I agree that aspects of the punish system are lame (and ways of completely unintentionally TKing are lamer), but making it so that if you hit an enemy along with a friendly is ok would be terrible.
I can already see myself defending a flag for a whole 5 seconds before some crosseyed nublet in a jet comes and kills my entire squad in order to kill that one enemy huddled in the corner.
"Sorry, chief!"
*crashes jet into a friendly blackhawk*

I think a better idea would be to auto-punish TKs that happen within a few minutes of eachother, like 5 or something, and not to punish for things that couldn't possibly be your fault. Things like someone running over a mine you placed an hour ago or a locked-on, guided missile deciding that friendly aircraft you can't even see are better targets.
Yesterday was amazing. I flew the cobra in Sharqi and saw an apc at one of our flags (around him many of my teammates). So I turned and attacked it blowing his ass up, and I damaged no one of my team (I was realy proud because there were ca. 5 people around the apc). After the attack I headed back to the tv tower to get ammo, but 5 sec after my attack some weird sentences popped up:
Don't attack teammates (don't know the english version in Bf2, I have it in german)
Don't attack teammates.
You have killed... (teamkill)
You have killed... (teamkill)
You were punished for your teamkill.

I was confused. How did I teamkill these 2 guys???? I had an idea and askes them:  After i destroyed te apc the wreck exploded and damaged and killed the peeps around, and I got the debt for it.
So I earned -10 points within 5 sec without doing any fault, yeah.
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|6746|Gütersloh, Germany
You shouldn't be responsible for exploding wreckages. If you destroy a vehicle and it's first explosion kills teammates => team kill/team damage
But if the wreckage explodes without shooting at it you should not be punished for anything. People have enough time to get away from it. So it's their own fault (like running over Claymores, driving over AT Mines)
team-points for forgiving someone, that would solve it..end of.
obviously no ones going to forgive someone TKing alot on purpose but they will think twice about punishing for accidents, they might even wait for you to say sorry instead of paging down straight away
Say wat!?
I got a pretty bent thing that happened to me, i dont know if any one else has experienced it.

I was a passenger in a helicopter and the pilot crashed it and i got punished for 4 tks! WTF

Also there should be a way on tk limit servers not to have poor missle lock tks from getting you kicked. thats where you are chasing a plane or heli and fire ur missles with missle lock but as they pass ur friendly aircraft they change lock and hit them.
+8|6791|Ontario, Canada
It is clear to me that most people who punish simply don't even think about what they are doing. The examples here (most of which have happened to me) like pilots punishing their gunners, Blackhawk passengers being punished X4 when the chopper blows - who in their right minds would think these things are even POSSIBLE to do by that individual, let alone intentional? Their level of stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

Another example (not so blatantly stupid, but annoying) - I was gunner in an attack chopper last night and the pilot was following an enemy jeep.... so I took him out. Just as he exploded, one of our teammates (squad mate even!) drove into the explosion as he tried to ram him, and died. I got punished for that one too.

It really is too bad that  people don't stop to think about what just happened to them. Trouble is, even if they are totally to blame, it makes them feel better to make someone else "pay" for their stupidity. Like launching a lawsuit against a restaurant when the person spills coffee in their own lap and gets burned....
Most unintentional teamkills occure because of a lack of communication.
Example 1 - the mine: A minefield is a very good means of defense but it hinders movement (every advantage comes at the cost of some disadvantage...). Problem about mines is that minefilds (or even small mine plots - think claymore) don't show up anywhere! There is a reason why every responsible army in the world surveys and maps (yeah a hint for EA here!) their minefields. Just put it on the map for your team to avoid them (who dosen't look on the map befor trying something clever should be punished for a TK instead of beeing given the right to do so)

Last edited by pogled (2005-12-31 09:03:04)

Example 2 - grenades:
Imagine: an enemy is about to capture the CP you just left heading for an enemy CP, he is hiding say behind a wall. You redirect your Squad for an counterattack. What do you do? - Throw grenades to soften him (or them by now) up a bit befor you go in. You of course warn your Teammates over VOIP shoutint "Grenade!" befor throwing - and after the impact of the 1st grenade some inocent bystanders casually walk in on the CP to get some easy points caping it - obviosly atrackted by the ringing sound of the "bangs" around them. Get hit and punich (of course). Result: No Squad Mebers get hurt and you rack up 2 TKs.
Solution: a) Allow people near you to hear what you are shouting (but i think this is quite difficult to do in the programming side) or b) THINK before you move! If you haven't a clue, don't move or go somewhere save to think (the thinking part is tricky for some, i know but keep trying).
Since using VOIP intensly my squad managed to cut grenade TKs to around zero.
On topic again:
I think the TK-punish system would be quite good the way it is  (given that the exploding wrecks don't earn you TKs). It deters most cowboys from bombing undiscriminating (what ratio is okay for friendly fire 3enemies vs. 2 own ones? 2EN vs. 5F?).

Maybe it would be best to leave TK punishment to the server - at a low price of course (-2).  And/Or allow additional TK punishment after a cool-down phase of some seconds (there is ample time untill respawn).

And remember: Not the TK punishment system keeps annoying people - it is the bolos pressing the PageUp buttons!

Surely its less realistic, but this game is far from realistic anyways, weapons are ridicilously in accurate, the vehicles have pea shooters, so hell with FF turn them off, no more tkilling!!!!! : D

Yes im a CSS pro, and yes we all hate FF.

Other solution could be, if you accidently TK, if the chooses to forgive you, he earnes one of your points, that way we battle between "Personal pride & Gentleness"
What do you guys think?
In theory, not too badan  idea. Problem is: If i accidently TK somebody because he runs into my mine or supressive fire, he gets killed, realises that he was wrong, forgives me AND gets points for this - what will happen? Some morons will try to get shot by their own teammates just to get the points (maybe with a medic on their heels so get them back on their feet so that it doesn't leave a bad look in the stats).
People are stupid. I have tonz of TKs cuz some cowboy in a tank or jeep think that the red skull and crossbones are power-ups. This isn't Super Mario Bros, you dont' get to throw fire because you drive over AT mines.

Example, I was in Karkand yesterday. Waited till our tank and two APCs went over the bridge from east and west. Layed down three mines. The last APC, for NO reason at all decides to back up over the bridge, and hits my mines. That's all fine and dandy, but why am I the bad guy? Cuz people drive with looking?
HAHAHAHA , yesterday at mashtur, i layed down a few claymores, to secure the flag, took sniper position and one guy ran straight at it for about 30 yards.......he came flying back in pieces(i wish) happily for me the server didnt blame me for blowing him up. I always double check the redskulls, but i mostly take another road.
HAHAHAHA , yesterday at mashtur, i layed down a few claymores, to secure the flag, took sniper position and one guy ran straight at it for about 30 yards.......he came flying back in pieces(i wish) happily for me the server didnt blame me for blowing him up. I always double check the redskulls, but i mostly take another road.

1. The effects of teamkill punishment could be slightly negated by a commander function to call in an airstrike. Similar to an artillery strike, this would let all ground forces know that there are incoming aircraft with orders to saturate the area. Any friendly that remains within the strike radius after a set amount of time (maybe 10 seconds) would be unable to punish aircraft in the event of death and injury. This would give fighters, bombers and helicopters a chance to attack without fear of reprisal from that single rifleman who thought it would be cool to hide out between 3 enemy tanks and an APC.

Aircraft who respond to a call for an airstrike should be awarded a team point, as it is so hard for pilots to earn team points short of flag defense. When I'm flying around, I follow orders. I've probably lost 2000 global team points from commander-ordered bombing runs due to some friendly driving right underneath my bomb(s) after release.

2. Both enemy and friendly traps such as mines and C4 should be spotted by ground forces. The commander should be notified of this by his map, and have the option to set a trap-warning icon on the relevant area of the map (the red skull thing) for all friendly units, remaining for perhaps a minute before it has to be renewed.

3. Teamkill punishment for mines and claymores could be stifled if the big-arsed red skull and crossbones is visible on a player's screen for a set period of time, and they still choose to run over them. Also, heavily-trapped areas could be marked on the map.

4. Zones under intensive ranged friendly assault could also be marked on the map for infantry on the same side.

5. One infantry man surrounded by several other enemy units could be considered to be under overwhelming odds, and thus be subject to friendly fire to suppress the enemy. Injury and/or death could be unpunishable.

6. The commander should be able to designate sniper zones (marked on the map by a non-red sniper crosshair), thus letting snipers on his team know where he wants them to set up shop, and perhaps what direction he wants them to watch. Visible to friendly players, they would enter these areas at their own risk, and be unable to punish the sniper in the event they trip one of his defensive claymores. The highest purpose of this possible addition would be to grant the commander the ability to better organize direct fields of fire from these specialized units, while freeing his typing or VOIP ability for the more important task of taking and holding flags and suppressing enemy assets.


Well, I think these are good ideas, but some people will undoubtedly disagree. Oh, well.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-01-01 15:51:00)

+0|6761|Ontario, Canada
Friendly Fire off you get spamming by both sides .. you can't really attack people without a tank hitting both of you but only you dying .. and they take it to the max .. bad idea .. Same thing with killing an enemy and teammate .. open for major abuse .. now if you killed 2 enemy and a teammate perhaps then .. or just -2 for the teamkill so you at least come out on top..
i still vote for a "turn off FF/friendly fire"
+0|6761|Ontario, Canada
Have you ever played on a server where people are abusing no FF? It's rediculous.. I suggest you try it.. Think of all the projectiles in the game and how deadly they can be. People use them at will with no danger of killing your team .. basically you get pretty screwed. Grenades especially. Jets can be extra whorish with no FF also. I mean for example say 1 enemy attacks your flag with 5 defenders .. a jet comes by wipes everyone out except his team mate .. you lose the flag... There are lots of clever people in BF2 that will take game weaknesses to the max all for rank. And before you say well the enemy could have waited and the jet would have got you anyways. Well he doesn't have to wait .. and if he did you would respawn in time to defend your CP..

Last edited by Opiate (2006-01-01 16:09:18)

hey so far i havent found any server with ff off anyways, but really, i get my ass bombed anyways by friendlies, crashed into by friendly planes and blamed for a TK at carriers when flying a blackhawk, its not like i saw it coming in for repairs and ammo!!! Im toobusy getting its heavy ass off the deck.

What could be an even better solution, is to have the names of your teammates on sight continually, this way you always know not to fire at who ever runs in front of you. Then for all I care they can scrap the "red" enemies name tag that appears in the game after like 2 seconds, in return for this change of game.

As far as I know, being able to see who your enemy is, can and will effect who;s going to die. In CSS for example, we have more then one players in my home, and with the intercom on we sometimes just join opposite forces and tell eachother where we're rushing for a quick carnage.

Then if you apply this in BF2, would be very effective as commanders.........

Last edited by Charmin (2006-01-01 16:44:38)


No FF is a very bad idea for multiple reasons, not to mention C4-vaulting. It removes some of the more realistic tactics from the game and turns it into a base UT2kX-style fest, which is fine if you want to play Unreal, but then you should be there and not playing a BF game. Instead, we should be considering ways to make unintentional TK's less of a headache, while simultaneously enhancing the tactical qualities of BF2. I came up with a list a few posts ago with enhancements that I believe would go a long way in accomplishing this.

Otherwise, you're just going to have to find a team that is able to file itself into orderly fire teams with proper armored support (with the game's current disorderly command structure), avoiding TK's through sheer organization (which happens about once every 50 games if you're liberal with your server choices). And about the only time that's ever happened to me is when me, some buddy from one of my ex-clans and about thirty other people spent an hour gathering and organizing in TeamSpeak for a couple of unranked Gulf of Oman battles.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-01-01 17:47:36)

I just finished a round with about 10 pts and 7 kills.  I lost about 20 pts for TKs and being punished.  The people I tk'd showed up in red, there were 3 or 4 different people on my side with this issue.  When your red expect to get shot at.  I told one of them he's showing up in red.  Get a clue when you show up in red and get tk'd don't punish.  Leave and comeback because you have a problem.  I'm pissed that I tk'd you.  I'm pissed that you punished me.  I'm really pissed that I lost a ton of points because you don't show up correctly.  If your in red i'm not waiting to see if you shoot first, I'm shooting your butt.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-01-22 09:41:25)

sorry the forum tripled posted the above.  I have no idea why.
+557|6769|Oslo, Norway
why am i not complaning....     oh yeah because i don't teamkill that much and can reposition myself so that i don't damage a teammate when i am killing an enemy!

pokerplaya wrote:

MajorHoulahan_MASH wrote:

We really need more Ranked servers with Friendly Fire OFF  !!
unfortunately friendly fire on is a requirement for ranked servers.
No, its not.
Friendly Fire on should be a requirement for ranked servers.  Along with both sides being allowed to form squads.

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