+1,230|7161|Alberta, Canada

I was just wondering how you guys stay alive for such a long time in a round, so you can manage to get like 20 kills and around 5-10 deaths? I either spawn and get killed by a spawn camper (unfortuneately its always the last spawn points, or i spawn and get hit by arty. and there are guys everywhere and i die alot. thats why my k/d ratio is 0.75

how do you guys stay alive for so long? what are your tactics?
<b|k> lukie
Stay in background, use your teammates as distraction. Don't run on open ground, don't use main attack ways use back routes instead and attack from behind.

I personally prefer the AT class, you can fight everything with it. (I once managed to shoot down a bomber with an eryx) But you have to avoid long and mid range combat agains infantry if they move.
+1,230|7161|Alberta, Canada

Thanks. I play medic alot, so i have to run into open ground to revive teammates... thats probably why my k/d ratio is crap.
dont try to be a hero, stay in the middle
The Last Man Standing
Yeah stay back.  People often run into the middle of a battle and get themselves killed, whereas the best thing I usually do is to stay back until I can see most the them have moved off, before circling round and flanking them.  Real world tactics seem to work in the game too, so think before you act, and you should stay alive for longer.
My way
i often have 23 kills and 2 death
you are much more effective.
that's the way
+1,230|7161|Alberta, Canada

i dont like to use the tanks and apcs alot cuz if you use them for the whole round, its kinda boring cuz its so easy to kill sumone. but thanks anyways.
Death StatPadder
+228|7087|Human Meat Shield
Well that's really the only way to survive is in vehicles for long periods of time. Don't take obvious routes to the flag.
+0|7112|Copenhagen, Denmark
You can survive as infantry just as well as in a tank, APC, plane etc. Take the advise and stay in the background. Select your kit depending on the situation and you will live longer.
I still do not have a positive K/D ratio as infantry but I am working on it. Since I started to be more carefull in my choice of kit and tactic I die a lot less and get more kills.
Dirtier than thou

ryan_14 wrote:

Thanks. I play medic alot, so i have to run into open ground to revive teammates... thats probably why my k/d ratio is crap.
Nope.  The reason it's crap it because you revive guys you shouldn't.  Be a little more cautious about who you revive.  I play medic primarily and get a good amount of revives, but I'm not stupid about it.

Another useful tactic relating to staying out of the fray.  If an area is being over run spawn at the next point and work towards it.  COMMON EXAMPLE: You are MEC on Karkand.  The US is swarming all over the Hotel point but haven't taken it.  Rather than spawn there and get killed from behind, spawn at the Square and work towards the Hotel.  It's a lot easier to stay alive working in one direction.  When you work linearly like this, you can be fairly sure that no one will be behind you (notice I said fairly sure) and can concentrate mostly in one direction.

Last edited by BiRdMaN829 (2006-01-21 10:20:37)

+1,230|7161|Alberta, Canada

so if a teammate gets shot down in the middle of a road by an apc, dont revive him, just common sense, cuz i'll get shot too. but if an enemy shot him down, take the enemy out first, then revive right?
The Last Man Standing
Not necesserily, just because you cleared out one guy, doesnt mean that thats it.  Becareful in expecially hot areas or spawns.  You have to becareful as a medic because your at your most vulnerable when you go to revive, as most people tend to ignore the world around them.  Kill, check, revive.  You cant save everyone, but you can sure as hell make the other team pay for it in blood.
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7096|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

ryan_14 wrote:

so if a teammate gets shot down in the middle of a road by an apc, dont revive him, just common sense, cuz i'll get shot too. but if an enemy shot him down, take the enemy out first, then revive right?
Exactly, and I suggest that you sprint out and dive at the body when reviving, then get back up and run for cover. There can often times be snipers looking for easy kills by watching dead bodies for approaching medics.
+1|7080|Beastmanville, Skeletorland
Bunnyjump around the map with your medpacks out
No place like
+76|7014|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
when i play sharqi 64 i always go medic, i usually only get 10 kills 10 deaths, but always get 20+ revive/heals, i once got 100+ points 6 times in a row on it, what i do is just follow the action, stay in back ground, sprint out and revive then get back in cover, my sharqi br is from medic, 112

Last edited by .ACB|_Cutthroat1 (2006-01-21 11:09:41)

chose the kit that situation requires, also, don't strike and armor from the same spot twice, if you see an attack chopper, better hide then you can attack it from bahind or scape,
2 days a go i was playing in sharqy as sniper, and i had 20 kills and 0 deaths, and we were kicking the mec's butt big time, none of the enemies realized from where i was shooting at (it was a really obvious place thoug) but then i got killed by a tank, cuase an assaul guy saw all the kills i was getting, and he wanted to kill some too, so he ran and went prone next to me but l the tank didn't saw us at first, but then this braind dead noob started to shoot at the tank with the g3 (tank got us with a shell)
so what i mean with this is, don't stan so close to teammates cause that make you a better target, for tanks,arty and noob tubers, also he can give away your position (like what happened to me)
also you can stay alive the whole round but not kill much, so vehicules are better for big kills strikes

survive by always staying behind cover and close to UAV

throw packs out b4 u need them


EDIT:  nothing wrong with being in the "mix" of battle, as long as you have UAV and can time the arty strike!

Last edited by WaGoN_aTTacK (2006-01-21 12:24:48)


jonsass wrote:

Bunnyjump around the map with your medpacks out
u should be hung drawn and quartered

just be sensible bout who u revive and when u run out into the middle of a street
The All Rounder
+22|7077|Rotherham, England
DON'T play on feggin karkand or sharqi or mashtuur everytime. Everyone know these maps are very crowded and even the best players get killed often. Try playin other maps which will improve your knowledge of how the game works and it will become second nature what to do in certain situations, so that when you go back to city maps, you'll find yourself hanging back and using flanking manoeuvers to try and outsmart your enemy rather than just running at them with your n00b tube in hand, getting 2 kills then dying.

Also make use of the vehicles, even if you don't like using them sometimes its neccesary to survive.

Last edited by mjw (2006-01-21 12:31:44)

+0|6992|Western Mass
Like the guy said, always be in a vehicle.  Even if you just grab a jeep or a buggy, you are way more effective.  You come to the CP's much faster, you have some armoring that will protect you from the average long/medium range shooter, and you have some kickass machine guns with unlimited ammo.  You pull a jeep into a CP, hit F2, and chances are you will be able to hold of most of the infantry till some teammates show up to back you up.  (Which they probably won't because they want all the points from a fresh CP, but that's for another thread.)

The word vehicle seems to equal armor/air to some of you guys.

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