My most memorable moment happened about 4 days ago. Myself and another clan mate were playing titan, I don't remember the map, all I remember was Having a 96 Score and 43 for 12 K. That might not seem like of points to most good players, but it was the way I got it. We had been taking silos like we always do at the beginning of a round. Our team had really no control over them our shield went down first. So we posted up on our titan. They came at it hard at first it was only Me, my clan mate, and the Commander on the Titan. I received 3 Titan Defend Badges (7 titan defend points) with only like 3 deaths. After our entire team showed up to defend our titan. The two of us started taking silos we took them all back with the help of a couple other squads that came with us. The enemy shield goes down and we are on it almost immediately. With myself as recon and my clan mate as resupply we took out all 4 consoles the two of us held the core with C4 and Claymores and his sentry gun we mowed down everyone that tried to take the core it was great, I was giggling like a little girl . It was so much fun By the end of the round I had 3 Distinguished Combat Efficiency pins, 3 Titan Defend Badges, 3 Explosive Efficiency Pin, Titan Combat Excellence Badge Gold, Titan Destruction Achievement Badge Gold, and the Gold Medal ending up with a total 2393 Career Points putting me in the Running for Supreme Commander. Whoooooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!