Squirrels, natures little speedbump.
Wow, is this isnt off topic I dont know what is.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6896|The United Center

ghettoperson wrote:

DonFck wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

I don't get even get his sig. Is it supposed to be offensive or racist or what. I man in white with the england flag in what looks like blood on him.
It's Wayne Rooney.

And we are officially.. ..derailed.
Good thing we're in the Junk Drawer, eh?
There's a better picture where someone has shopped some dudes head into one of his hands.

EDIT: http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/3226/roonbig8mt.jpg
lol@cristiano ronaldo.  +1
Work and study @ Technical Uni

ThomasMorgan wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

DonFck wrote:

It's Wayne Rooney.

And we are officially.. ..derailed.
Good thing we're in the Junk Drawer, eh?
There's a better picture where someone has shopped some dudes head into one of his hands.

EDIT: http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/3226/roonbig8mt.jpg
lol@cristiano ronaldo.  +1
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

What about the lolrus?
Squirrels, natures little speedbump.

Hurricane wrote:

What about the lolrus?

UnknownRanger wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

What about the lolrus?

UnknownRanger wrote:

=EI=EndlessSleep: you play bf2?
Növi©aînê: Ya
Növi©aînê: i own at Bf2
=EI=EndlessSleep: you in a clan?
Növi©aînê: no
=EI=EndlessSleep: hmm
=EI=EndlessSleep: my clan is recruiting
=EI=EndlessSleep: =EI=
Növi©aînê: pay me i will play 4 u
=EI=EndlessSleep: we have a 24/7 airmaps
Növi©aînê: not big on air
Növi©aînê: pretty good at bombing but not dogfighting
=EI=EndlessSleep: what are your stats?
=EI=EndlessSleep: link me
Növi©aînê: look em up
Növi©aînê: mostly ground pounder
=EI=EndlessSleep: link me
=EI=EndlessSleep: are you  a major?
Növi©aînê: yep
=EI=EndlessSleep: hmm
=EI=EndlessSleep: your stats are bad nv,
=EI=EndlessSleep: nvm
Növi©aînê: haha
Növi©aînê: really?
=EI=EndlessSleep: yep
Növi©aînê: haha
=EI=EndlessSleep: terribad
=EI=EndlessSleep: actually
Növi©aînê: im not the only one who plays on my account you know
=EI=EndlessSleep: LOL
Növi©aînê: haha
=EI=EndlessSleep: how many other people?
Növi©aînê: this is the younger novicaine im 20
Növi©aînê: my bro plays a lot on my name when im at work he is in the army though
Növi©aînê: but
=EI=EndlessSleep: lol
=EI=EndlessSleep: i hope you still have your stats
Növi©aînê: what stats of mine suck>
Növi©aînê: ?
=EI=EndlessSleep: cause i am sending this conversation to EA
Növi©aînê: lol
Növi©aînê: ok
Növi©aînê: go ahead
=EI=EndlessSleep: sharing accounts are totaly aggent the rules
Növi©aînê: ya
Növi©aînê: well
=EI=EndlessSleep: agganst
Növi©aînê: my brothers in the military
=EI=EndlessSleep: ok
Növi©aînê: he plays on this one now and then cause he cant create on cause of his gay firewall
=EI=EndlessSleep: ok

Dont mind the EndlessSleep that is just my bf2 name.
So i see you get peoples accounts reset in your spare time, great way to spend your life

DonFck wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

DonFck wrote:

It's Wayne Rooney.

And we are officially.. ..derailed.
Good thing we're in the Junk Drawer, eh?
Requesting lolcats at my position, over!
The first one who posts a lolcat will be personally responsible to UnknownRanger for forcing a thread closing.
How 'bout ban?
An Enlarged Liver
+35|6892|Backward Ass Kansas
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Last edited by An Enlarged Liver (2007-05-16 15:23:21)

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