doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Wow, at least one post in this thread that's not to be considered fanboy-ism (okay, adding the "me2"-post from David makes 2).
I really, really don't understand why someone can say "nothing sucks about this mod" and still not turn all purple or something.
I played with zeidmaan and a few others earlier this week. Yes, there was some sort of communication, at least between our squadleader, zeid, me and, occasionally, a fourth guy. The other two weren't talking and basically doing their own thing, except for when they needed our SL as spawn point.
We were US on Al Basrah and basically got handed our asses to us really, really bad.
The four guys in our squad that sticked together had died more than 100 times (summed up) at the end of the round, that makes 50 minutes of staring at the respawn screen by default respawn time, not calculating in the personal penalty time.
All squadmembers went through situations as described there, even more than once: … 6#p1416306My lesson from that was: teamwork can't keep you from dying in this mod. Totally not.
That sucks.
The respawn time sucks.
The personal dying penalty time sucks, for reasons described above.
The balancing sucks.
This does not suck:
doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
Rally points when the SL know how they are
Yes, definitely.
doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
The field bandage pack thingie
A gimmick, barely more. If your squad's medics both died, you might not be able to get yourself enough time to wait for their re-arrival to get fully healed, you'll just be forced to spend more time watching your vision get blurry and listening to your alter-ego coughing and then losing consciousness. Wow.
doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
the special kits
Yes. I'm not a vBF2 sniper, but did pretty good with a picked up sniper (or marksman?) kit in this mod earlier this week. The thought of a team full of those scares the shit out of me. The limited availability of some other kits doesn't seem that much reasonable to me.
doctastrangelove1964 wrote:
you can spawn on cars and APCs
Which is possible in 2142, too, yet less of a risk because even if your pilot or driver is a retard, you won't add another 30+x seconds waiting time after he rammed you into the next best building. I basically like the idea of mobile spawn points, but not fully the way they're implemented.
What I personally like a lot is the accuracy of weapons. Playing too much vBF2 makes one totally forget how accurate these weapons should basically be.
Proud member of a dead community.