Why people keep saying things such as bullet drop? that doesn't exist in the game. IMO the M95 lacks a little bit off accuracy due to its huge crosshair but can become very handy with hovering choppers . I usually use the default sniper rifle of the team that I'm in with any problem at all.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6881|Germany / Saxony
My favorite sniper-rifle is the Type 88. Very nice sights, quick firing rate and a fine accuracy. (even at long range, if you keep the bullet-drop in mind)
I like it very much on songhua. Hiding in the jungle and pwn the hell out of them.
Today I placed first on dragon valley, above all the chopper and apc-whores. Just me and my Type 88.
Some guys wanted to kick me several time and they said it´s so impossible what I hit with this thing... lol

Last edited by Eckzack (2005-12-28 14:58:19)

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6741|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
What I have noticed is that the m24 has a smaller crosshair, so it is easier to line up a shot quicker to the head from far away. the m95 at a long range is bad.
Now, if the M95 were more like the REAL M95... ie if you hit someone in the leg the entire limb is blown off... that'd be a different story.

I agree. This gun can disable light vehicles in the real world, but here it takes 2 shots to kill a man? Bah! The M95 in-game has greatly disappointed me, as well as the .50 cals on the humvee's. These bullets practically rip people in half and I have to hit a guy multiple times... Oh well, it's a game after all.

Does anyone else wish we could see the Mk-19 40mm automatic grenade launcher in-game? That thing was my favorite crew served weapon while in the Corps(next to the M198 howitzer of course, King of Battle!). Actually, now that I think about it, it would probably be way too horrific...

Still be cool, however...
Mass Media Casualty

All you M24 praisers seem to be the people that find a healthy spot to sit and blaze away. Nothing against that, I find it fun to do as well.

One thing though. If you are a "Classic Sniper", e.g: you are a lone wolf, you are completely distant from your team, you hike long distances without taking transport, you kill key people, and eliminate threats to your team from a LONG range, you often relocate, and you always have a place with good cover, and leave no silhouette, NOBODY knows where you are EVER, (the rounds where you get many kills, and zero deaths.) No-one even lets a stray bullet come near you because you are INVISABLE. You are not always the one looking down at your target, but often find that looking up at your targets is the best way to be the most effective Sniper in the situation you ar in. (I tell you, this is a really good Sniper tactic as few people expect it.)

I find, (as I like the whole "Classic Sniper" role,) that the M24 lets me down a lot in these times. If you want to be some guy with a zoomed rifle, prancing around streets, or climbing a ladder, go for the M24. It is a good rifle. If, like me, you want to be the Sniper rather than a Sniper, you go with the M95.

When I am a squad's Sniper, I go with the M24. It is a good rifle that allows you to be fairly close to the action and is not as cumbersome as the M95, so you are not seen. it's a good weapon for a "Scout" class, not a "SNIPER!"

Whatever. That's just my opinion.

Edit: Oh, and the M95 should never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER be a one shot kill weapon.
Maybe that whole shoot mines thing would be cool though, but I'm okay with the M95 as it is really.

I would like EA, if they possible could, to post exactly what is different between the M95 and the M24. We all know the shoot through glass thing, but if they could point out the subtler differences that would help a lot.

Last edited by Tyferra (2005-12-29 21:43:27)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Moving Target

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

ZZZargo333 wrote:

m95 is good for scarin ppl tho I dont know but when I hear the boom and get knocked down to 2 bars I panic!
Hahaha, when I got shot by a sniper I start running like a crazed manic.
That is about the only time I even come close to bunny hopping.  And running in what ever direction I can.  And going prone suddenly.  And changing directions a lot.  And yelling for a medic.

And then getting shot by some scrub that I missed in my mad dash for life.
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6748|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
I'm a pretty experienced sniper and a damn good shot with either the M24 or M95 and i like them equally - Here is my assessment on their pro's and con's.

Both rifles do 95 damage so thats 1 rifle round and then i finish the target off with some pistol rounds if they are sub-100m range - never use a 2nd rifle round at short range - the bullets are too precious and you give away your position. If the target is too far away for a pistol kill i will use a second rifle round.

For all the people that say there is no bullet drop - how come i have made at least half of my kills beyond 200m range, and had to allow bullet drop for every single one of them? As a basic rule i allow roughly 1mm of bullet drop on my reticle at 150m range and half a millimeter for every extra 50m, I am pretty sure the M95 and M24 have slightly different bullet drop (would make sense due to the higher velocity of the M95's .50 round) and i occasionally miss a shot beyond 200m, in this case i would look for the strike of the round on the ground or buildings and allow for changes with my second shot - which is a hit 90% of the time.

For anyone wishing to become good or better as a sniper, my number 1 tip would be - always use your pistol to finish off your target - unless they are beyond 100m.

Also - practice practice practice - I've spent most of my computer game playing life as a sniper and i still had to practice at it in this game, i can lead targets who are moving just as easily as in any other game but the bullet drop is an artform, test out my theories on bullet-drop and practice until you KNOW you can hit anyone who you can see - I have only recently been able to make this claim.

If anyone wants any more sniping tips, i've got a shitload of them, i would make a thread but i'm sure there are hundreds already - if anyone thinks it might be a good idea i may just be tempted.
+0|6761|Ontario, Canada
I agree. m24 is a sweeet gun. I can get tons of headshots with it. The skinny crosshair allows for perfect leads. Nothing like picking off people running. As for the m95 I can barely hit anyone at any range. It has it's moments but most of the time I have no clue where the bullet went. It just isn't very consistant. The m24 has done wonders for me. My fave recent kill was a guy trying to cross the bay on Wake Island and picking him off from the China base
Base Rapist
Number one problem with the M95. When you fire it, even when you don't hit me, I will typically be able to know a very good estimate of which direction you are. After that its guesswork on where you are, as I wait for the next time you fire and that snapcrack goes off. The m24, 88, and svd make less noise and are a bit harder to locate I hate to say.
^^^If you are dealing with a good sniper, you wont live after the first shot, and when you go to the place you thought the sniper had been, a nice claymore awaits you
Just joking, no disrespect, I know I suck:)

Last edited by (HUN)Rudebwoy (2006-01-03 11:03:25)

+0|6761|Ontario, Canada
Rudebwoy .. yea that's generally a good idea.. never know your enemy know where you are .. if you miss relocate slightly .. if you are spotted place a claymore and find another spot to pick them off .. or you can grenade toss if they run towards you.. I just started playing sniper and I'm loving it. m24 ftw..
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6726|Tampa Bay Florida
I like all of the sniper rifles, I guess it depends on what mood I'm in.  Generally I'll go with M24 and originals, every once in a while I'll pick the M95.  I'm the annoying sniper that somehow gets onto your carrier and snipes you out of the cockpit just as you're taking off I love doing that.  Then I relocate and the enemy commander wastes a whole arty mission just for me lmao.  I got my veteran sniper combat badge while using m24. Oh and btw Tyferra those are some good points you brought up, but you have to realize that almost everyone who doesn't pay attention to past experiences uses the M95.  The original rifles are by far a minority.  As for you inexperienced snipers out there, unless you know you can hit your target, ALWAYS wait for them to be stationary, or moving from or towards you.  And also be aware of the surroundings of your target, me and my friend were sniping on sharqi peninsula and my friend couldn't hit these 2 MEC which were capping the flag at the Construction site.  I look up at the building and see the 2 gas tanks, shot one with the M95, 2 instant kills it was brilliant, thats probably my smartest move to date.  lol Sniping is good for the soul!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <3 Sniping

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-01-03 17:27:55)

+41|6772|200m out and smiling at you.
Type 88!!!!!!!!

Chinese snipers own. 'nuff said

btw for anyone who doesn't believe in bullet drop.... just take a look at my sig.

And I use almost exclusively unless I'm PLA and I just stick with the Type 88
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6753|Riva, MD
I hate it, it's ugly, it's less likely to blend in with the surroundings, and I can't hit anything with it.  I love my M95.  When you actually do hit someone through the window, it's one of the most satisfying feelings you can have in the game.  It's also a good feeling knowing you already have it and a lot of people are going to have to work hard to get it.  They look at your gun and think, "I wish I had that.".
+0|6725|Reykjavik, Iceland
honestly, i think the M24 and M95 are more or less the same, sure M95 might do more damage, and be able to get a hit from further away, but i see very little difference between the two. The thing i think is cool is that i can shoot through cockpits...
_j5689_ wrote:

They look at your gun and think, "I wish I had that.".

Well, when once I was sniping with the m95, a teammate ran next to me and popped me with 2 bursts of his m16a2. I asked what the hell he was doin and he said he needed the gun, it is nothing personal...

I found him 2 times , stabbed him in the back 2 times and said, it was nothing personal, just seeing him die made me feel better... ass.

Last edited by (HUN)Rudebwoy (2006-01-05 17:20:07)

+224|6721|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i have the m24 it is amazing compared to the m95, dont get me wrong the m95 is a very good gun but the m24 is alot faster shoting and the crosshair are alot thin making it eaisier to line up head shot ect.  i dont have the m95 my self but i used it on a differnt profile.  the only way i use the m95 is if there is a heli comeing down to cap a flag errr... something like that.  i don't have any unlocks but i am close on my way.  the m95 is the next unlozk then the medic is after.

shikimoribito wrote:

Why people keep saying things such as bullet drop? that doesn't exist in the game. IMO the M95 lacks a little bit off accuracy due to its huge crosshair but can become very handy with hovering choppers . I usually use the default sniper rifle of the team that I'm in with any problem at all.
YES there is bullet drop. Have you ever tried sniping distance of 300m+?
Heres the main reasons why the M95 is better than M24:
1) It DISREGARDS body armor (supply and assault class), so you ALWAYS do 95 dmg
2) It has a predictable bullet drop at long ranges and has marking to assist with bullet drop
3) It can shoot through glass
4) It can pentrate armor (eg machine gun turrets)
5) When the enemy sees [M95] pop on the screen they get a little bit giddy.

My favorite thing to do with the M95 is to camp the mec base on Oman and completely disable all air operations of MEC.
+3|6777|Alberta, Canada
For all you snipers out there, I have a question about the SVD.  If you aim for the head, which part of the sight needs to be on the head?  Is it the tip of the arrow, so not the arrow itself but slightly above it? or the very top corner of the arrow itself?
I cant seem to consistently get headshots with it.
+86|6713|Central California

P3R3K wrote:

shikimoribito wrote:

Why people keep saying things such as bullet drop? that doesn't exist in the game. IMO the M95 lacks a little bit off accuracy due to its huge crosshair but can become very handy with hovering choppers . I usually use the default sniper rifle of the team that I'm in with any problem at all.
YES there is bullet drop. Have you ever tried sniping distance of 300m+?
Proof that there's bullet drop:

That video is the short version. There's a longer more indepth version at; search for bullet drop.
+41|6772|200m out and smiling at you.

Tcx_1 wrote:

For all you snipers out there, I have a question about the SVD.  If you aim for the head, which part of the sight needs to be on the head?  Is it the tip of the arrow, so not the arrow itself but slightly above it? or the very top corner of the arrow itself?
I cant seem to consistently get headshots with it.
The very tip of the top arrow.
Here's why most of the points made by P3RK3 aren't valid:

1) body armor plays no role in killing with either weapon... two M24 shots or one head shot, two M95 shots or one head shot kill... body armor or not
2) I've found no evidence, despite ALL the controversy, of bullet drop with either gun... no matter my elevation or theirs, if they are in RANGE (visible at all through the crosshairs) I've always placed the crosshair right on their head with success despite those variables. Point being if it does exist, its not a big factor at all, though I haven't noticed ANY with the M24
3) it can shoot through glass... no argument with this one, though I can count on one hand the number of rifle kills I've had through glass... I'd need almost 3000 fingers and toes to count the other rifle kills
4) the machine gun turret armor thing, just not true. go ahead, try it in a LAN or with a friend.
5) giddy? well, whatever. I don't think anyone gets 'giddy' when they get killed, regardless of the weapon used.

your preference is the M95, all well and good, unfortunately there's little reason to support that preference as being a superior weapon.

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Well ive unlocked the M95.. I use it all the time, just because its sounds so bad ass and it Looks bad ass =p.
What can I say?..
At last!!! someone who hasn't fallen victim to the mind control effects of the M24.  I find the M95 more accurate at long ranges than the greasy looking M24.  The M95 has also claimed the heads of countless vodnik and humvee drivers and their gunners.  It shoots better.  It looks cooler.  It sounds better.  It its scope rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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