Delurking to Express.

Im starting to despise this game been plying since mid Nov, dont get me wrong I love playing BF2  and its the 1st game ive ever played online. BUT ITS NO LONGER FUN.

I cant get a positive kill/death ratio.
I cant get more that 7 kills a round with 15 -20 deaths.
I unload 2 rds into an enemy at it takes him one shoot to kill me. I couldnt hit the side of a barn.

When I try to get my kill ratio up, I try to heli-whore(i do average flying) OR only to be a gunner(im decent) to a guy who cant fly or wants to kill everything himself..
When im piloting I cant hit a damn thing with missiles
When im piloting Im shot down by a plane-whore in 3 seconds.
When I want a Heli I can never get one, and no one will ever get into a Blackhawk.

When I try to Tank-whore Im blown to pieces in 3 seconds, yet an opposition tank can run wild and rack up 20 kills. Same with APC.

Then we come to MY PEAK FRUSTRATION... players of BF2.

I hate the stat padding fuckers on the Karkand Clusterfuck, i mean someone's taken The suburb but noooo we'll stay and pad.
I hate capturing a CP and the only people who come to support are the enemy. Mainly because half the team is still on the carrier trying to whore something.

I hate being in a squad and the squad doesnt work together. I really enjoy the teamwork aspect.( i dont have VoIP though it shouldnt matter)
I hate being a Squad leader and the squad doesnt work together.
I dont mind being commander, except when squads wont do what you want, i mean we can see the entire Battfield yet they dont listen.
Why dont people use commo to spot the enemy instead of letting them knife you in the back, Its especially helpful while in a plane?

Im FRUSTRATED beyond belief... what should I do?

I dont think im good enough to join a clan although it would be good.
Should I buy special forces??
I get a pretty high ping round 270 on US/Euro servers which limits me to ones i can play. Doesnt affect my plying all that much.
Im still on original BF2 with the Patch 1.03. should I get an updated one and get a change of scenery. Im just worried about coming up against guys with ranks 50 times better than me.
I dont want to stop playing, is there anyone who has been through this.

Sry for the length. Any advice PLEASE. U'll find my stats under Craglyeye.
My advice to you would be to find a clan.  They will give you the support you need.  They will help you learn what your strengths are and learn to play to your strengths.  They will also give you the support to cover you weaknesses.  Playing just with pickup squads can be annoying.  Many people in squads just lone wolf with the squad leader as a mobile spawn.
Over the line!
+70|6756|Mark it zero.
yeah find a clan, or get your friends to play it. i rarely play this game by myself. its just more fun with people you know. there are many clans out there that could care less about your skills in the game, they just want you to be a team player and a nice person. i highly suggest finding a clan like that, it will make the game so much better.
+101|6683|Southern California
yep - you need a headset and QUICK! part of VoIP is the great training you'll get from many good players. Join or form a permanent squad or clan, meet regularly, play in the same VoIP squad for 50 hrs then you will see a difference. Any noble clan will recruit you. I think what is most important is that you have fun - ignore the stat points and the people who obsess over them. This game is supposed to be fun damnit!!!

Never drive a tank without other people in support around you, fly at your own risk... oh and if you can't beat the enemy head-to-head then go around him and blow up the UAV, steal a tank and wreak havoc on his supply routes.

btw what are your system stats? If you have a slow connection/slow video/slow monitor/low RAM/slow CPU then ppl will be ever so slightly ahead of you in the game.
+10|6702|Memphis, Tn
Dude, you need to update to the latest version of the game, that's why you can't find servers with low ping, and that is probably one of the reasons you get owned, your ping is to high, always play on servers with your ping being 100 or less.
Eug, 270 ping? there is your problem! anything over 100 and I find it near impossible to hit what I'm aiming at with anything less than a tank (well, could have been a bad server but once with a ping of 150 I had to lead a target by a good half second to hit them). Thats prob why you have trouble shooting things and seem to die so fast, it is possible to kill in one bullet but doesnt happen that often (have to hit the face, not the helmet from what I understand)

Dont expect squads to work together unless your with friends, if they do great, but more often than not you will need to learn to survive on your own.

Your kill ratio will increase as your skills increase, a large part of getting a positive kill ratio is learning the flow of the maps, if you dont know where the enemy will be then you will be shot in the back every time. Also learn which kits work well with your play style and try to learn the basic play style required to play the AT kit effectivly (I cant count the number of times I've been on a team with nobody willing to give up their fav kit to take out the tank tearing them up, learn how to fight them).

As for helo's, I'm still working on being able to fly them myself, heh... But if you have a gunner leave the kills to their TV Missiles, dont worry about your rockets. If there is a good jet pilot who is attempting to clear the air rather than just bombing all day give up on the helo unless your team has a jet pilot who is working on keeping the enemy jet down. A helo wont take out a jet unless your lucky, so if the jet wont go away and nobody on your team is in your jet to take them down eaither grab your jet or just ground pound and avoid em. If you cant get a jet and the enemy is a good bomber, just leave the server its not worth it.

You want to use a tank? Learn where to aim, if you run into an enemy tank you have to know exactly where to shoot if you want to win the battle. Stay away from tight streets or dead ends unless you want to make friends with an AT Mine/C4/AT Missile very quickly. In the open the only infantry you have to worry about is AT, but in the open you should be able to take them out before they get you, if your tank is damaged repair it. Thats how enemy tanks get 20 kills in a row.

I dont get what you mean about spotting the enemy, I'll often spot tanks/apc's, but if I see an infantry I'll kill them rather than waste time spotting. The commander can use spotting to good effect if people ever acually look at their radar (from my experiance more often than not they dont or simply dont care about preventing an enemy from slipping passed them). And spot while in a plane? err... sounds like a good way to crash to me.

There are clans out there who dont have skill req's, and lots of helpful players if you can find them. And IMO clans with skill req's are generally some of the poorer gamers and good to stay away from anyways. They care to much about winning, not enough about enjoying the game. For purchasing SF, I would say buy it if you want to play the new maps or really want one of the new unlocks, it adds little other than that. And your playing patch 1.03? cant be very many people playing that version maybe your problem is you just dont have a large enough player base to compete against. From my experiance in other games the players that play on older patches are often the ones who have been playing a long time and prefer the older patch because they play better on it than the newer ones and know all the tricks under it.

Still, my best advice for increasing your ratio is learn the flow of the maps and keep a constant eye on who controls what flags so you wont have enemies shoot you in the back and learn how to take out/avoid anything bigger than a jeep unless your in armor yourself.

Hope you found something helpful in my rambling.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6848|Cologne, Germany

update your game, buddy.

Also, this site has some great gameplay tips in the "featured posts" section.

As stated above, joining a clan would be good. Training regularly with the same group of people will make you better.
Thanks guys any more advice will be great.

Pentium 4 3.0ghz
1G ram runing dual channel
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256mb
A western digital SATA 120gig

I use medium graphic settings and im in the 1st 5 people on the map. I can on (USMC)Wake be in the tank on the north Villiage and be capturing the flag before the Heli's come and blow me away.

512kbs connection speed. Its very difficult to get 2000k connection down here. So lets not rag out on that please.

The 270 ping would prolly not be any smaller unless I was playing on a local(Aussie server) and... I aint seen any. So i gotta play on servers 8000 to 12000k away

Wild1234 some stuff is stuff i know i know my maps reaonable well, but even when i know theres an enemy i still get wasted, in one shot.

About the spotting i dont mean from a plane i mean for it and letting people know that there is a guy around you. Was playing Kark 2day and there was a sniper(my team) up on the hill, and watched as a guy come up behind me and knifed. 

Heres another one for you, i was in a tank on Kark blowing way everything doing quite well. i get damaged roll back to the market and constantly asking the commander for supplies. he was even standing next to me. instead AT missile right in the ass. Because he was to busy supplying the Stat padders.
+10|6702|Memphis, Tn
You will get a larger selection of servers with low ping if you update your game to 1.12, because almost all servers are running the newest version, go get it now, that is your main problem! I guarantee that you will see a difference.
Listen to Plaid_Retina.  I'm pretty surprised that you are even finding enough 1.03 servers to play on.  Your selection will be much wider on the updated version.
+42|6851|Waikato, Aotearoa
Another tip - stay with the Aussie and Kiwi servers. IMHO there is no point in trying to play in Europe or the US.
Your ping WILL go up, and most of us kiwis and aussies play pretty fair with little use of hax tools.
From what I have read in these forums, most of the "stat frantic" dickheads who only care about their stats and a "Win At All Costs" attitude are found in the US and Europe. No offence to those Americans and Europeans that do play fair.
Try using the Xtra and ICONZ kiwi servers. DSL connection should give you about a 50-100 ping time.
When I play online, I have no probs with players on Xtra and ICONZ.

And update your version of BF2

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-01-20 00:47:02)


BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Thanks guys any more advice will be great.

Pentium 4 3.0ghz
1G ram runing dual channel
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256mb
A western digital SATA 120gig
Another 1G of ram will go a long way if you're ready to upgrade the game.

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Heres another one for you, i was in a tank on Kark blowing way everything doing quite well. i get damaged roll back to the market and constantly asking the commander for supplies. he was even standing next to me. instead AT missile right in the ass. Because he was to busy supplying the Stat padders.
You will allways run into bad commanders, did the commander or the enemy shoot you there? heh... Sometimes you just have to wait for the suplies to refill, also if your not a squad leader the request wont go to his command map so it might be hard for him to notice in the middle of a battle if you wernt one. I think you just found the problem with the server your playing on, if your playing with a bunch of stat padders leave and find a new game. If I do a search for servers with players on them in prime time (USA) I will get about 1000 servers to show up. Update your game as others have said and you should have a much eaiser time finding a server that you like.

And if you really want to do some tank damage on karkand, team up with a friend, both play engi and have one of you in the APC other in the tank;) Now if you get 3 engi's in your convoy you will repair faster than most things can damage you, muahaha.
+3|6709|Essen - Germany
I know what you are talking about, when I registered here on December 22nd last year I had a K/D-Ratio of 0.45 and couldn't even see the barn I was supposed to hit

People here gave me some clues on what to do and I got some encouraging words that practice is the key to getting better.

Now my SPM is already up to 0.81 from 0.61 and my K/D-Ratio rose to 0.75

And you know how this happened?
I didn't go out there and worried about any of my stats, I went onto the Bettlefield to have fun, fun and fun.

It is exciting to be on a map firing around and taking fire and all. Who worries about stats?
I know I never ever will be in the top 10 list, but who cares?

I suck as almost every class, but as long as I have fun it is ok for me.

And there are those moments that really boost your morale. Having a commander that suddenly tells you that supplies are ready for me and my squad if I need them makes you feel good, since the commander is happy with you even if you die more often than you kill.
Teampoints are what count Healing, Reviving, Resupplies, Repairs and all that.

Sometimes I join a squad and they are spread all over the map and they do not work together, or the leader is in a jet all the time. I try to make the best of it. Tag along with some guys from another squad and help them clear out an area, healing them, reviving them and so on.
Sometimes I am squadleader and no one listens to what I say, so I tag along with other guys that go into the direction I am planning to go.

Having squads that work together is awesome. Had that on Sharqi just yesterday evening. Supporters gave covering fire, medic ran around and healed and the assaulter advanced into the street to clear out the hidden MECs. It was such a blast.

BF2 is fun for me, either when I am on my own or when in a working squad.
Just don't worry about the stats, they will change all by themselves

See ya,
J-10 whore
Oh i got 200 over ping and i can even get a IAR score of 100:P
Find someone to play with

I am almost the same - the game is starting to get old mainly because of players (TK you for vehicles; commanders fly and fight themselves instead of giving commands; squads will NOT do what u tell them; if I am a driver in a chopper and raising my nose, somehow the gunner figures that he should shoot around in case a duck flows by or something, etc.) However, when my buddy comes over with his comp, and sits next to me, and we fight - it becomes a lot of fun because we can communicate and help each other out.  I also have a bunch of fun when I play with my wife (she is a killer as a gunner in chopper).
Communication is very important in choppers. I guess thats why i see on many servers a new rule: "pilots have to be on teamspeak".
I, personally, don't use teamspeak mainly because I was tired of listenning to some kids yelling at me because they dided, or giving me orders in a very young, girl-like voice, so I decided screw the teamspeak.

Just try to play with someone. I saw a while ago that a bunch of players from this forum exchange xfire names so they can play together, try that. May be if u play with them, you will finally find that teamwork.

Hope this helps in some way.

Enjoy the game, and see u on battlefield
+101|6683|Southern California
Cragle is it possible that besides ping you have too many background applications bogging you down? Virus scanning set on high etc. have your cleaned up your system, deleted temp files, defragged and run spyware?

Again don't get wrapped around the K : D, our top clan member is still upsidedown on K : D because he sucked until about 15K global score then turned it around. If he could reset his stats after the 15K mark he would be very high K : D.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-01-20 08:25:49)

Thank guys I appreciate all you've had to say.

But in a quick "Yes" "No" is it gonna be worth my while to move up to Special Forces.
dude if u wanna use the tank properly read the guide to  using a tank on here. i read it and got 110 in a round its realy good, and any of the other guides around here
+10|6702|Memphis, Tn

BF2Craglyeye wrote:

Thank guys I appreciate all you've had to say.

But in a quick "Yes" "No" is it gonna be worth my while to move up to Special Forces.
Yes, for the gun unlocks, and a couple of the maps are fun.
+101|6683|Southern California
Don't buy SF until you like BF2 better and feel more confident
not to tell you not to buy SF, but if you don't get "better" (for a lack of better words), SF will discourage you. it sounds like you are looking for points at this time in the game. SF is cool and has some kick ass maps, and i'm sure you will enjoy playing some different maps with new weapons. but you will more than likely get your ass handed to ya until you "learn" the new maps. if you do get SF, just remember that...

you want points???? just whore...  medic - heal, and revive the shit outa everyone and everything that moves, or go with support or engineer and throw ammo bags everywhere, or wrench the shit outta everything and get a few kills in between.

you want kills?? well, practice. maybe go in single player or non ranked server (so your k/d ratio desn't go south) and practice with the different kits till you find what works for you.

main thing-----have fun! that's what you bought the game for isn't it?? standing there in the store thinking "this looks cool, can't beat a game where you are killing shit. i bet this would be fun". plus you get all these shiny things as a bonus.

just my 2 cents worth.
Don't Flame
+20|6751|St. Paul, MN
If you're not having fun the way you're playing, and I could see why you wouldn't be, try an alternative playing style. you don't need to have 80 points in a round to have fun. try shockpaddling some people or see if you can crush a sniper with a supply box. do something absurd that would make you laugh. put people in awkward situations. t bag every unconsious player you see. put c4 on helicopter blades and see the spinning halo of red skulls. how can you put c4 on a tanks viewing hatch so it can't see anything? find out!
try doing stuff like this for a while and see if you can play better afterwards. being in a good mood makes a big difference in performance.
Thanks guys.

The only thing I want in the way of stats wise is to get the kill/death ratio up.

The rest will come.

Ive read every strategy guides on this site and others. I mean ive been lurking here for a good 2mths

Its just really just frustrating. Coupled with Noobs and smacktards.

I d/l the 1.12 patch, installed, and found me a local server, and was pinging at 40.

I was hitting anything that moved, i almost cried(not really, but it was cool)  I even shot down a Heli moving away from me, with the tank cannon.

So this is what it feels like to be GOD.

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