
Bubbalo wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were being stupid.  Apparently not.  So I guess I'll repeat myself too:

Every one of them is commiting a crime by crossing the border.  Everyone who has illegaly crossed the border has commited a crime.  A crime has been committed by everyone who illegaly crossed over the border already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How many different ways should I put it.  I am not generalizing.  I am saying somthing that is a fact! Here you go again you liberal bag of bullshit:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

They have already commited a crime by coming over illegaly.  They are not being repremanded for it, so what is going to stop them from performing other illegal actions?  They have already proved their unwillingness to follow our laws by being here.
Uh-huh...............if your upset is that they're criminals for crossing the border, it has no relevance to this story.
How very convinient for you.  Let us just change the topic again.
You really don't know how to read do you?  I just explained.  Read the post.  That 1 post has answered all of your questions and proved all of your comments foolish.  I will pick it out for you yet again:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

They have already commited a crime by coming over illegaly.  They are not being repremanded for it, so what is going to stop them from performing other illegal actions?  They have already proved their unwillingness to follow our laws by being here.
In other words They are not being repremanded for it, so what is going to stop them from performing other illegal actions?  They have already proved their unwillingness to follow our laws by being here.
Insert 5 different versions of sentence here so that Bubbalo can pick out the one he understands best{
Yeah I don't get it either. Why is he so intent on defending a rapist?

Hopping the border is like downloading movies and music illegally.

You almost never get caught, and when you do, the consequences aren't too serious, you just get a slap on the wrist, pay a fine, and get asked never to do it again. But the people who get caught still do it, and the people who don't just laugh at those who do get caught.
Goodbye :)
+399|6626|Somewhere else

Cerpin_Taxt wrote:

Yeah I don't get it either. Why is he so intent on defending a rapist?
Maybe hes one of those guys that just likes to question.  One of those people that argue something just to see how others feel, even if they don't believe in what they are debating for. I,m just guessing, since he really is not making much sense.
16 more years
+877|6671|South Florida

Hurricane wrote:

Just take a Desert Eagle...
YES! Finaly im important!!!!!!!

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-05-16 19:51:32)

15 more years! 15 more years!
He's not really defending anybody.  Just trying to spark a debate.  Well he did start an arguement, but he certainly didn't do his rep. any justice, not that he ever had much of one.  I just hope that he has learned his lesson and stop posting this radical left wing crap.

The debate might actually be going somewhere if he presented evidence and made a clear-cut, comprehensive argument against us, but it's mostly just like this...
-own own own
-stupid question
-more ownage
-i don't understand what you're saying
-own him some more
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Why the death penalty? He didn't kill anyone. That sounds more like revenge than justice.
Rape's far more traumatizing to someone than being dead.
And what about that dead persons loved ones?
This isn't a hypothetical.  This is kind of like your aunt getting assaulted.  Think about that a little...

I think its best you direct questions to others, not to me.  I want you to consider the possible answers I would give you.
damn that sucks

is ur gf hot?
Should have ducked
+394|6633|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
You know China has it right on capital crimes, take the convicted out to a field, one shot, charge the family for the bullet.

Bubbalo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Because all illegals break into houses and rape people?
You'll just do anything to defend these people, work any angle. Why is that again?
Yes, how dare I point out that it's ridiculous to condemn a whole people because one of them is a rapist and a thief.
I don't think a "whole people" are being condemned so much as we're (US citizens) merely disgruntled at the fact that foreigners live here illegally. The fact that they are here illegally already establishes them as criminals, no matter their plight. The fact that some of them perform other illegal acts only serves to exacerbate the issue.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-05-16 21:23:58)


SgtHeihn wrote:

You know China has it right on capital crimes, take the convicted out to a field, one shot, charge the family for the bullet.
Ouch...  That hurts..  Charging the family for the bullet..  That's just depressing.
The Lizzard

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I don't think a "whole people" are being condemned so much as we're (US citizens) merely disgruntled at the fact that foreigners live here illegally. The fact that they are here illegally already establishes them as criminals, no matter their plight. The fact that some of them perform other illegal acts only serves to exacerbate the issue.
I'm not disagreeing with whether they should be thrown out, but what I was responding to wasn't expressing that opinion for those reasons.
for the price of a few cartons of smokes,

you could probely make his time there seem much longer and more" dynamic "

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

Just take a Desert Eagle...
YES! Finaly im important!!!!!!!
*cough* You spelt it wrong *cough*
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
He will be raped while he is in prison. Ironic justice.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6800|Teesside, UK

Pug wrote:

23 year old illegal alien broke into the house of a colleague of mine, raped her multiple times, and beat her almost to death.  He left her there because he thought she was dead.

Sentenced to 274 years in prison.  Up for parole in 30 years.  If he does get out in 30 years, he'll be immediately deported.

I was hoping for the death penalty, but now I just hope he dies in jail.  Too bad we can't send him back to Mexico to serve his punishment.
I'm sorry to hear that and I hope she is ok.  She's got difficult times ahead and needs some good friends to support her.  A close friend of mine was raped when she was 15 and the fucker never even saw the inside of a prison cell!  I'm glad in America they have the decency to keep these animals away from the streets, hopefully that's something our country will start picking up on.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-05-19 11:38:42)

I Want a New Duck
+43|6714|Up a tree

M.O.A.B wrote:

Beat him to death with sticks! Scum like that do not deserve to live.
I L0v3 C4k3
I say, don't kill him, let him slowly suffer to death in prison. Let him get old and die there.
Mucho sexo anal forzado en prisión for that guy!
+127|6533|Jesus Land aka Canada
*this is the revengefull side of me talking here and does not reflect my true self* "you know... i am sure you can easily get a contact with a murderous inmate in jail, pay him some money, a pair of new shoes, or a plasma t.v. snuff the guy off or atleast make it a leaving hell for him " that is what i would do if my evil side got the good of me.
+18|6361|Eugene, OR
Why does everyone hate Illegal aliens so much?  If I lived in a shitty country like Mexico I would definitely do whatever I could do to help support my family, and that would probably include crossing into the US for higher pay and more work.  I want to hear everyone one of you that flame illegals right now state that if you had the misfortune of being born into a poor family in Mexico that couldn't afford basic necessities of life you wouldn't cross the open border in search of a better life.  Please, someone say that so I can laugh at you.
The Mas
+311|6834|NYC, a place to live

cryptofcolumbus wrote:

Why does everyone hate Illegal aliens so much?  If I lived in a shitty country like Mexico I would definitely do whatever I could do to help support my family, and that would probably include crossing into the US for higher pay and more work.  I want to hear everyone one of you that flame illegals right now state that if you had the misfortune of being born into a poor family in Mexico that couldn't afford basic necessities of life you wouldn't cross the open border in search of a better life.  Please, someone say that so I can laugh at you.
+18|6361|Eugene, OR
Yes, I just called you out ATG.  I am eagerly anticipating your response.

Edit: OK my bad.  I just sound like a dumbass.  I just get a little over enthused about these issues, and when no one responds I get annoyed.

Last edited by cryptofcolumbus (2007-05-19 22:22:37)

+5,233|6675|Global Command

cryptofcolumbus wrote:

Why does everyone hate Illegal aliens so much?  If I lived in a shitty country like Mexico I would definitely do whatever I could do to help support my family, and that would probably include crossing into the US for higher pay and more work.  I want to hear everyone one of you that flame illegals right now state that if you had the misfortune of being born into a poor family in Mexico that couldn't afford basic necessities of life you wouldn't cross the open border in search of a better life.  Please, someone say that so I can laugh at you.
But, why does that have to be my problem?

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