
"Being thin doesn't automatically mean you're not fat," … fat_people

I say we all just eat and drink what we want.
Yes, that is so true; being thin doesn't mean that you are lean. Have you ever seen those thin girls in hot pants and displaying cellulite? F'kin gross.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7015|Cologne, Germany

hm, when looking at myself, it seems to be evident, I am fat on the outside and on the inside...

someone bring me a MRI machine.

Seriously though, science seems to get weirder each day. Best idea is probably not to eat anything at all. Only way to be on the safe side, it seems.
Support fanatic :-)

B.Schuss wrote:

Seriously though, science seems to get weirder each day. Best idea is probably not to eat anything at all. Only way to be on the safe side, it seems.
I`m sure a couple of generations of children in Africa don`t agree fully on that one
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Varegg wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

Seriously though, science seems to get weirder each day. Best idea is probably not to eat anything at all. Only way to be on the safe side, it seems.
I`m sure a couple of generations of children in Africa don`t agree fully on that one
The Lizzard
All they're saying is if you eat crap and you're skinny it doesn't mean you're getting away with it
Chanetoy Dugali
+309|6884|Groningen / Netherlands
i once heard that the chance of getting a fatal incident is bigger then you dieing of fatness just to name it that
Cool member
Science and scientists are going to come out with something new like this all the time. One week they are telling us that something is good, then the next someone else is telling us that it is bad.

truth is, everything is bad for us and everything is good for us. But you just have to watch out how much of both you are getting.

no McD's at all, you are missing out on some good grub.

two McD's in two days, not the best food to be eating, but will not kill me.

eating McD's as snacks between meals is eventually going to catch up on you and kill you.
+3,611|6794|London, England
Some fat is needed for warmth, protection of vital organs and bouyancy.

The other shit that hangs off peoples thigh's and chins is simply because they eat too much and the body has to store that food energy somewhere because it isn't used in exercise. So it stores it as fat. End of story. You're not fat because of genes, you're not fat because of a disease. You're fat because you eat too much McDonalds (and because you wanted too, nobody forced you) and because you're lazy.

It's funny how all of a sudden everything is related to genes. If that's so, then where the hell has this gene been since the last 10,000 or so years. You're saying it just popped up out of nowhere right now, how convenient that this sleeper gene decides to make people fat in the era of fast food and remote controls.
+127|6519|Twyford, UK
Yet more evidence that dieting sucks.

I eat what I want and then worry about burning it off later.
Cool member

Mekstizzle wrote:

You're fat because you eat too much McDonalds (and because you wanted too, nobody forced you) and because you're lazy.
Yeah I am starting to hate when I hear TV shows talk about people becoming a victim of fast food. HOW the hell did that happen?! I mean did a kebab jump up from the counter with a shotgun and tell someone to eat it? NO! they chose to eat it. Fair enough the fat can sneak up on you. "sneak up on you!" - you say?

yeah in a way you dont notice putting on weight, or you dismiss it because you are not really thinking about it. then after a while you get a photo taken and realise that you are a ball of lard with a couple of drinks in your hand sweating like a pig on a fire. But there are no excuses for not doing anything about it.

I am talking from experience here by the way. Lost 3 stone now in 9 months, by going to the gym and playing soccer.

Mek wrote:

It's funny how all of a sudden everything is related to genes. If that's so, then where the hell has this gene been since the last 10,000 or so years. You're saying it just popped up out of nowhere right now, how convenient that this sleeper gene decides to make people fat in the era of fast food and remote controls.
I dont think there is a fat gene that makes people fat, but i do believe that fat people are different from thinner people. I have always thought that I do not have the ability to tell if i am full or not. I mean I go out with my mates, who are skinnier, and we have a meal. usually everyone has a similar meal and at the end of it some of them say they are full, were as I could still eat more and would like to eat more.

I think this is some sort of "gene" ish in the body/mind which can cause people to become overweight. However, I also think that the vast majority of the fat problem is down to poor parenting and not controlling what kids are eating. If you bring kids up knowing that they are allowed one packet of crisps after dinner, then they will have one packet. I grew up being allowed to eat what I wanted, so I would have 4 packets after dinner.

SO Parents, control your kids.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

I had a very "petite" girlfriend once. She had green eyes. I told her once that green eyes were actually blue eyes that had a thin layer of fat at the back of the iris... after I picked myself up off the kitchen floor I vowed never to make that joke again.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+1,153|6804|Washington, DC

Yeah I call it "skinny fat", not fat enough to be rotund but not lean enough to look like a fashion model. I think thats me

Best way is to just use bodyfat caliper tests. If it's over 20, get on the treadmill! If it's under 12, then I hope that you're eating right and have some muscle to show off (amounts respective to your gender please, female bodybuilders look scary!)

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