I think a Special forces dude that sneaks into enemy land and blows up all their good stuff should get more points, just two, those things are important to the team and the boss.
Maybe have a different sign for a claymore on the ground, some people might run near them thinking they are C4. It sucks that you get punished when you out a claymore up the top of a ladder and a team member climbs up, either not seeing the warning sign or not knowing (who knows), gets killed and then busts you. That is the most insane thing I have ever come across, it is a total idiot test and so many people sit that idiot test.
Someone else sort of said just fix vehicles if you want repair points, they are faster. I don't agree with that, you play "teamwork" following a tank, out in the open, its hard. You should get rewarded as fast as supply and medic, if it was realistic it would take a while to "heal" a person like it takes a while to repair something.
The dropping down rolling shot/kill, wtf, if I am already laying down aiming and they pull that off, wtf.
I am for any city maps.
Thank you players, "I love you's all"