shaping the battlefield to help the hard working squads win and win. BF2 had/has a great idea to add this command position but needs to reflect the real command values to fulfill it. The only reason I bought BF2 is to play the command mode. lol I'm not a command whore just a qualified RTS gamer who saw an opportunity to play with his FPS friends once or twice a week.

Points for each spotting could be abused so maybe make it like .1 or even less. When I command using the  indirect style I usually spot 40-50 targets per game! That would be too easy to get. But spotting helps Squad Leaders see the battlefield better and shift thier efforts.

Memphis good concept. I agree a Squad following a commanders order should get recognition but some squads would never get orders and others would get them all the time so this could be exploited by stat padding noobs. Maybe the orders following points could be shared by the commander and by members of all Squads, Lone Wolves would get zip. This would inspire people to join squads and for Squads to follow orders to boost the end of game pool of points. Now the issue of what if your commander sux? Some commanders have no idea what a good order is or how long it takes to do it so there should be no penalty for declining the order. Some squads are good stat farmers at the Hotel and would break apart if they had to leave the stat farm to take back the Suburbs with only one enemy there. The precious points per minute ratios would drop if they left the stat farm and took 2 minutes to go kill a lone capper.

The opportunity for a commander to stat pad should be addressed, as IBKCKN said, but not ignored or avoided.

As A.Drew suggested, the deployable (unarmed please) rescue raft is brilliant! I usually end up suiciding to get back to a spawn point. (or maybe an auto-piloted rescue helo that takes you back to the ship so exploiting the rescue system is not abused). Combat-wise the rescue raft should be weaker and unarmed, have limited range and maybe disallow firing from it.  Dropping a fully armed/armored Zodiac would be exploited quickly.

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